Here is a spreadsheet with all of the character frame data in Mortal Kombat 1. If frame data is new to you, or you would like a refresher, I recommend reading the following article that explains it really well.
This will explain the meaning of each of the numbers behind every attack and special in the game. Included for each character is data on Basic Attacks (normals and strings) and Special Moves. If you would like to add any information or see any that need correction just respond to this thread. This information comes from a wonderful former community project KombatAkademy by Raptor
Quickly find a character

This will explain the meaning of each of the numbers behind every attack and special in the game. Included for each character is data on Basic Attacks (normals and strings) and Special Moves. If you would like to add any information or see any that need correction just respond to this thread. This information comes from a wonderful former community project KombatAkademy by Raptor
MK1 Character Frame Data
Quickly find a character