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Mortal Kombat Demo is LIVE for PSN+ Members!

Mortal Kombat Demo - Tuesday 8th of March 2011

Rain.Dog505 said:
PSN usually updates around 1700-1800 CST. Still have an hour or two. Not sure if the updates are nationwide or roll out in individual time zones at 1700.
hit me up on psn dude "dookiebrain"

also, better get a good amount of playing in tonight, the PSN network will be offline for maintenace tomorrow at 7am to 8pm

fuck you psn


Rain.Dog505 said:
I am aware that you need to have an active PSN+ membership in order to play whatever games you download for "free". Meaning, the second you stop paying Sony for the premium membership, you loss all your member-free downloads. So i doubt gameshare will work...unless you plan on splitting a membership which would only allow one person to be signed on at a time.
I can confirm that gameshare does work. A friend has PS+ and I don't but ive been playing all night on my account. We have 3 ppl here playing all night and so far no one likes sub. And can some one do me a favor and figure out how to do the stage fatality on the Living Forrest? the position say's "varies" so im guessing you have to be at a certain position on screen but we cannot figure out where.
at the end of the demo shang tsungs combo looked sick....time will get better this game.At least its not a button masher lol .
Here's what I thinks so far: It's fantastic. The damage needs to be toned down a bit but this just a demo, so I'm optimistic that things will change by the time of the release. Those crazy combos you're already seeing are not easy, not at all. People bitch about breakers but I like them and those type of combos are perfect for them. I worked on the Scorpion one for a while and could not get it. My favorites in order so far are Cage, Mileena, Scrop and Sub. Cage is friggan' awesome and a blast to play. Mileena is tough and her combos are difficult. Scorp is pretty powerful but we haven't seen the full scope of the game so there's no reason to believe he's OP yet. I've always disliked Sub Zero, ever since MK 1. I don't care for CC. Toasty is in it! I've had him pop out three times but it's pretty rare to get him and happens very fast. I still can't figure out Johnny Cage's X-Ray move. Every time I try to do it he just leans in.

The montage video at the end is great. Stryker looks awesome!! The two new stage fatalities they showed look great, especially the car one.

Also, if you look closely at the X-Ray moves during the montage, you can see Meat, which I find kind of odd.

And like Jdub said, it's not a button masher. It does feel a very fast MK 2.
CrazySlasher27 said:
I still can't figure out Johnny Cage's X-Ray move. Every time I try to do it he just leans in.
boon said its a parry move a while back.

so do x-ray then get hit and it should work
I'm actually glad my roommate has a PS3 just so i can checkout the demo, but i still have to wait a week.... but at the same time im still considering waiting to play it until it actually comes out just to not get me begging for more or to make me get burnt on playing with the four available characters
EDIT: WTF...PS store is down for UK until 3am 2moz :(

They only released MK9 on the EURO PS store today and now i can't download it


Forum General Emeritus
I just caved in and bought the demo. I can see the potential in this game, but it still has a ways to go. My favorite character of the four playable ones, by far, is Mileena. I like that they made her air sai spam a little more difficult to do (although still possible.) Also her extended special moves should be able to wreak havoc and really look cool in the midst of a combo.

The best part of this demo IMO is the extended super moves which enhance the regular special moves by using a segment of your power bar. It adds a whole other level of opportunity to the game and opens up the doors to so many different combinations. I can see this game is going to be a smash hit if they can tweak it a teeny bit.

I think it is easier on my fingers to use the analog stick rather than the D-pad. After about 30 mins of the D-pad, the joint of my thumb is really starting to hurt. It feels fine when I use the stick though.

Overall, I'll give this demo a B-

He Is Close

The Puppet Master
ScheissNussen said:
I only see it in the Xrays and specials.

To me (I KNOW ITS A OLD DEMO) but to me so far its not UMK3/MK2 but better than MKvDC. Like DCIGuy said, B-
Even though I will not be playing this demo until it goes free for all PSN users...can someone give me a quick rundown of the controls. I watched the Giant Bomb live stream preview of the demo and overheard something akin to down and triangle button is the uppercut command...which is so foreign to typical default PS control scheme (Square= HP, X=LP, Triangle=HK, Circle= LK and shoulders to block or run).

Thanks in advance.
New Layout is this Square=LP Triangle=HP X=LK Circle=HK Block is the same and theres no run so L2 is a switch stance button


Well I downloaded the demo yesterday. I was liking it more the second time I played it. I can imagine me liking it even more when the full version is released. Gameplay wise, for me, it's better than MK vs. DC (which lost my interest after a few days), but not UMK3/MK2 (example;Jump kicks still feel and look akward)

But it's still a demo and I've only played it for one day, so who knows what my final judgement will be on this game.

Sub Zero feels slow and clunky, he won't be my favorite character to play with anymore :( I really like Cage in this one tough :) I'm going to change the controls making R1=block, and L1=stance because for easier X-ray and blocking, and use fp + fk for throws. The stance button is still a mystery to me.
ScheissNussen said:
I wouldn't even try to compare buttons to other MK layouts. Just relearn it as something new or you will confuse the living hell out of yourself. The stance button and the throw button are mapped to the R2 and L2 but they are also accessible using the other buttons and I have been using the mapped buttons.

So if you plan on using both pad and stick, or just stick, then I would recommend learning by using the difficult way.

Change stance = bk+fk (Completely useless? Anyone find a use for this?)
Throw = fp + fk
Yea I see what you mean will confuse you it has already confused me. Change stance so far only seems like a weird taunt button
ScheissNussen said:
He mentioned that if you do an attack and it connects, it doesn't build the meter but if the opponent blocks it, it does. Personally, I think this is great, because this was a huge problem with Street Fighter IV as literally everything built the meter - blocked moves/unblocked moves, all on top of the whole "get your ass handed to you and be rewarded for it" thing.


ScheissNussen said:
Get familiar with dashing
I couldnt agree more with this statement. I find that being a mk2 player, that has not developed the skills of running like in umk3, the dash is a TOTALY new element and some what difficult to adjust to. I've worked with a few combo's today and must admit that the "dash" part of the combo gives me the most trouble so far. I think that umk3 players will adapt better to this than "us" mk2 players. Loving the game though, and am welcoming the challenge :)


Forum General Emeritus
ScheissNussen said:
One thing is for sure. THERE IS NO JUMPING IN MK9 at this point. Not outside of combos during containment.
I can aa with a crouching LP easily, aaXrays, E(X), jabs, rhs, hk, etc, etc, etc.
Do you mean FP or BP (there is no low punch in this game.)