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Mortal Kombat vs Injustice


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Throughout the FGC, multiple games are played by multiple scenes. In the Capcom community, it is incredibly common to play Street Fighter, Street Fighter x Tekken, and Marvel, in order to train for competitive play. Some of the higher level players are able to play even more games with varying success(ex: Justin Wong and Chris G). From what I've seen and heard, a vast majority of the MKC has completely dropped Mortal Kombat in order to play Injustice. I often hear that the reason why people quit is because Mortal Kombat was a broken or horrible game (Probably because the game was "holding them back," when many of them weren't fundamentally sound in the first place). So, why isn't the MKC able to play both Mortal Kombat and Injustice? Also, here's some food for thought for you guys who dropped Mortal Kombat to play Injustice (because who needs Mortal Kombat when you have Injustice amirite). If Chris G beats you in an Injustice tournament, or possibly wins more Injustice tournaments, he's doing that while consistently placing well in 3+ games in the same tournament. ;)


fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
id still play mk but after injustice came out theres like 2 people online for mk :(


What I would like to see happen, in a perfect situation, after DLC and patches for Injustice have wrapped up, that NRS realizes that Mortal Kombat is their Street Fighter and seriously considers going back and patching the game the same way Capcom does with SF.

SF4 was released in 2009 and Capcom still supports it to this day with patches. (I believe Ver. 2013 is on the horizon?) I would like to see NRS do the same with MK, release a major patch that would be equivalent to an AE, both downloadable and purchasable as a hard copy. This patch, or re-release, with input from the community and high level players could refresh the game for everyone and maybe even perhaps keep it at Evo for another year at the very least.

This is all just wishful thinking, but I hope NRS and the community doesn't treat Injustice as a replacement for MK, but as our Marvel, and works to keep both of them active and alive.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
What I would like to see happen, in a perfect situation, after DLC and patches for Injustice have wrapped up, that NRS realizes that Mortal Kombat is their Street Fighter and seriously considers going back and patching the game the same way Capcom does with SF.

SF4 was released in 2009 and Capcom still supports it to this day with patches. (I believe Ver. 2013 is on the horizon?) I would like to see NRS do the same with MK, release a major patch that would be equivalent to an AE, both downloadable and purchasable as a hard copy. This patch, or re-release, with input from the community and high level players could refresh the game for everyone and maybe even perhaps keep it at Evo for another year at the very least.

This is all just wishful thinking, but I hope NRS and the community doesn't treat Injustice as a replacement for MK, but as our Marvel, and works to keep both of them active and alive.
I hope NRS does go back and start supporting MK but not like Capcom does. They are not supporting SF IV to make you happy as a fan they are simply seeing how many idiots will pay them over and over again for the same game they released in 2009.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I dropped MK9 due to the bad online. I got used to weeklies, and we don't do that anymore, so I went back to playing online and it was godawful for me.

Injustice isn't nearly as bad in this department (though not perfect), so at least I can train for the game.


Grundy think you handsome!
Sometimes I think about going back, then I remember all the scrubby Kung Lao's, and Smokes that play that game and are free in Injustice. Yeah I ain't going back ;)

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I dropped MK9 due to the bad online. I got used to weeklies, and we don't do that anymore, so I went back to playing online and it was godawful for me.

Injustice isn't nearly as bad in this department (though not perfect), so at least I can train for the game.
this is the only right answer.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
i "dropped" mk because i feel that if i put enough time into injustice i can become good at it, not on top level player status yet, but i was late into mk9 and it was my first competitive fighter, so i always said to myself that if i was an mk player since the beginning, that i would have been sooo much better.


I hope NRS does go back and start supporting MK but not like Capcom does. They are not supporting SF IV to make you happy as a fan they are simply seeing how many idiots will pay them over and over again for the same game they released in 2009.
Perhaps I should've worded it better, was really thinking patching along the lines of AE and Ver. 2012, which if I recall were both free updates to people who owned the game already.

