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Mortal Kombat vs Injustice


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
MK, but I'm still open to being swayed as the game develops.
i just finished playing mk, the games are so different, hopefully as patches come through they think of movement like walks speed to compensate for the lack of wiff punishing in injustsice, also why aquaman? i would of thought since you mained cage that you would have went the flash route like me and some other cage players.


Online Punching Bag
So far the difference for me is I played bottom tier in Mk9 and could beat decent people often enough, injustice I play mid tier and lose most of the time. :( Not digging all the b3 bouncy bounce shit in injustice.


Grapple > Footsies
I like MK much more. It felt more natural. That being said Injustice is fun. I like alot of things about it (and dislike some things). Seeing the improvements they've made to practice mode, online etc makes me just that more excited for MK10.


After Toryuken, I'll be playing both games more consistently. Probably at a 2/3 IGAU to MK ratio.


Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Online and lack of people to play with were the reasons I stopped playing MK9. But I'm down to play it at any given time if it were offline or I'm playing at a decent connection.

I can't say a good netcode is what I look for though, 'cause if that was the case I'd still be playing SCV now.


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
i just finished playing mk, the games are so different, hopefully as patches come through they think of movement like walks speed to compensate for the lack of wiff punishing in injustsice, also why aquaman? i would of thought since you mained cage that you would have went the flash route like me and some other cage players.
I tried Flash and play him a bit as an alt, but I cannot deny that Aquaman is the whitest character in the game so I must play him. ALMIGHTY NEPTUNE!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
ill still be playing all mks, injustice is just a very good way of killing time until mk10 :D
not taking anything away from injustice though,its very fun and im loving it


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I tried Flash and play him a bit as an alt, but I cannot deny that Aquaman is the whitest character in the game so I must play him. ALMIGHTY NEPTUNE!
LMAO so you only play cage because he was the whitest? lol
A good reason for people and I agree with what zaf said I remember in one post, is that people feel they are getting "a fresh new" start in Injustice: Gods Among Us because they were ass in MK9 and will continue to be ass in Injustice, and are thinking this game will lead them to some hollywood status if they play it enough to become good. Hence, everyone blames MK9 as "broken" when, most players who played it seriously, did well and know how to deal with the stuff.

Even ChrisG said on FingerCramp stream, "if you suck, you will stay sucking, there's nothing to save you".

I personally still like MK, I think it's a bit better than Injustice: Gods Among Us in terms of it's pacing. I like the game because I like superheroes and I like the unique characters.


A good reason for people and I agree with what zaf said I remember in one post, is that people feel they are getting "a fresh new" start in Injustice: Gods Among Us because they were ass in MK9 and will continue to be ass in Injustice, and are thinking this game will lead them to some hollywood status if they play it enough to become good. Hence, everyone blames MK9 as "broken" when, most players who played it seriously, did well and know how to deal with the stuff.

Even ChrisG said on FingerCramp stream, "if you suck, you will stay sucking, there's nothing to save you".

I personally still like MK, I think it's a bit better than Injustice: Gods Among Us in terms of it's pacing. I like the game because I like superheroes and I like the unique characters.
Yup. You pretty much summed it up. I am by no means naming anyone when I said this before nor did I have anyone in mind. BUT this is what it all really boils down to in the end.

Players who were bad at MK9 are bad at it because of themselves. It is not MKs Fault and it will not be cleared up with IGAU.

Players SHOULD continue to play both games and that will probably make them a better player then just playing 1 game.


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
wow thats too funny, am playing flash right now on my stream, he is so similar to cage but different.
Just to clarify I was just trolling :p I chose him in the beginning for his good d2 and have just stuck with him since hes extremely good