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mksm do you fight mileena 3 times


on shoalin monks you can fight mileena in the living forest. but she escapes with kitana do you fight her again any help please


no idea mate by the way if your gonna tire yourself out and not write out useful u may as wll hav walked 8)
Long story. Its a Zero, Not an O.

I made this name back when Halo 2 first came out and I go Xblive. I was really eager to play So I just put in the first thing that came to my mind, 123 ur dead. Unfortunatly you can't start a Gamertag with a Number. So, well abc easy as 123. so abc ur dead. I then added the Zero just to have a number in there. Turns Out I was stuck with my stupid name. Then 360 rolls around 2 years later. I Could change my name now. Thing was I Had grown accustomed to my name, and was starting to get SOME recognition. Its a very unique name and I get asked about it alot. The only thing I hate about it is the damn peoplke singing that song. abc, easy as 123, do rey me, abc, 123 baby you and me. God its annoying.

But It works, unique name and alot of people remember it.


if you had the chance to change youre name would you!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: 8)
DAN said:
if you had the chance to change youre name would you!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: 8)
I do, But you have to Pay for it. Its like 10 Bucks on XBlive. Screw that though. It's Original and stays in people heads. I did think about changing the Zero at the end to a 23, but People might think it's someone different then. I do get tired of people saying.

abc ur dead -OH.