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Money Matches vs Winning a Tournament


PSN: Skkra
No one really remembers money matches.
I don't think that's true at all. While winning tournaments is always #1, there is something special about a big exhibition set between two players. The adaptation that happens through a long set and the in-game storytelling that happens can be amazing. Some of the most memorable matches I've seen all took place outside of tournaments...

The absolutely epic Clockwork VS Neo MVC2:

Infamous Sanford VS Duc MVC2:

Josh Wong's awesome "bad matchup challenge," Guile VS Bison ft10 where he put up $200 and they didn't need to put up anything:

I even loved the MVC3 FT7 with Unknown from this past NEC13, I was flipping out:

Hell, even though it was a blowup, no one is ever going to forget the Final Round 5v5! Exhibition matches aren't a substitute for a tournament, but they can certainly create epic and memorable moments.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Obviously tournament wins mean more b/c you're having to face multiple opponents throughout the tourney and all of them having varying styles and characters. Shows that you can adapt to various situations.

In a MM, you're playing one player. How winning that can be considered better than winning a tournament is beyond me.
in a tourney you will have to deal with different playstyles and more matchups especially in mk. a money match doesnt neccessarily prove anything. you can just be very good at one particular matchup. you basically go to a tourney to prove youre the best player there. a money match is different, like having beef with another player or proving a point about a particular matchup or that your opponent is a fraud.