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Mortal Kombat Project Fan made Trilogy Re-imagination by MKP team this current build by Eddy Wang

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Didn't know this was a thing, have to say it looks very cool. I've been craving something with the older style MK combo system but more modern design. I'll have to take a look at this when I get some more time.

Really great job though. This is shit ton of work.
Don't forget that it's super buggy, mugen has a lot of issues running inputs and animations at times, and there are things i'm still unable to fix, but i do a system revision everytime i can in order to refine the general gameplay, and improve the experience, i think this one it's already outdated and i want to fix it further due to some things i keep finding annoying, but never the less, still fun.

out of curiosity how is this different from the other MK mugan games, like Komplete Edition or Chaotic's New Era or something like that?
I like my characters to behave more like NRS era system, where everyone has it's own uniqueness instead of having a bunch of pallete swaps doing the exact same thing.

For example, i have Mk1 Sub, MK2 Sub, MK3 Sub, Classic Sub, and Mythologies Sub and i still have frost, this is pretty much a all sub archetype, but each one plays different from each other.

Mk2 Jax for example focus more of his gameplan on charging up ground pound, and find oportunities to use it and force opponents to either move away from him or come at him, and he can mix this up by either not charging and take them off the air or super charge another one and launch them.
Which is widely different from how UMK3/Trilogy Jax plays

So to every character in the roster that it's not a boss character. they have something to offer, from easy to learn to technical characters with a much wide variety of skills or fleshed out mechanics.

I'm also constantly balancing them, specially when a character seems to go far beyond what i initially scopped for, or when they're under performing i tend to give them new moves, new ways to do damage or more, and there are some i still have no idea how to flesh them out, but these often come up with the more it plays.

Like, every sub archtype (frost included) when they have aggressor active their ice special moves can exist for a short period of time as their ice clones on screen, so you can clone and use other specials other than slides
Super Sub gets juiced like MK mythologies Sub when he enters netherrealm and gains new specials
Teleport Ninjas can teleport without cooldowns

not every character have aggressor changes yet, some i have 0 idea to what to do at the moment, but a good majority of them already has something interesting to help juice them up with aggressor.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Today i give you Kajin, the original firegod, he has many names, such as Kagutsuchi in Japanese Mythology and even Hinoka

However NRS never selted for a concrete name, so the community changes his name quite a lot, but it's common sense that he is aknowledge as firegod
So Enjoy the render of the VS screen, still down to some modifications obviously, but that's his general design

The Main idea i had behind the design, was that when he takes the flame elemental form he would look much more like he did in the game, due the fact that the design made by John Tobias never made into production phase and they went on with a more raiden-like look in the game when you face him.

So this one it's inspired by a very classical in Jet Li's movie "The Evil Cult" the costume used by Chang Mo Kei it's close to this though he has it's own design

With both using Solar Style as the main source of their power

Gameplay ideas and plans i have for Kajin as of now, based on my knowledge and known limitations of mugen.

Burst System: A system where it boosts up and powers up his attacks adding to it's damage or propriety change, at this point in match his demeanor it's far more calm

Aggressor System: All flame moves are automatically boosted by burst without previous activation

Anger system: whenever his angry gauge it's filled, he switches up his tones and turns up his elemental control up to a 12, so he becomes imune to any type of projectile, generates heat damage and can fully use the extensive of his powers with far more utility, this last for the entire round and then it can't be used until the rest of the match, his mood switches and firegod will sound more angry in this mode.
To activate, the character has to flawless block anything 3 times

This is the first idea, and it's on their baby steps, the second i start to give him things to do in the game, i will understand better what direction to take him in.

If this was an original NRS title, i would switch the burst system with a learning system, where he is able to copycat anything he flawless block and use it using the stance button with a 4 slots to copy 4 moves of the opponent, but mugen can't do that without too much space, memory load and a lot of impossible things

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Today i give you Kajin, the original firegod, he has many names, such as Kagutsuchi in Japanese Mythology and even Hinoka

However NRS never selted for a concrete name, so the community changes his name quite a lot, but it's common sense that he is aknowledge as firegod
So Enjoy the render of the VS screen, still down to some modifications obviously, but that's his general design

The Main idea i had behind the design, was that when he takes the flame elemental form he would look much more like he did in the game, due the fact that the design made by John Tobias never made into production phase and they went on with a more raiden-like look in the game when you face him.

So this one it's inspired by a very classical in Jet Li's movie "The Evil Cult" the costume used by Chang Mo Kei it's close to this though he has it's own design

With both using Solar Style as the main source of their power

Gameplay ideas and plans i have for Kajin as of now, based on my knowledge and known limitations of mugen.

Burst System: A system where it boosts up and powers up his attacks adding to it's damage or propriety change, at this point in match his demeanor it's far more calm

Aggressor System: All flame moves are automatically boosted by burst without previous activation

Anger system: whenever his angry gauge it's filled, he switches up his tones and turns up his elemental control up to a 12, so he becomes imune to any type of projectile, generates heat damage and can fully use the extensive of his powers with far more utility, this last for the entire round and then it can't be used until the rest of the match, his mood switches and firegod will sound more angry in this mode.
To activate, the character has to flawless block anything 3 times

This is the first idea, and it's on their baby steps, the second i start to give him things to do in the game, i will understand better what direction to take him in.

