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Of course you're ok with this since you've already qualified the poorly run online half of this tournament. Pro players should have no issues running a streak on other tournament entries, I see no reason for them to get preferential treatment.

It really sucks that people like Konqrr were outed due to how poorly the online bracket was run. At least I see JT Circus qualified, he should have no problem with any of the online warriors that qualified =p
I'm not ok with this tournament format, yes I'm am happy that I qualified, but I have no idea why mk can't be treated the same way MLG treats halo or starcaft.I don't think any pro player should just get a free spot either. I was just saying that amateur players should be at least separated form playing any pros 1st round if the tournament was set-up like a traditional tournament

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Hmm This event seems poorly organzied

What I would love to see happen: Someone eliminated first round of winner or losers bracket of the online bracket come and compete for the offline bracket and win it - LOL

Also pre qualifying "pro players" doesnt make sense. Let them duke it out w all the unknowns. Double elimination is a must though, I agree there tom but I dont believe in preferential treatment. All pro players should Mow through everyone anyway.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
I agree. Everyone should play threw the preliminaries on Friday and saturday even "pros". But the bracket should definitely be double elimination.

Tom Brady

the rules arent changing. reo is the only pro going to this and they are going to make him qualify.

i am going to summerjam. 99% of the top mk players are going there. single elim is ridiculous, especially since the last mlg that had MK was double elim lmao....


Fyi, just confirmed with Hector that there is NO stream for MK9, whether this is news or not... now you know. :( Fail...