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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Yea i play on ps4 but here its still patch 1.02 - you are on 1.03.
Hope its just something they broke lol... they should have patched the telepush not breaking something that was fine :(

8,5% instead of 10% wouldnt be to big of an issue, the scaling though... it looks really sad...
That combo in your video does 38% for me. That cant be right... they must have messed up - wanted to fix spectral and broke Mystic more
Your PSN mustn't have checked the version of the game. Highlight MKX in the dashboard then press the Options button then Check For Update and it should download the newest version. I believe you can't play online if you don't update your game neither.


honestly, with spectral bug getting fixed and mystic seemingly being nerfed, I just don't see how anyone can overlook MOS now. It just pulled way ahead of the other too imo. oh well, to each his own
Pretty much what I said earlier.

I think that being able to do high damage combos with MoS is good enough, but it's just kind of weird that Mystic got a nerf like this, when MoS was already able to do so much damage (more than Mystic even), and it isn't like Mystic has a bunch of different tools that MoS doesn't or anything.

On that note, I haven't actually PLAYED with MoS, only labbed with him and learned some combos (mostly because I love seeying that 40%+ in the corner lel), so other than jip or straight 222, what else is a good opener for MoS?
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Your PSN mustn't have checked the version of the game. Highlight MKX in the dashboard then press the Options button then Check For Update and it should download the newest version. I believe you can't play online if you don't update your game neither.
I already checked this and it told me I had the latest version.

I'm furious though if this change rolls out.


That really sucks that they changed the tele-hang. If NRS keeps this up we are gonna have very unbalanced variations. I really really wanted variations to all be viable to some extent and be more a matter of personal taste.
I made a Mystic combo list for myself and though there can be no harm in posting it here.

F21D2 Starter

jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, 222 lift (40%) ------- ending can be replaced by b12 f4/ 222/ f4 for 39%/38%/37%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, 222 lift (38%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 36%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12xxteleport, d1 lift (36%)
1 Bar
jip, f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, 222 ex-lift, 22 lift (43%) ---- mid can be replaced by b12 f4/ 222/ f4 for 42%/42%/41%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, 222 exlift, b12 lift (42%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 41%
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12xxteleport, d1 ex lift, b12 lift (40%)

222 Starter (222 teleport whiffs on small hitbox character)

jip, 222 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 2 push (32%) ---- just push after f21d2 is 31%
jip, 222 lift, NJP, jik, f4 push (29%)
jip, 222 lift, NJP, f21d2, f4 push (26%)
1 Bar
jip, 222 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift (40%)
jip, 222 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift (37%)

114 Starter

jip, 114, f4 teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21) run cancel uppercut, push 33%
jip, 114, f4, teleport, d1 lift (32%)
jip, 114, f4 lift, (27%)
1 Bar
jip, 114, f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift (41%)
jip, 114, f4 exlift, f21d2, runcancel 4 lift (39%)
jip, 114 exlift, b12 222 lift (33%)

34 Starter

jip, 34 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut push (29%)
jip, 34 lift, f21d2, runcancel f4 push (29%)
jip, 34 lift, njp, jik, teleport, f4 push (28%)
1 Bar
jip, 34 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift 38%

F4 Starter

jip, f4 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 22 push (33%) ---- 22 push can be replaced by upercut for (33%)
jip, f4 teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut push (33%)
1 Bar
jip, f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift (41%) ---- 4 can be replaced by f4/ 22/ b12 for 41%/39%/39%
jip, f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, b12 f4 lift (37%)

B3 Starter

jip, b3 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 22 push (31%) --- 22 can be replaced by uppercuz for (31%)
jip, b3 teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (31%)
1 Bar
jip, b3 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift (39%) ---- 4 can be replaced by f4/ 22/ b12 for 39%/37%/37%
jip, b3 teleport, d1 ex lift, b12 f4 lift (35%)

JIK Starter

jik, teleport, f21d2, runcancel 222 lift (35%)
jik, teleport, b12 222 lift (31%)
1 Bar
jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel 222 ex lift, b12 lift (39%) --- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 38%
jik, teleport, b12, 222 ex lift, b12 lift (36%)
jik, teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 lift (36%)

Standing Teleport

teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (25%)
teleport, d1 lift, f21d2, njp, run cancel 22 push (25%) --- 22 push can be replaced by uppercut for 25%
teleport, d1 lift, njp, b12 222 lift (23%)
1 Bar
teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel f4 lift (33%)
teleport, d1 lift, njp, f21d2, run cancel f4 ex lift 22 push (28%)

