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MK9 patch in the works?


Master of Quanculations
If there are some nerfs across the board to top tier, I would accept making Spirit Charge -15 on block.

For Kitana, I'd make her Back3 a low. Quan Chi gets a 6 frame D1. Ermac gets EX Push safe on block.


If there are some nerfs across the board to top tier, I would accept making Spirit Charge -15 on block.

For Kitana, I'd make her Back3 a low. Quan Chi gets a 6 frame D1. Ermac gets EX Push safe on block.
No armor for Ermac?

EDIT: I was only asking, I can't make an informed decision on what Ermac needs.


You will BOW to me!
I would say that Ermac should get armor on EX TKP or TKS, but that would be too much. What i would like to see though is:

1) Make his F4 a low combo starter.

2) Make his B1 an overhead combo starter.

3) Make his d3 plus on hit on standing opponents.

Ermac doesnt need armor, despite what many people say. The buffs i mentioned above, would make him top 10 material for sure.


All I would do to Kabal is reduce his meter building properties and he can't fire another iagb until the first one has either hit or left the screen.

Just give csz a better teleport please.


Meta saltmine
So I heard Ed Boon has a penchant for trolling, intentionally or not.
But ofc I wouldn't mind a patch, if only just to see what direction NRS is going.

That said, I doubt that community is capable of discussing changes and their ramifications seriously. Don't get me wrong, but just how many people willing to do that there is? :)


I'll make an "official" thread now so we can all discuss balances for each character. I'll summarise everything in the O.P. and hopefully we can get some useful discussion going there.


A patch would be great.

I wish they'd make Kitana's enhanced pretty kicks hit mid on all 3 kicks, that's all I'm asking for her.


Ermac player in training
If they patched the game, what changes would they need to do to make Jade playable but not stupid?


Positive Poster!
I've made this point before a thousand times, but MK is fundamentally broken.
It's the general mechanics of the game that need to take off in a direction that's more suitable.
I mean, SSF4 has twice the characters MK has but it's still way more balanced.


This might be out of place and kind of random but:

Can anybody who watched MK9 at EVO tell me that this isn't a fantastic game? It's a shame if the game dies, because it's coming at a time where players are leveling up even further, making it insane to watch (footsies, spacing, etc... are all noticeably improved). I first noticed at a west coast major earlier this year when Wound and DJT had an insane set and Tyrant wrecked people. Then Final Round came along and the level of play was out of this world. After that, things got sloppy a bit when people were focusing on Injustice, but EVO was a grand return to form. You could see just how far this game has come along. It really deserves better treatment from our top players.


Frozen Earth
Sweet lord baby jesus let it happen. The game could use it for sure. The biggest reason I want it to happen is the renewed energy it would give the game. People might actually sign up for it at tournaments after this past Evo if they see that it hasn't been buried yet.