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MK9 PDP Stick problems/fixes


Arcade Tech
ok so i have this TE stick and the joystick is horrible. i looked all over the internets to see if i could find out how to fix it. so i couldnt find nothing,and in turn i took it aparts etc. im just giving a heads up to who ever wants to replace the joystick. i found a srk thread on replacing the insides(spring etc) with IL parts or happ w.e. i did that and it didnt really help. so i had to remove the plexi n t-molding. if u want to do the same im just letting u guys know that they taped the plexi down with double sided tape, and it took me a good few min to get it off. figured id post this in case someone else wants to actually use the stick they got with out jumping straight up all the time. i would have posted pic but i have no camera atm. sry ,also the art is printed on the plexi so if anyone was wanting to do custom art, u will need to make a new one. YAY
I don't have a problem with it at all. I can do most everything with it I can do on a pad :\ but thanks for the info on taking it apart.


Arcade Tech
Im telling u guys the stick thats in the te is terrible, i guess u would have to play on another to see the difference. The buttons r Suzo Happ, the joystick looks happ but imo its not,the microswitches r eh. If u switch it with an IL its 10x better and they have cherry switches.
Hi, I'm looking to trade retro scorpion for retro sub zero. I'll include a gears of war 3 beta code for anybody interested
I dig my TE stick only issue i had was one of the connectors was loose, no biggie opened compartment and slide them all up tight and fixed it. Way more responsive than my actual MK2 dedicated cab which is all original so really not sure why people are saying the stick is crap. Great build design, great feel and looks so much better than both SF TE sticks I bought (SFIV and SSIV).

Plus it was $60 less than a SF TE stick with bundle price - can't beat that in my opinion.


GoldenOreos said:
i replaced everthing with IL already and it works so much better
BeRB said:
I don't think happs that bad. Preferences
Happ is not that bad...happ is even worse...The plastic buttons are crap and after you hit them 100 times, they get stuck. The micro switches for happ are some sort of mega garbage "E-switch" brand. I usually replace them every month because they start work bad....Last but not least the stick is so horrible...I mean, a third grader would make a better one in shop class....The problem is that the Spanish "IL" used to be "Happ" but for stupid reason Happ probably decided that more profit is needed and started manufacturing in China.

P.S. I just got my package from paradise arcade shop - IL stick and IL convex buttons with original Cherry switches + 6 extra zippy switches....that shit is the shit!!!!!


I do have problems jumping forward, to the right. That's a royal pain in the ass. Which part is it that needs to be replaced and where do I get it?


Arcade Tech
heKtor said:
I do have problems jumping forward, to the right. That's a royal pain in the ass. Which part is it that needs to be replaced and where do I get it?
u should replace your whole joystick with and IL stick, this is exactly what im talking about.


GoldenOreos said:
u should replace your whole joystick with and IL stick, this is exactly what im talking about.
Sorry about my noobness here, but can you tell me where to order one from? What does IL stand for?