Red Venom
The Main Man of TYM
For all of the knowledge I've amassed, the combos I've strived to perfect, the mix-ups, and tech I've learned it has all gone down the drain. It's gone down the drain because in a match I lose all sense of awareness. Good players, I would expect have this mentality where they make conscious decisions on how they want to react within a split second, but for me it simply isn't possible. I dash when I'm closer than I should and get punished, I get scared because I'm getting zoned out so I Hook Charge and get punished. I can't input the special move fast enough to make a string safe I get punished. I lack basic fundamentals and because of it my game suffers. Realistically, how many of you playing IGUA walk in against your opponents? The game is so fast paced it almost seems impossible to hold a neutral position against a high caliber player. I've played matches against people how strictly rush down and I can't react or wake-up to anything. I've played other matches where players will keep me out of my effective range, and punish me for trying to get in after absorbing tons of chip damage. How do I develop a deeper neutral game and make my overall fundamentals better? Any advice is appreciated.