@Kindred cool stuff on the uppercut

. Kept me awake an hour longer than i planed to

Njp+jik works after uppercut lift:
Uppercut, lift, njp, jik, teleport, b12 push 27%,
Timing is alot easier without the njp though (for me) and its only 1 %less.
Although it seems better not to go for teleport at all, damage-wise and timing-wise, but use the type of combo that
@Hitoshura posted for his overhead/low starter combos.
Uppercut, lift, njp, f21d2, runcancel, f4 push 29% (runcancel not needed but for me its easier to connect f4 this way)
(Tried to connect 34push at the end but wasnt able to connect the push yet)
With 1 bar
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2,lift for 33%
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2, runcancel, f4 lift 36% (runcancel not needed but for me its easier to connect f4 this way)