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My "Hi" Post, Prolly should have been first...


Hey All -

Umm, I've been out of the MK loop for longer than most of you, I'd imagine. The last time I played a lot of MK was the second iteration. So, yeah, I was more interested in buckets of blood and burning my quarters. :D

Anyways, thought I'd try to get a leg up on the new release since I hadn't had the time to play the various unmentionable fighters with stuff going on. I'm loving it so far. Been putting in time on Kano.

Seems a lot of my local guys have kind of written the game off as "Oh, it's MK." sort of like it's more of passing amusement. I hope that's not what ends up being the case.

I know online isn't the best, but unless some interest is generated. . . I WILL play XBL, gamertag is there. Feel free to add me. I don't make any promises about being good, yet, but I'd like to learn.

Sully Out

- OH, and if anyone notices at all. I'm making an attempt to at least get a little MK9 skunkworks thing going on in SoVA (Hampton Roads). Hit me up.