Air Teleport
(work out of hover)

air teleport, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift (30%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 29%
air teleport, b12 222 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (29%)
air teleport, b12 222 lift (26%)
1 Bar
air teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift (36%)
air teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12 f4 ex lift, 4 lift (36%)
air teleport, f12d2, run cancel, 222 ex lift, 22 lift (35%)

Standing EX Teleport

(ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 222 lift 35% --- was sure i hit this a few times but today i was able to do it....)
ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 4 lift (33%) --- 4 can be replaces by 22 for 32%
ex teleport, run cancel b12 f4 lift (29%)
ex teleport, run cancel 222 lift (27%)
2 Bars
ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 22 ex lift, 22 lift (37%)
ex teleport, run cancel, b12, f4 (35%)
ex teleport, run cancel 222 ex lift, 22 lift (33%)

Air EX Teleport

ex teleport, f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 lift (34%) ---- b12 f4 can be replaced by 222/ f4 for 33%/32%
ex teleport, b12, b12, f4 lift (30%)
ex teleport, b12 222 lft (29%) ---- 222 can be replaced by b12 b12 for 29%
2 Bars
ex teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12, f4 exlift, 22 lift (39%)
ex teleport, b12, f21d2 ex lift, 22 lift (35%)

Naked Lift

lift, njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, runcancel 4 push (24%) --- 4 can be replaced by 22 for 23%
lift, njp, jik, b12 f4 push (22%)
1 Bar
couldnt find anything that adds more than 2% to the meterless

Neutral Jump Punch

njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel, f4 lift (35%) ---- f4 can be replaced by 22 for 34%
njp, jik, teleport, b12 222 lift (33%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 32%
njp, b12, f21d2, runcancel f4 lift (33%)
njp, b12, b12 222 lift (31%)
1 Bar
njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel 22 ex lift, 22 lift (38%) ---- first 22 can be replaced by f4 for 38%
njp, b12, f21d2, runcancel f4 ex lift, 22 lift (38%)
njp, jik, teleport, b12, 222, ex lift, 22 lift (36%)
njp, b12, b12, 222 ex lift, 22 lift (35%)

AA´s (put of d1 and 1 you can do the same combos)

Uppercut, lift, njp f21d2, run cancel f4 push (29%)
Uppercut, lift, njp, jik, teleport, b12 push (27%)
4 teleport, d1 lift, njp, f21d2 push (29%)
4 lift, njp, f21d2, run canel 22 push (27%)
1/d1 f21d2, jik, teleport, b12 lift (34%)
1/d1 f21d2, run cancel 222 lift (30%)
1/d1 b12 b12 222 lift (28%)
1 Bar
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2, run cancel, 222 lift (37%) ---- 222 can be replaced by f4 for 36%
4 teleport, d1 ex lift,, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift (37%)
4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel, f4 lift (35%)
1/d1, f21d2, jik, teleport, b12 ex lift, b12 lift (38%)
1/d1, f21d2 run cancel 222 ex lift, b12 lift (35%)
1, b12 b12 222 ex lift, b12 lift (34%)


jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut b12 222 lift (44%) ---- after uppercut its reversed input; without b12 its 42%
jip, f21d2, njp, teleport, b12, f4 lift (41%)
jip 114, b12, f21d2, njp, d1 lift (37%)
1 Bar
jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, b12, 222 exlift 22 lift (46%) ---- after uppercut its reversed input; without b12 its 45%
jip, f21d2, njp, teleport, b12, f4 lift (44%)
jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, ex lift, 222 lift (43%)
jip 114, b12, f21d2, njp, d1 ex lift, 22 lift (41%)
jip 222, Soul Blast up, d1 ex lift, f21d2, 22 lift (41%)
Out of corner
ex teleport, f21d2, njp, uppercut lift 38% ---- gets you out of corner and puts enemy in
Yo on your first combo how do you execute a b21 after teleport? I whiff all the time. And thanx for posting these. I hope I can learn a few


Needing to end combos will still net a 3-6% damage decrease for most combos. Putting his combos from mid-end 30s/start40s to start 30s/mid30
Which is a huge deal if you consider that MoS already does a few % more damage in combos.

Only reason you could justify a nerf like that would if Mystic would be great at zoning... which it isnt.
Maybe they got scared cuz that 1 Mystic Ermac player did well in his tourneys :-/

@HotZin i checked my updates and its updated to latest version. i also can play online - no problem. Could you check what the telepush (telechoke) frames are in your version?