If this was an original NRS title, i would switch the burst system with a learning system, where he is able to copycat anything he flawless block and use it using the stance button with a 4 slots to copy 4 moves of the opponent, but mugen can't do that without too much space, memory load and a lot of impossible things

We decided to change the overall look, and i like where it is now, looks a lot more like a firegod.
We got rid of the clothes, and the belts, it was all over the place, and added a fire talisman on his belt
We gave him muscles as well do make him look more like a martial artist rather than some dude in a hat.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist

The modeling phase of the first batch is coming to an end, we are almost finishing Jataaka so i decided to give you guys a treat, as this is one of the most obscure character from Mortal Kombat, who outside of a few minor roles it's hardly seen in their full glory.

The costume it's close to the original because i designed this one from top to bottom, we decided to mix and match some of what i designed with the original one and this is the end result.

Face is based on a south african icon who as passed away earlier in her career, the legendary Lebo Mathosa

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Some Jataaka Shoots in game, managed to bypass some of the hickups, like image resizing which tended to make models lose a lot of quality, but the stance animation without rigify it's a pain, i need to learn that in order to glue the characters feet in one place, here is some the stance shoots in game


Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist

Dev log 23.11.24
Jataaka plans

This is one of the characters i have a complete idea of what i really want with her
In MK3 System Lord Ed Boon came up with the charge system, where if held for a few secs, jax would do a ground pound, and Liu Kang a bicycle kick, i plan on use the charge to design the entirety of this character here are some bullet points.

- If any attack button is held for at least 1 second, the character changes into a draw stance, it doesn't unsheathes the sword, but gets ready to use, the main idea it's to make the transitions from a standard stance to the draw stance seamless, so she can transition as she walks, at any point in stance, run, or even jump, Jataaka loses access to some buttons she helds

- Once in Draw Stance, Jataaka gains 4 command normals
  • Back LP - Knockdown sword sweep
  • Back HP - Overhead slash, combo starter
  • Back LK - Parry (Has 2 different timing, a perfect parry grants a launch every time, late parry takes damage and leaves a doppleganger dying on screen as she counters (doesn't freeze characters during the attack so it can be sniffed out)
  • Back HK - Strong Slash that can anti-air or extend combos
- With the draw stance, Jataaka changes dial combo strings with sword ones .
-Each time a button is held at any point of a dial string or sword attacks, the sword remains unsheathed for 10 seconds as the button is released, after the 10 secs expire, the character goes back to draw stance
- character can stay unsheated by keep using the sword and held any of the attack buttons after

- Normally jataaka won't have a projectile, but each attack she parries, super charge her sword with kinetic energy to use in projectiles or powered up version of some sword attacks
- Can use curse and blessings that normally sareena uses in MK1 as kameos

Aggressor System
Block + Low Kick - Unsheathes the sword and no need to hold any button to use it's attacks, has access to disjointed hitboxes
  • normal block takes no chip while in aggressor (She guards with her sword)
  • Parry always becomes flawless and always guarantees a launch
  • Sword always gets super charged and gets to use projectiles and powered moves all at once.

We didn't gave her a demonic form and we won't.
Plans have started to move to a more stable engine in Ikemen, where allows for online play and allows for more complex codes to be written.
Version 1.9 will be the last MUGEN version, after that, we're porting into IKEMEN GO to board anyone who wants to play online and fixe issues which mugen engine cannot fix.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist

Dev Log: 01.01.25
I started animating Jataaka almost 2 months ago, and have finally reached 50% of her universal animations and exclusive universal reactions
The amount of sprites this character has, would be enough to make 2 characters, hasn't her being built with a duality mechanic.

So far Jataaka has double universal reactions on almost anything she does, one for a barehanded strikes, and one with the sword in hand.
The slash on the image it's something she never had and it's part of her string combos.

My timelapse it's a bit behind, but my schedule on the things i planned to do first before fleshing the character out are done.

From this point onwards, i will refine her gameplay with a lot of uniqueness, the sword it's a big part of her gameplan overall, and when that's complete, i will finish the other 50% of the universal reactions, which are fatalities reactions, her own fatalities and finishers, and refine some of the animations.

hopefully to give you guys an update before the next 2 months with at least some gameplay video when i finish fleshing her game up a bit.

take care.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist

Dev Log: 08.01.2025

Hey back one week later, i'm finally on the phase where i can define the mechanics of Jataaka, it took me a while to get here as i have hit a lot of walls, but has finally made some interesting breakthroughs and not only that managed to put her exactly as i want her to play input wise, there will be a trailer soon so be sure to check it out when it does, the image above it's a debug mode, as i made that screenshoot for the purpose of explaining what's going on.

a) there are 4 vars in that pic var (35), var (34), var (33) and finally var (32)
To non dev ppl this won't mean anything, but it's what's behind those vars that makes Jataaka so interesting, allow me to explain

the idea i had was that Jataaka would be able to user her sword a lot in the gameplay even for an UMK3 archtype of character, so if she could unsheathe the sword fight, and put it back, it would be very cool, so it does exactly that.

