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MKX Enhanced Online BETA General Discussion

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Meta saltmine
i mean, f2. It's -8 now? It have pushback? U have invitation on test, tovarisch?
Where did it come from? I only see people talking about how cool it would be if NRS did it -8 instead of overhead with the same frame data as before.
No, I do not, and I don't make any claims. Why do you?


Fear the blade of Osh-Tekk
Hmm. The new breaker system can be used as an "offense tool" now think the scenario, I play jax and i got u in the corner. Now u open me up and I break immediately. One wrong read and I 30-40% u coz u don't have stamina coz I did breaker. Hmm...


Normalize grab immunity.
Hmm. The new breaker system can be used as an "offense tool" now think the scenario, I play jax and i got u in the corner. Now u open me up and I break immediately. One wrong read and I 30-40% u coz u don't have stamina coz I did breaker. Hmm...
Yeah but that goes both ways. Especially if your opponent now has meter to spend. Just more mind games now instead of being gimped after already spending resources. Plus this change could always get refined and I'm sure it's an easy change to mess around with.


Soul Ascended
Oooooo it's all so exciting isn't it! I got emailed a code last night (EU/Xbox One) but I dunno if its gonna work. Is it? I've seen a few posts claiming its NA only?
Has it been confirmed that the "fixes, buffs & nerfs" are indeed just that and it's not just a vanilla MKX? Some of this Scorp stuff rings familiar...
Also, this Breaker change sounds like a great idea imo. Looking forward to get stuck in later! (Hopefully) :cool:

Tony at Home

Safe F2 on block(-8 or -9),
Safe B32F2 on block(-8 or -9)
Takedown gets more reward on hit.
Walk speed faster.

That's all what i wanted instead of overhead f2.
Because i like Ninjutsu's current play style, relies on whiff punishing.

But second hit of F2 is overhead now...
It's good for Ninjutsu, but i think it will change Ninjutsu's play style a lot.
Honestly, I'm little confused now.
Takedown does get more reward on hit now.


Character Loyalist
It will be easy to "fine tune" the new breaker system:

One option would be by adding some recovery frames only to one character. Another option would be to have the stamina of both characters start refilling after different timewindows.

Generally this change will hit chars like liu kang, tanya and kung lao the hardest which is always a good thing.


the breaker now is going to gives goro a 50/50 on tele stomp now right? its going to help hqt predator, shinnok, quan chi, kenshi, kung lao, tremor, kitana and anyone with instant air fireballs. if they do a breaker at the end of a round where both people lives are low and the other player doesnt have a full screen fireball like ht or sh jacqui or a bad projectile like all of f/t variations rip.


11 11 11 11
Oooooo it's all so exciting isn't it! I got emailed a code last night (EU/Xbox One) but I dunno if its gonna work. Is it? I've seen a few posts claiming its NA only?
Has it been confirmed that the "fixes, buffs & nerfs" are indeed just that and it's not just a vanilla MKX? Some of this Scorp stuff rings familiar...
Also, this Breaker change sounds like a great idea imo. Looking forward to get stuck in later! (Hopefully) :cool:
Naw it doesn't work outside of NA. But if you ever wanna give up that code, I'm here :).


I just want to say, I like string gaps as a balancing tool, it gives you a way to scape pressure so it's not free, but you need meter and you have to manage it well (meaning dealing less damage or having less offensive options) if you want to save it for defense.

I think many strings considered too strong could have gaps to balance them to make the meta and resource management more interesting than free rush pressure because potato.


214 was not unsafe with Hellfire, his pressure involved ending it in FBC, making it +8.

Now the gap is BEFORE the last hit instead of after it, that last hit did more chip than the other two hits (almost as much as both put together) and the active frames hurt his Flame Aura pressure.

Here's some maths for you and a display of how this translates to his gameplay. Hellfire at the moment uses [FA, 21 FBC 4xxTP] as his combo ender and goes straight into 214 pressure. His first two hits do 0.75% chip each, for a total of 1.5% chip. His third hit does 1.25% chip, and the active frames get you your first tick of Flame Aura pressure (1.20% chip). The gap coming BEFORE the 4 instead of after it during the FBC, puts 2.5% of Hellfires currently guaranteed chip - AKA he loses about 2/3's of his current guaranteed chip after any combo.

To put it another way, if your opponent backdashes your gap, you used to get 4% chip, you now get 1.5% chip. If your opponent doesn't backdash, you used to get 8% chip, you now get 5.5% chip, it continues on. Test it yourself. His blockstring pressure is nerfed from what I can see from here, but let's see what else he gets instead. At least 21 FBC 21 breaks armor if used immediately after a FA 21 FBC 4 xx TP ender, so thats a plus. Pressure not as nice in the neutral tho

214 was unsafe outside of hellfire and with hellfire 214 didn't jail. I actually have played Hellfire scorpion since week 1-2. I dropped him because his run cancels don't jail. (still play him just not in tournament)

Also he can use 2 flame auras again in one combo. Scorpion will most definitely be better once this patch hits. If you disagree that's fine, I mean we are both speculating on something that's brand new and might not even be the finished product lol.


Beso de Muerte + Fantasía Oscura
Im sure these balance changes where just in as filler for the beta. I guess ill do the right thing and check Jax changes. FYI tho Tanya b1 is now O/M not M/O.

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