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Mortal Kombat Players I Need Your Help

Might be an interesting topic to bring up to UltraDavid.

This guy doesn't seem to have any more match videos. So long as he doesn't upload anymore, I doubt his subscription base will grow any further. You may want a watchdog to subscribe to his channel in case he steals anything else, then you'll see immediately.


I dont see what the big deal is lol. Hes repping you for free. But to each his own I guess. I know I wouldnt mind =]


Nevermind, so even after you messaged him, he doesnt respond. After reading the comments on this thread, he does sound quite shady. Good luck.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
FYI, i made this a front page article and literally Twitter bombed the entire fighting game community with the issue.

drop bombs on this fool.
Wow...I just subscribed to that page like two days ago to watch the matches to see what I could do to improve my game. If I hadn't seen this post i would of continued being subscribed to them. So thanks for the info!
Well an Update, I posted on my vids that he has a week to take them down and they were gone in about 2 hours.

I'm glad he got stopped dead in his tracks.

I have a concern though, and realize its completely as the devil's advocate: isn't this scenario dangerous in the eyes of the whole "make streaming copyright infringement". I mean in a sense, they could argue that he had just as much right to steal from you as you "stole" from WB/Capcom/Namco etc. Or at least that if the argument against making streaming illegal or fine-worthy relied on the notion that you don't present yourself as "owning" the content of the stream, (therefore nothing was "stolen" from the bigwigs) then theres really nothing to stop assholes like these from ripping from the streams and slapping their own label on it. Except for an army of trolls, of course.

I don't believe that to be true, this guy is obviously an asshole, but it seems like it could be an issue down the road. That is if the whole streaming controversy hasn't already completely vanished, I really don't know, I haven't been keeping up with it, its just food for thought.

Now in regards to this, THIS is a bit different.

Now if we stream Mortal Kombat/SF/MvC3 etc, People kinda know that We, the streamers didn't make the game. Its not like we're taking our logo, making it giant to cover up any sign of the word Netherrealm Studios or something.

However, what the Youtube person in question is doing is going to streams, and taking the content that we provided, after dragging ourselves to whatever tournament, setting it all up and capturing it, taking that content, changing what was on the screen, albeit totally failboat on my stuff, and then reuploading it as though they did it, and it was like an online ranked match or something.

If you've read the descriptions on the videos, they give no credit or anything, so the people who stream the events, all the hard work is basically undermined. And for me personally, I don't pack my equipment up, travel hours and spend money to have my stuff ripped off. Those 6K+ views he got on the vids I had posted, could have really helped the channel where it all came from and showcase the Seattle MK scene


I've been doing my bit disliking his vids multiple times lol, cmon guys let take him down :bombs:
GREAT idea! I'm off to troll his videos! *whistles*

EDIT: Whoa, he is QUICK. As soon as you get anything posted in the comments, he deletes it, then bans you. He also doesn't reveal what country he's in, so time zone is irrelevant.

:rofl: Haha, I've never had a reason to troll anybody, but this guy is going to make me open a new email account or two. Carry on, friends.


Update for everyone: YouTube has removed all of my videos and it looks like a lot more even. Thanks for helping our communities streamers win this war!
I hope you mean all of your videos from HIS account, right?? :)

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
And dont focus on the MK stuff....this goes for ALL the shit he's taken....SF, VS, Tekken, etc too.


I'm glad he got stopped dead in his tracks.

I have a concern though, and realize its completely as the devil's advocate: isn't this scenario dangerous in the eyes of the whole "make streaming copyright infringement". I mean in a sense, they could argue that he had just as much right to steal from you as you "stole" from WB/Capcom/Namco etc. Or at least that if the argument against making streaming illegal or fine-worthy relied on the notion that you don't present yourself as "owning" the content of the stream, (therefore nothing was "stolen" from the bigwigs) then theres really nothing to stop assholes like these from ripping from the streams and slapping their own label on it. Except for an army of trolls, of course.

I don't believe that to be true, this guy is obviously an asshole, but it seems like it could be an issue down the road. That is if the whole streaming controversy hasn't already completely vanished, I really don't know, I haven't been keeping up with it, its just food for thought.
Right, this is valid. Maybe NRS can jump in here and clarify. I'll give my take.

IANAL!!!!!!!!!!!! (I Am NOT A Laywer)

It could be that you're within fair use to record a stream, and then add commentary and overlays to point things out. That might fly... maybe an actualy lawyer can explain it.

However, this guy simply put his watermark over Dojos. That's clearly NOT fair use, its outright theft.


yeah okay to cover up watermarks and not give credit where its due its blatantly wrong. I can understand why people want easily accessible videos to specific matches which is why when you upload great matches from time to time, but encourage people to get involved and with the stream site itself. I also understand streamers get their funds from their advertisements to maintain a stream and its counter-intuitive to do this.


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
The way I understand the copyright thing is this:

Say youre doing a Lets Play. While you didnt create the game you are playing, the images on screen were your creation and your actions.. So therefore.. its yours. Its your own piece of art at that point.

What his person has done is taken someone elses video, not changed it what so ever, and just slapped his name on it over someone elses and claiming its his.

IMO, if he would have taken the video.. given the sources of where he found the video and changed it in someway.. such as adding a commentary or editing it into a combo video with music.. he might be in the right. This scenario happens in the music business all the time. You can technically steal someones song and release it as your own as long as 50% of it has been changed.

Dont believe me? Go listen to Vanilla Ice's "Ice Ice Baby" vs David Bowies "Pressure". The riff is the EXACT same. The only reason Vanilla Ice gets to keep the song is because he put his shitty ass rapping over it.

However, this person is just blatantly stealing and trying to pass it off as his own. THAT is what the copyright law needs to take care of.


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
Also - there is a guy named MrPavy on youtube who takes videos from the streams when he finds things that are incredibly funny. (go see Chris Hu engrish lessons).

While he didnt create those videos, he still gives credit where credit is due. IMO, his videos are an asset to the community. It puts everyone on blast and I love it.

I dont want people to be scared to take funny clips/great matches from streams and put them up on their YT channel because they think were gonna come after them. However, if they arent citing their scources... they are fair game.


I sent him a message just telling him to stop, Im glad to help this site after all it has given me so much help
Wow what a piece of shit. He could have at least sited you as the source of the content, jeez.

Something good to come out of this whole ordeal is that due to the exposure I found a new youtube channel for Mk content and will be subscribing to you when I come home from work. =)


Checked his Youtube for the first time today, and it seems any stolen streamed footage has been deleted. There was a SFxT video with Seth Killian commenting, however; don't know what S-Kill would have to say about that.