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mkt in Dominican Republic to live. Nintendo 64!!

Ariel MK

hi guys, here I leave some fights, I hope you like them. greetings to all the mk community.

Here mkt is as alive as when it came out, only with the Level! increased.


in my case had already about 3 years without touching mkt that was dedicated to mk9 mk9 but has decayed as I am returning to the classic mk along with my other colleagues, Jochy, Rafaga, Sayaman, El Menor, Joselito and others.

I was warming my fingers and went up in practice these combos, sorry for the video quality.

Scopion my favorite ninja :cool:


Ariel MK

buenas retas. Dime, de que parte de la republica dominicana ustedes son? Yo cuando visito mi papa me quedo en un campo afuera de San Francisco de Macoris.
Hola amigo, Somos de santo domingo pero la mkt se juega a nivel nacional, Por aqui jugamos todos los Fighting. En caso de que te interese compartir con nosotros tienes las puertas abiertas aqui, Un saludo!!