I just can't do it anymore.... I'm done with this game (at least online) (Mini-Rant)
Today was the last straw. Now, I am by no means an amazing MK player and consider myself just average, but today I wash my hands entirely from online play and only will play offline at casuals and tournaments. I can't touch this game online anymore. I mean, when someone can just do two moves and NOTHING will come out for me because of lag and delay so I can't even EX Nomad Dash to punish blatant spamming, or combos drop because of lag delay. I know when it's good connection, this doesn't apply, but for the most of my online experience I have found that it takes ZERO skill, ABSOLUTELY NONE, to win online. Just sit there and abuse 2-3 moves to your content because your opponent will be walking through tar just to get a hit in on you, and when he does, whatdoyaknow, that shit drops.
I know I'm ranting, but I needed somewhere to post this before I put my hand through the wall. Yes, I play sports, and I am very competitive so this brings out the worst in me, especially when someone I should not be losing to in a million years wins because their internet is held together by a mango, two long pieces of string, a paper clip and a rubber band. In these circumstances, online proves nothing, but these kids still have the AUDACITY to send messages like "oh, why U mad? I beat you, lolz." FUCK OUTTA HERE.
I play video games to relax, wind down, but because of my competitive nature, shit like this happening doesn't let me do so. So the only reasonable answer is to get the fuck offline of here before I earn myself a heart attack.
So yeah, GGs to all those I met on this site and played online with me, but unless I have a very sudden change of heart about this, I Will mostly be sticking to casuals, tournaments, and practice mode. It's been fun.
EDIT: P.S. I apologize for all the language in this....