But as far as fixes that patches may not be able to address, whether it be input bugs or netcode, I wouldn't mind shelling out a few bucks for a re-release.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
DC is not too popular in my country that stores didn't even ordered Injustice until now.:(

No one ever voiced that is playing Injustice, which is a bad thing to the Injustice Scene in my country, it seems Mk is really the core of fighting games in my country, so i really dunno what to expect from here, maybe ppl are playing in hiding and will show up later.

So far ppl are still playing Mortal Kombat a lot, so definitely MK will not die


"Heaven Will Fall!"
Perhaps I should've worded it better, was really thinking patching along the lines of AE and Ver. 2012, which if I recall were both free updates to people who owned the game already.

But as far as fixes that patches may not be able to address, whether it be input bugs or netcode, I wouldn't mind shelling out a few bucks for a re-release.
Yea I agree with you I would pay for another copy if it was fixing things that couldn't be fixed through a patch but outside of that exception fixes should always be free in any game.


I still play mk myself. I like mk better than injustice, but injustice has a better netcode. Mk's netcode is garbage.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Lol...i have a wired connection so the netcode for mk was great. I got started late in mk9 just like zyphox, so IGAU is kind of a fresh start. I think there is less "cheap" shit in Injustice as there was in Mk.


The Prettiest
The only reason I would seem to have dropped MK for Injustice is simply because it's a new, fun game. I still support, play, and do well in both games.


Lol...i have a wired connection so the netcode for mk was great. I got started late in mk9 just like zyphox, so IGAU is kind of a fresh start. I think there is less "cheap" shit in Injustice as there was in Mk.
This is the speed of my internet and even then MKs online was far from 'great' for me. Every now and then I'd connect with someone and the delay wasn't AS noticeable as it usually is, but even with a connection much slower than mine, it shouldn't be as laggy as it was most of the time.

I used to think MKs netcode wasn't THAT bad until I started going offline and realized that I could barely hit basic bnb's half of the time because the timing felt so different offline. Haven't had that problem with Injustice.



False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I said this in a different thread too, but I think that after a month or two MK will go back to having regular play. Its just everyone is busy grinding trying to find something cheap to exploit.

This is just like SFxT last year. Everyone stopped playing AE for a bit, then picked it up again after the new game feeling wore off, and now both people either play both or whichever one they prefer more.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
I said this in a different thread too, but I think that after a month or two MK will go back to having regular play. Its just everyone is busy grinding trying to find something cheap to exploit.

This is just like SFxT last year. Everyone stopped playing AE for a bit, then picked it up again after the new game feeling wore off, and now both people either play both or whichever one they prefer more.
I'm hoping this is like the Tekken release when everyone wanted to play that and ended up stopping after less than a month or so. I don't want people to drop Injustice, but they should really think about letting both games coexist.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I said this in a different thread too, but I think that after a month or two MK will go back to having regular play. Its just everyone is busy grinding trying to find something cheap to exploit.

This is just like SFxT last year. Everyone stopped playing AE for a bit, then picked it up again after the new game feeling wore off, and now both people either play both or whichever one they prefer more.
which game do you like better?


injustice is just more of a reason to get together and play both games since its fresh and new. If anything my fundamentals are improving since playing both. Cant say I wouldnt love to see a UMK9 though that would be oh so godlike!


I'm too used to back to block to ever go back to using a block button. Here's hoping NRS keeps it that way for MK10.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
This is the speed of my internet and even then MKs online was far from 'great' for me. Every now and then I'd connect with someone and the delay wasn't AS noticeable as it usually is, but even with a connection much slower than mine, it shouldn't be as laggy as it was most of the time.

I used to think MKs netcode wasn't THAT bad until I started going offline and realized that I could barely hit basic bnb's half of the time because the timing felt so different offline. Haven't had that problem with Injustice.

I encountered lag far less than what almost everyone seems to complain about. I've been to 3 offline majors and there was HARDLY any difference...IMO. I think people tend to blame online waaaay to much when in reality...thay aren't good to begin with. ;)