@Fusion_Quake i didnt overlook it, i just prefered the Mystic playstyle. But if this nerf goes live i agree with you on MoS pulling a good chunk ahead.


@Thewizard its just a timing thing its not that hard & you dont need to rush it. I didnt get it done either at the start. @zaf was the one who pulled it out :)
And as he said somewhere else - once you get the timing right its actually easier than hiting just 222 :D


I wish they would have at least waited to see if was an issue.

It really was the thing that set it apart from his other variations. With Spectral banned till it gets nerfed to uselessness, we don't even get the choice of 2 anymore, MoS or fuck all. I liked Mystic because it was closer to his MK9 style, albeit more unsafe. It was the damage and meter build that mitigated Mystic's drawbacks... without that it's like, fuck it just go with what everyone else is doing and play fucking MoS -_-
Looks like people are saying mystic had been nerfed! Is this from the most recent update I just installed? If so what was nerfed? Should o move to MoS now?


@HotZin i checked my updates and its updated to latest version. i also can play online - no problem. Could you check what the telepush (telechoke) frames are in your version?
Took a screenshot of both Tele-Choke and Tele-Hang Frame data, not sure if they changed anything to be honest, let me know if it's any different from 1.02, here they are:

EDIT: I just noticed the lift still says 10% damage instead of 8.50%, so there's the possibility that they forgot to change the data, or the lift change wasn't intentional and they possibly were messing around with it and forgot to change it back when the update went live.
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Makes women fap
No bro its a confirmed nerf. They fuckin nerfed mac! Why tho!? All the bullshit everyone elae has they burn mac. They do it every game. And they wont buff him much either. Ed hates ermac. Its obvious. Also they might not have changed thw damage on there, but it's8.50% no doubt. Im upset man.. Really upset. Hes been nerfed to low-mid tier
No bro its a confirmed nerf. They fuckin nerfed mac! Why tho!? All the bullshit everyone elae has they burn mac. They do it every game. And they wont buff him much either. Ed hates ermac. Its obvious. Also they might not have changed thw damage on there, but it's8.50% no doubt. Im upset man.. Really upset. Hes been nerfed to low-mid tier
it was pretty obvious that unscaled telehang 10% was not intentional to begin with.
we still have god-tier MoS variant, the only problem is that it is now the ONLY viable variant :/


Let's fighting love
I don't know if Ermacs tier placement was affected much as I always considered MoS to be the superior stance variant anyway. Nerfing spectral and mystic doesn't affect that. I always liked the concept of mystic more but it's too weak.

Mystic would be DECENT if lift wasn't so crazy punishable on block. As a zoning tool it's ass. Case in point, a MoS Ermac could punish you for 28% dmg after fullscreen blocked lift. Wtf man... When you play as MoS you don't have to use meter to increase combo damage so that meter can be saved for ex lift in those situations it would be handy, like off a confirmed d2 anti-air, as a long range anti-air, or in situations where you get combo while souls are on cooldown because you used soul ball as a zoning tool because it's not even half as punishable as lift. I've never not had meter for ex lift.

Anyway, spectral and mystic are definitely very lacking right now when the bugs gets sorted out. They have to rethink those stances a bit if they want them to be viable. In the meamtime I welcome our fallen mystic brothers into the vortex.
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I don't know if Ermacs tier placement was affected much as I always considered MoS to be the superior stance variant anyway. Nerfing spectral and mystic doesn't affect that. I always liked the concept of mystic more but it's too weak.

Mystic would be DECENT if lift wasn't so crazy punishable on block. As a zoning tool it's ass. Case in point, a MoS Ermac could punish you for 28% dmg after fullscreen blocked lift. Wtf man... When you play as MoS you don't have to use meter to increase combo damage so that meter can be saved for ex lift in those situations it would be handy, like off a confirmed d2 anti-air, as a long range anti-air, or in situations where you get combo while souls are on cooldown because you used soul ball as a zoning tool because it's not even half as punishable as lift. I've never not had meter for ex lift.

Anyway, spectral and mystic are definitely very lacking right now when the bugs gets sorted out. They have to rethink those stances a bit if they want them to be viable. In the meamtime I welcome our fallen mystic brothers into the vortex.
Mystic seemed viable still, at least early on. I had no issue using Mystic over MoS especially since it was more fun and I didn't feel I was losing out much for not using it. MoS is more mechanical in its gameplan but it's where the damage is at, if I want to use Mac and hit hard, I have to switch! :mad:

Lift can't be used as a zoning tool though (that would be immensely cheap). It's a great anti-air however. And it leads to nice meterless damage.

Maybe I'm incorrect but is Soul Ball zoning effective? The recovery on it isn't great. Seems like every variation is meant to be in your face 50/50s into good damage (not really possible in Mystic anymore, and Spectral is useless) and to use his strong punish options.

And it's the Lift situations you speak of where I'll really miss Hang, braindead meterless confirm of almost anything, my favourite being off EX Soul Burst instant overhead, a nice 25% off a safe overhead is cool. Hopefully I can play a perfectly meter efficient MoS Mac like yourself then it wont be so bad but I'm still sad.
I have a MoS question for someone more knowledgeable than myself:

What are my best options for a follow-up to EX-lift? It doesn't feel like I have many options compared to what I had in MK9.

I've also found that you can combo off winning an air-to-air match with j3 (which can be confirmed into teleport punch, then a D1 to EX-lift, I think you can Soul Ball too, but it's easier to do the EX-Lift imo). I've tried a few things, but can't seem to hit 30% off that A2A starter.


It wasnt that obvious that the unscaled damage was unintentional. Actually it made more sense that it was intentional as its basically the only thing that made an argument in playing it after seeing that TKP is unsafe beyond everything.
With the unscaled damage Mystic could compare at least in damage with MoS & had at least some option when ending into lift. And you had a good way to build extra meter which made a bit up for what he lacks compared to MoS.

Further you didnt need to use a bar to make the damage count- the damage was good enough even without a bar. He could choose to use 1 bar for bigger damage (3-5% mostly) which could be done more often cuz he would build meter faster. Now you are forced to use a bar to compensate for the nerf & cant get a bit of bonus meter if you do.

Now you are not just forced to rely only on hover shenanigans and normals cuz you dont have zoning tools that work, but you also have your damage wrecked and they removed the one thing you had going for you - the hang. Which bottom ling gives just another advantage to MoS - meter - as they still dont need it for high damage and gain it now as quickly as you do in Mystic.

The guy responsible for Ermac at NRS should really start thinking straight & not just do random stuff for no reason.
Geez sub-zero has a 24% string... i bet he laughs at Mystic Ermac all the time at damage discussion parties.
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Head Cage
it was pretty obvious that unscaled telehang 10% was not intentional to begin with.
we still have god-tier MoS variant, the only problem is that it is now the ONLY viable variant :/
Tele hang counts as a grab and all grabs are unprorated in a majority of fighting games, granted it's not a normal grab, but it still had properties of a grab. This was probably intentional, but they realized it MAY be a potential problem when it wont be. Ermac isn't an issue. He's just pretty solid. Also, I'm sure you're just exaggerating on purpose, but I'll say this just in case. MoS is far from godlike.


When's DragonBall?
Okay I'm leaning towards maining Ermac but am having trouble deciding what variation is best for me. Can you guys or someone give me the pros/cons of MasterOfSouls and Mystic since those seem to be the ones for me to choose from. As for my play style I like to be able to zone when necessary but mainly get in, mix folks up and execute some dope damaging combos. I was a main Green Lantern player in Injustice if that helps..feel like Ermac is a bit like GL. Help, suggestions and opinions please


Let's fighting love
What are my best options for a follow-up to EX-lift? It doesn't feel like I have many options compared to what I had in MK9.

I've also found that you can combo off winning an air-to-air match with j3 (which can be confirmed into teleport punch, then a D1 to EX-lift, I think you can Soul Ball too, but it's easier to do the EX-Lift imo). I've tried a few things, but can't seem to hit 30% off that A2A starter.
Strongest I use so far is:
EX lift > F4 xx soul ball > jip F21D2 > jik xx teleport > F4 xx telehold

If I hit a jik in the air and cancels to teleport, I would followup with F4 xx soul ball or ex lift. F4 does good damage in combos and got great reach.

A2A jik xx teleport > F4 xx soul ball > jip F21D4 > RC 222 xx lift = 34%
A2A jik > EX lift > F4 xx soul ball > jip F21D4 > jik xx tele > F4 xx lift = 37%

Maybe I'm incorrect but is Soul Ball zoning effective? The recovery on it isn't great. Seems like every variation is meant to be in your face 50/50s into good damage (not really possible in Mystic anymore, and Spectral is useless) and to use his strong punish options.
It's a mediocre zoning tool, but yeah its recovery isn't great. However, unlike lift, soul ball is an actual projectile so it's only punishable if you're close. At some range characters can't punish it even with teleport moves. On hit, meterless 33% out of nothing.
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