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Most used character online so far?


End Of Humanity
Do you rly care ? Most of them suck anyway ....

Its like mk online , full of scorpions, laos , cage's but 90% of them sucks


Haha. Yeah I have OCD. I have notepads for everything (soccer & baseball stats for fantasy leagues, video game stuff, languages I'm learning, beer snobbiness, etc etc).

One of the things that interests me most about a fighting game at launch is the player pool and what characters they are picking and why because I always have to be a lesser used character..its retarded..but yes its a habit. I love being the underdog.

So far I'm surprised that there aren't too many Batman and there is a good diversity. Poor Cyborg gets no love so I'm starting to put a lot of work into him but I might drop him, he is probably the worst character in the game ATM.


The Terminator
Deathstroke, deathstroke, deathstroke and aquaman. I see so many people being deathstroke its makes me not want to be him, i have resulted to maining doomsday lol


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
1. Superman (Ton of Superman spammers in the lobbies that I join)
2. Black Adam
3. Ares
4. Nightwing
5. Deathstroke
6. Batman
7. Flash
8. Joker
9. Harley Quinn
10. Green Lantern

These are all rough estimations of course.




My blades will find your heart
Haha. Yeah I have OCD. I have notepads for everything (soccer & baseball stats for fantasy leagues, video game stuff, languages I'm learning, beer snobbiness, etc etc).

One of the things that interests me most about a fighting game at launch is the player pool and what characters they are picking and why because I always have to be a lesser used character..its retarded..but yes its a habit. I love being the underdog.

So far I'm surprised that there aren't too many Batman and there is a good diversity. Poor Cyborg gets no love so I'm starting to put a lot of work into him but I might drop him, he is probably the worst character in the game ATM.
I am the same way. I wanted to play Grundy but I cant play characters everyone else is playing.

Really enjoying Catwoman though so its aight


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
In reverse, the least played that I've seen include:

1. Lex Luthor
2. Cyborg
3. Hawkgirl
4. Raven
5. Killer Frost
6. Aquaman
7. Sinestro
8. Doomsday
9. Captain Marvel
10. Bane

I'm maining Hawkgirl, Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, and Green Lantern (In the order of most mained).


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
So far i've only fought 2 other batmans, i've fought joker, and harley a lot tho....i really need to get good at reacting to deathstrokes swordflip.


Plus on block.
Deathstroke is the only one i've seen a lot of, I see everyone else consistently.

Except: Doomsday(I main him, haven't fought any yet), Raven(like 1), Cyborg(1), Sinestro, Black adam, Wonder Woman, Bane, Shazam.

Reptile Orion

A Fire Will Rise.
I have yet to play online yet but these numbers are interesting. I've been focusing on Batman since the game was released but determining who will be my second main. I'm definitely staying away from Deathstroke :D.


Kitana Assassin Main
Deathstroke is incredibly popular... those gunshots...
Batman, superman, aquaman pretty much all the "mans" and "womans" are popular. I haven't seen anyone play: Ares, Raven, Bane or Hawkgirl.


Fabulous Goofball
4. Green Arrow (shocker because he seems low tier)
The thing is, he's actually great, but I'd love to have more people think like you. That way I won't see him used everywhere online.

Anyways the most used character I've seen are:
Black Adam

Least used characters I've seen are:
Lex Luthor
Killer Frost
Wonder Woman


The Only Player On The Wii U
I am a Joker main, and based on like 3 days of playing, I ran into nothing but these characters that did this:

Deathstroke-Literally easiest character to play online if your opponent has any lag whatsoever with his guns
Aquaman-Nearly same reason as Deathstroke with his spear poke, but has close attacks as well. Seems kinda broken actually.
Superman-Fly into corner and lazer chip damage is what nearly everyone has done so far.
Nightwing-Long range staff, poke until far, then spam ground thunder and air shurikens. Really annoying.

Basically every character that has a spammy projectile, big whoop.

Online seems terrible atm, out of like 100 matches I fought like a Bane, a Shazam, a Joker, and a Grundy who didnt just sit in the corner and abuse the lag, those were some of the best matches that I had as well, great guys.


Online recently I mostly see Deathstroke, Catwoman, Harley and Green Lantern. I have seen like 1 Shazam and that was rare.
I also see Bane every now and then.

Never see Raven, Sinestro, WW, Hawkgirl, or Cyborg.


Pretty much Strokemaster, Christenedontuesdaymaster, and Lazereyeballsmaster. Least seen tho I'd have to give it to Floatingmanginamaster. Haven't seen one of those online yet


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
This is a list of character that i've faced the most since getting Injustice on tuesday

1. Batman
2. Deathstroke
3. Superman
4. Green Arrow (shocker because he seems low tier)
5. Killer Frost

What about you?
lol dunno who the hell u are playing but KF's are pretty rare online for me at least. She is an awesome character but I don't think I have ever seen one yet (obviously besides me since I am maining her).