Not sure if anyone will want to read everything that I posted seeing as it's extremely long. Fully expecting a ton of TL;DR, but I felt it was necessary to post my recollection of the entire event. Seeing as it was my first actual major I thought it would be cool to give my point of view of everything that went down as well as how the weekend went for me personally. As I said before, I didn't do this for everyone to read, but I thought it would be cool to post a little rundown of what took place at NEC 13. I also included some pictures that I took as well as events that took place outside of the tournament. I know that Showtime and Matix218 told me to give them a heads up when I posted this so here you go. For the rest of y'all, I didn't proofread a good chunk of it so if you see a couple of grammar or spelling mistakes that is why. I hope my fellow TYMers enjoy my post and give me feedback on this recollection. I give shoutouts to all of the people I met like GGA 16 Bit Tom Brady REO and many more. Here is the link to my rundown of this past weekend at NEC: