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Lag is very severe for me even though my ping isn't high, Nothing else is running when playing like everyone has suggested does anyone know any indepth settings etc to fix this? This PC Is well capable of running it.
Is it high with everyone you play? I'm assuming you mean it's lagging through Kaillera.

Can you list specs of your machine as well as your internet connection type?


I only do 2p MKII, This is over Kaillera, by the end of our short set, I had 52 Spikes.

I have a better pc, But i use this one for MK Cause its XP
PC Specs:
Processor P4 2.4GHZ
1GB Ram
Radeon 9600XT

Oh and yes this is with everyone i play, So its my end
Is there any game options in my mame visually etc that may be slowing this down? Also if i set it to lan instead of good will it help aswell? Just a couple questions any help to make it run smoother is appreciated

Here are my settings however, I notice anti-aliasing is on, I turned that off

Try opening up your task manager, go to processes, and change the priority of mame to high. This helps some. Also look out for processes your computer is running that aren't essential. You don't want to close any of the system processes so be careful, but sometimes things will be running that you didn't even realize were, taking up precious cpu power. I feel your pain man. Only place i can play mk with people is kaillera and there is ALWAYS at least some lag.
Try opening up your task manager, go to processes, and change the priority of mame to high. This helps some. Also look out for processes your computer is running that aren't essential. You don't want to close any of the system processes so be careful, but sometimes things will be running that you didn't even realize were, taking up precious cpu power. I feel your pain man. Only place i can play mk with people is kaillera and there is ALWAYS at least some lag.
This Work for me, thanks!