Hello everyone it is Poseidon. Since the beginning of Mortal Kombat 1 I have been keep a close on the competitive scene as a player, spectator and TO. The scene has so many talented players that I wanted to do something to bring more light to the competitive scene. So I started making a competitive Mortal Kombat ranking system to rank the top 100 players world wide based on competitive results. The main focus is offline competition of events with 20 or more people but online events are considered as well, this list only includes events that happened in 2024 so anything in 2023 or in 2025 was not considered. Its a fine line that needs to be walked to consider which events have high competitive integrity so I tried to emphasis events that are ran at a very professional level considering what results will be weighted higher and which events will be considered but with less weight. It was not only me who worked on this list but a community consisting of TheAlphabet, Bones, Sparkz, Unimeme and myself. There will be a video going over why each player was ranked where they were and each player will get there own graphic displaying there rank, relevant tournament results and social media information.
The column to the left displays player rank, in the middle is the player, to the right of the player is the average rank the committee gave them, the furthest right is the character they used mainly in there tournament results or have committed to maining most recently.
Here it is the Mortal Kombat 1 top 100 competitive Ranking For 2024!
The column to the left displays player rank, in the middle is the player, to the right of the player is the average rank the committee gave them, the furthest right is the character they used mainly in there tournament results or have committed to maining most recently.
Here it is the Mortal Kombat 1 top 100 competitive Ranking For 2024!
Rank | Player | Character |
1 | Sonicfox (1) | Noob |
2 | Nicolas (2) | Johnny Cage |
3 | Ninjakilla (3) | Liu Kang |
4 | KaniMani (4) | Kenshi |
5 | TheMightyUnjust (5) | Noob |
6 | Faysal (6) | Kitana |
7 | Zeeus (7.2) | Ashrah |
8 | VideoGamezYo (7.8) | General Shao |
9 | Dyloch (9) | General Shao |
10 | ScorpionProcs (10) | Baraka |
11 | Javier (11.4) | Scorpion |
12 | TekkenMaster (12.4) | Baraka |
13 | Bandinoz (12.6) | Rain |
14 | Rewind (14) | General Shao |
15 | Xombat (14.8) | Johnny Cage |
16 | Grr (15.8) | Geras |
17 | GuiExceptional (17.2) | Ashrah |
18 | OnlineCale (17.8) | Kung Lao |
19 | Konquoror (19) | Kenshi |
20 | KingGambler (20) | Johnny Cage |
21 | WizeGemini (21) | Havik |
22 | Mari (22.4) | Kenshi |
23 | DexyDawg (23.2) | Mileena |
24 | HourGlassOfRain (23.4) | Mileena |
25 | ElCuCuy (25.4) | Homelander |
26 | AgamottoEye (25.6) | Kenshi |
27 | GetRekedYo (27.4) | Johnny Cage |
28 | Rednose (27.8) | Kenshi |
29 | Hayatei (29.2) | Kenshi |
30 | AKstar (29.6) | Reiko |
31 | Makoran (31.4) | Ashrah |
32 | Euphoring (31.6) | Reiko |
33 | BigDaddyG (33.6) | Smoke |
34 | Pulse (33.8) | Johnny Cage |
35 | HanRashid (35.8) | Havik |
36 | Sooneo (36.2) | Sektor |
37 | KillerXinok (37) | Kung Lao |
38 | Enzo (38) | Quan Chi |
39 | Arrona (39.8) | Subzero |
40 | LavenderRain (41) | Takeda |
41 | BeyondToxin (41) | Ermac |
42 | Wraith (41.8) | Shang Tsung |
43 | Pure (42.6) | Peacemaker |
44 | Roethor (43.2) | Takeda |
45 | Disarted (44.6) | Havik |
46 | Takkinada (45.8) | Baraka |
47 | Aimaki (46.8) | Liu Kang |
48 | Moody (48) | Mileena |
49 | JustNasty (49) | Smoke |
50 | Beancel (50) | Sindel |
51 | Retroe (50.6) | Kitana |
52 | JusMeezy (51.4) | Subzero |
53 | 2eZ (53.5) | Ermac |
54 | YoAJ (54) | Ashrah |
55 | Dittle (56.5) | Kenshi |
56 | Rinzler (57.5) | Kung Lao |
57 | Broseph (57.75) | Quan Chi |
58 | BryanLorran (58) | SubZero |
59 | Turkey (58.5) | Homelander |
60 | SoulsClue (59) | Sindel |
61 | Illuminati (61.5) | KungLao |
62 | Waz (62.25) | Ashrah |
63 | Vyletz (63.25) | Mileena |
64 | Hodie (64) | Ermac |
65 | YadrielElPunk (64.5) | Kenshi |
66 | Semiij (65.25) | Mileena |
67 | PerfectShini (66.25) | Mileena |
68 | Boki (67.5) | Kung Lao |
69 | Yuvility (68.75) | Homelander |
70 | DJT (69.25) | Johnny Cage |
71 | JoshTQ (70.75) | Liu Kang |
72 | BigBoy (72) | Omni-man |
73 | YoungChiceulo (74.5) | Raiden |
74 | Murilo (75.25) | General Shao |
75 | Ludi (75.5) | Sindel |
76 | Acoverde (76.25) | Kenshi |
77 | Sosed (76.75) | General Shao |
78 | Sparkz (77.5) | Tanya |
79 | Bwood (78.25) | General Shao |
80 | Fesogabe (79.5) | Sindel |
81 | TheAlphabet (80.5) | Ermac |
82 | Darkz (81.5) | Reptile |
83 | MikeMetroid (82.5) | Johnny Cage |
84 | Honeybee (85) | Reptile |
85 | Woolender (85.75) | Quan Chi |
86 | BurritoVorhees (87) | Geras |
87 | Jchan (87.5) | Kenshi |
88 | Shuletah (88) | Homelander |
89 | Rebel (89) | Homelander |
90 | Chocolate (90) | Johnny Cage |
91 | Baconlord (92.5) | Sektor |
92 | IllySilly (92.5) | Sindel |
93 | Mist (92.75) | Homelander |
94 | Nogreen (93) | General Shao |
95 | Herkuhlez (94.25) | Kenshi |
96 | MichaelCeraFan (95.25) | Geras |
97 | Whits (96.25) | Raiden |
98 | KitanaKhan (96.75) | Sindel |
99 | Mink (98.75) | Shang Tsung |
100 | JensonIsFree (101) | Quan Chi |