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Most used character online so far?


This is a list of character that i've faced the most since getting Injustice on tuesday

1. Batman
2. Deathstroke
3. Superman
4. Green Arrow (shocker because he seems low tier)
5. Killer Frost

What about you?


I think I've seen Grundy and Shazam more than anyone, followed by like, Nightwing. :s


Get over here!
Deathstroke. Deathstroke. Deathstroke. Haha. I am surprised I don't see a lot of Doomsday or Ravens. They seem top tier quality.


Show me what you can do
Green Lantern low tier? He's really solid from what I've seen.

No Ravens huh? That's interesting, She is really good, guess people don't like the way she looks lol


Robot Blueberry
Everyone and their mother uses Batman (not that I'm surprised).
I have seen a good amount of Deathstrokes and Doomsdays (or at least it feels like it bc Doomsday always woops my ass).


Online » Offline
I feel like everyone has a pocket batman.

I've seen a lot of Nightwing, DS, and some Grundy. I'm soo free to Grundy and his Super.


Too old for this Shit
I feel like everyone has a pocket batman.
Haha.. Very true. I think that is because he was a favorite in the demo. Once the game has some legs under it I think those pocket Batmen will go away... People flock back to him because they are uncomfortable with other characters.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
SMH on all the Deathstroke hate. I understand why now though...after a 30 win streak. But go ahead and play Deathstroke on Very Hard AI. Go see if you can keep them out for more than 5 seconds.


A prop on the stage of life.
Batman...because batman

Deathstroke....because easy wins :D

I'm yet to play a competent deathstroke, but I did play one competent Sinestro. lol


Truth, justice and the American way.
1. Deathstroke
2. Superman
3. Green Lantern
4. Batman

Least used is definitely Cyborg. I've only played him once and I've been putting in 6-8hrs a day since the 12 I put in on release.


SMH on all the Deathstroke hate. I understand why now though...after a 30 win streak. But go ahead and play Deathstroke on Very Hard AI. Go see if you can keep them out for more than 5 seconds.
Oversaturation of a character will make anyone hate them if they're even slightly decent. Just look at the Shotos in SF.


Go to hell.
I have fought one other deathstroke so far and I bodied his ass with Ares. Guess I'm lucky.

I've seen a lot of Superman, Flash, Batman, and Aquaman. Yet to fight a Grundy.


I think I've fought one of every character except for...Killer Frost I think, maybe Selina.

Most used on my end, I got a lot of Deathstroke. Healthy amount of Batman. Actually pretty varied outside of that.


Noob Saibot
Out of the 150 matches that I've played it's mostly been Joker, Green Lantern, Superman, and Green Arrow.

I've only played a handful of Deathstrokes, Batmans, Catwomans, and only one Lex Luthor (bastard ruined my 17 win streak).

I've pretty much dropped Batman and Superman for Aqua and Green Lantern. I feel like its a good combo.


XBL: zydrate101
deathstroke,batnan,aquaman are the ones iv seen the most i havent seen any hawkgirl or ww(except for me she is my main). honestly i have not faced alot of the different characters yet mostly been deathstroke,batman and aquaman people with flash once and ares once.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
I'm soo free to Grundy and his Super.
Yeah, it's pretty boss :D Two things that have been used against me to prevent it"

1. If you continue to rush him down, you'll interrupt his grab start up. I'm not too sure how to get in consistently, but there was a Nightwing who I tried to grab and he kept trading with me. I'll have to test this more

2. The way less meter-efficient but more consistent method would be to activate your super after Grundy activates his. You'll either hit him before he hits you (and perform your super in full) OR Grundy will block, but that will knock him out of his super state


I have written down every character I have faced and how many rimes i faced them and why I lost or won just too get matchups written on paper so I can study them so I can better my strategy. Out of around 250 matches here's my numbers.

Numbers in parenthesis is the number of times I encountered a character. Numbers to the left are how they rank in encounters 1-24.

1. Deathstroke (31)
2. Flash (24)
3-5. Nightwing, Green Lantern, Superman (tied 20)
6-7. Batman, Green Arrow (tied 19)
8. Harley Quinn (17)
9. Shazam (16)
10-13. Aquaman, Catwoman, Doomsday (tied 15)
14. Joker (13)
15-17. Grundy, Bane, Raven (tied 10)
18. Black Adam (9)
19. Hawkgirl (7)
20. Sinestro (6)
21. Ares (5)
22-23. Killer Frost, Lex Luthor (tied 3)
24. Cyborg (2)

I was playing as Hawkgirl, Sinestro, Doomsday and Cyborg.