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Money Matches vs Winning a Tournament


Premium Supporter
Needless to say, there has been some discussion sparking on twitter about the importance of both and some have different opinions on this. These opinions range from literal legends of the fighting game community that have been doing this for years. I'm not going to mention any names, but a few of them are big in Marvel and Street Fighter.

It came to the attention that some Money Matches are held on a greater scale than an actual tournament, meaning, if you win said money match... you'll get paid even more than if you won said tournament. Granted, to win a tournament you have to go through everyone else in the tournament and a money match you're essentially facing one other?

I'm making this thread to get some clarity on the issue at hand... is there a foundation down deep enough to where we can all understand which one is more important?

If you have two players, maybe in a case where they hate each other, they are planned for a money match or a prize fight... at ECT4 there was a 5K money match between RayRay and a someone who's name escapes me... began with a "D" I think? Forgive me... anyway, I am admittedly making this thread out of curiosity of what others think and though, my intentions may be naive... it's an honest question.

Which is more important? At what point is the other more important? How seriously should money matches be taken?


|| Seven ||
Tournament is OBVIOUSLY more important and has more weight to it.

And anyone that thinks otherwise.........

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
If you are great you are great. In a tournament or money match. In life you'll only have so many opportunities to play a game you love for money. The idea that people would offer someone thousands of dollars to play a video game whether it be in tournament or money match is amazing. I think the money part is really just a bonus to doing something you love.
Tournament is more important. As my friend Mike tells me "CAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNNN. Hold up that paper belt." While this doesnt make any sense to anyone else on this site i'm content with my response and i'm sticking to it.
That being said it's a game and it's meant to be fun. Money matches allow for more side betting, hype, and put people on center stage. it's definitely fun.


It depends really, most tournaments are 2/3 any lesser player can beat a higher level player randomly on money matches you mostly play a ft5 or ft 10.
on these the higher level player has more time to adapt and read his opponent fully, even can make his opponent to respect him more leading to this lesser level player to lose for sure, tournament wins matter of course but on a long based fight it be determined who really is the best player


depends on the community. Marvel is less about tournaments and more about MMs, for example Clockw0rk vs Neo in MVC2 had like 19k put up on both sides..


"Strength isn't everything"
The money match can only be as important as the competitors allow it and want it to be.

In a tournament you are playing for an overall position, they are two completely different things, but if the stakes in a MM are right (Such as $ and the score to settle), then it can be more important than a tournament match.

Think of it like boxing, or PPV fights.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Nothing is harder than grinding through a gauntlet of tournament-worthy players using different characters with different styles causing a wide-range of match-up experience and adaptation. Especially when you get deeper into the tournament where the competition gets thinner and thinner under the prestige of the stream and big screen.

Money matches are for shits and grins or to settle a grudge. The bigger the grudge, the bigger the prize in most cases. That doesn't mean it means more than winning a tournament.

If I blow up Barak Obama in a million dollar money match that doesn't mean I'm good.


The tournament is the more important thing, hands down. Money Matches are more for guaranteeing two players play that may not meet during the tournament.

The way I see money matches, they serve a number of purposes:
  1. To get a better fight during casuals for training and learning purposes
  2. To have a hype match (EG. 16bit vs Tom Brady) that may not happen in tournament due to pool placement
  3. To give lower level or lesser-known players a shot at marquee players. For example, someone like REO would never give me the time of day even in casuals, but if I plop down say $10, he might be willing to have a match with me and give me experience with some of his better techs
  4. Epeen Stroke. Let's face it, we're all competitors and we all have egos. Money matches are a way to ensure that two people that have some kind of grudge get a chance to settle it.
Both are good, but the tournament is the thing.


The Netherrealm beckons
I play fighting games for fun and for pride. Money is just a cherry on top.

PerfectLegend has won Evo 3 times. Nobody cares how many money matches he's won.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
If it takes you forever to adapt that you can't consistently place in tournament, then that just really means up your game.

Slips said it best. Grinding through a wave of players with only 3 matches at most to adapt to not only the matchup, but the other player, is a LOT harder than playing someone for up to 9 matches, where you've probably figured out the opponent enough 3-5 matches in in a lot of cases.


B*tch Distributor
Money matches are like boxing matches. Big money, way entertaining, all that jazz.
Tournaments are like boxing in the Olympics. You win that shit, you're beast mode.
Tournaments are good to boost your resume for getting a sponsor. You can't tell a potential sponsor "yo sponsor me because I beat xyz in a private money match that we have a shaky cam as proof and I won that cash money".

Money Matches CAN be as good as a tournament but instead of a replacement they should be used as a compliment. Instead of "money-matches" they are called exhibitions. same concept but very different names.

I'll give you an example. Fanatiq in the mvc2/mvc3 community is known to be a money-match monster. He doesn't win tournaments often but he wins high stakes (5-6 digits) MM and he presents it often. To a sponsor (PDP) they saw it as a way they can easily spread their brand and picked him up despite his tournament performance (he hasn't won anything recently outside NEC iirc, the MM with rayray).

The ghetto MM are just quick money booster, but they aren't something you can boast about to a sponsor in reality unless you have tournament standing to back you up. Also those MM better be notable as a whole tournament.

To this day, very few forget about the Toan vs Fanatiq or clockwork vs Neo. But those MM are in the 6 digits and have more hype than a whole entire tournaments, not many MM can claim the say fame.


Tournament is more important and more relevant no doubt. Everyone remembers tournament champions, especially EVO and MLG. I guess it really depends on the circumstances of the MM though. It's more difficult to win a tournament match and whether you believe it or not, it brings out the best competition and competitive drive of the players.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Let me answer w this scenario

Say at ECT 4 there was a 5,000 MM between two players

In5 years-7years will you remember who won that 5,000MM FT10 or who won ect4?