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Discovery Most damage with one button

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm not at home so i dunno how much damage those are:
J3,db3, s3, exdb3, j3, bd3

Hat Trick
J2, F2~ex bf2, 2~ex bf2, 2~exbf2, f2~bf2

J2, B22~df2, exdd2, f2~exbf2, F2


It's too laggy to poke...
Shaolin starts midscreen ends in corner...

Ji1-111-exdb1-run-Ji1-111-exbd1-run-ji1-111-exdb1-njp1-u1-d1-11-11-db1 42%


Stand 4'ing airplanes out of the sky
I'm not at home so i dunno how much damage those are:
J3,db3, s3, exdb3, j3, bd3

Hat Trick
J2, F2~ex bf2, 2~ex bf2, 2~exbf2, f2~bf2

J2, B22~df2, exdd2, f2~exbf2, F2
Scorpion combo does 29%.

Hat Trick combo does 30%.

Alternate does 25%.


Publicly Educated
Kitana Assasin (Royal Storm has the same combo but less damage)
Jump in 1, 11 ex fan, d1 fan, dash forward F11 lift, jump forward 1 air fan, dash forward F11 fan. Don't know the damage cuz I just made it up

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Variation less Tanya

Mid screen 4 ex BF 4, 4, ex DB4 30%

3, Ex df3 , drop a little jk3, d3, 3, ex DF3, jk3 30%

4, ex bf4 , 4,4, ex db4 35%


Pogo d2, forward pogo d2, njp2, d2, 2, ex bf2 33%
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