If you have her sword in hand, every hit reaction she takes will be with her sword in hand, even fatalities and stages fatalities.

She is also a UMK3 type of charge character, so if you hold any attack button for 1 second, she will hold her sword by the handle without pushing it out of the scabbard, in this stance, she can run, crouch, pressure and even has command normals on every button, the trade off it's that for every button she holds down, she loses a normal, or a command normal.

For every 10 seconds you fight without unsheathing your sword out of the scabbard, Jataaka will power-up her sword by one level, to a total of 3, where she can then use this power up to use some of her cage match moves, she can also build these power-ups with parry.

The code for the mechanic is finished, now i just need to add up the animations, and program up the specials

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Dev log
Current work being done so far as implementing mechanics, effects and animations for Jataaka

Hey guys, finally ready to show some of Jataaka's animations and mechanics in play, so this will be a full on, in case ppl are confused by wtf is happening allow em to explain Jataaka's mechanics and how will she play in 1.9 of my game

Jataaka is a demon who can split her soul endlessly, and by doing so, she can grow her powers, use them to create dopplegangers to not die, or split her soul to fire projectiles as energy, she has 3 stances in game:
1 - Normal, where she is whole, in this mode, Jataaka's demonic powers will start to grow on its own, and at every 10 secs, she will split her soul into stocks, these soul stocks powers up her attacks.

She can also hold the sword by the handle by holding any of the attack buttons for 1 second, and move freely, jump or run while she does it, in this stance, Jataaka has a specific Low knockdown, and a overhead attack by pressing back with any button, she also has a launcher and a parry which i haven't inserted just yet, she also switches up the combos animations

There is a "heat up" mechanic implemented, which every single time you draw out the sword immediatly into an attack and hear a "kaching" sound, in either specific moves or combos, her power grows slightly and reduces the time she has to grow her demonic powers and split her soul into stocks.

She also grows it if she does a perfect parry which transitions into a launch, or if she launches immediately

And finally she has a move called "Soul Detatch" which she draws a piece of her soul "Sword" out of the scabbard and by the time she does it, her demonic power if it's not maxed out, it stops growing, but the stocks you got she keeps it, which she can use to fire projectiles on ground or air
Fire balls, and create dopplegangers via parry.

As her power grows it's displayed in the video, her sword will start to release energy with some of it's attacks, and she will start to jibberish in portuguese (yes my niece had much fun with these) while doing a low sweep or an overhead, she can do a lot more than this.

By far this has taken me the most time, because i have to make the animations, and then implement it, it's kinda fun and annoying at the same time.
My next devlog will be when the animations of the draw stance are all complete, which by then she will have the doppleganger parry, the launchers and the specific attack normals.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I loved the portuguese gibberish lmao, it shows how commited you are to making a good character with all the classic things that makes it "Mortal Kombat" and not "some character from a fighting game".
These are usually the first things i think about, because i tend to implement it for moveset later on, i have a list of the most ridiculous things to be said, not just portuguese, but some others, and not only we were laughing at, but had to find actual strength to say those out loud in front of a mic.

She, mechanical wise has evolved way beyond what i had scoped for, and i'm satisfied with the current results, in the beginning the sword draw was meant to be her aggressor passive ability, but with that system in mind i'm thinking ways to make some of her powerups easier to access.

Time will tell, i will finish anything gameplay related this february, then will all be fatality reactions and win poses, i haven't animated those yet.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Dev Log 05.03.25
My last Dev Log was by the end of January, a lot has happened since then with personal life, details to be revealed soon, but here is what has been going on with Jataaka.

Draw Stance animations are all finished and done, currently codding her parry and the reversal options out of it.
After that, the final stance will be with the sword out animations of her basic attacks, hopefully to finish it in a day, by that point Jataaka will be ready while i think about the fatalities and code her brutalities and babalities.

Video will be out as soon as i finish the last stance

So after i stop Jataaka before i go over the fatalities which i have no idea which it will be yet, my next character will be Bo' Rai Cho, and the reason for that it's due a lot of things, while i'm glad NRS has brought him back, i still think they never touch on his full potential, so i will be making Bo' Rai Cho based on something i think should've done since MKX, here is my take aways for what i have planned for B'RC

Drink/Sober System more similar to Chun Di in VF series
Bo' Rai Cho will be able to drink rice wine mid match as a meter system and those will carrie through every round of the match, the more drinks he stacks, the drunker he gets and he will start to unlock moves, mechanics along the way.
Also if he falls or gets knocked down, he will get lose drink points leading to him becoming sober, the more beating he takes the sober he gets.

The plan is to givinga stack of 40 drinks, assuming a stack of that level will be achieved, however there are moves that will make him sober or transition into stances that makes him sober