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MK9 Casuals REO (Kabal) VS Dark Rob (Reptile)


GG's guys

Cant wait to play you two in 2 weeks. I'll get some matches recorded here from Cali soon.

Btw, whats wrong with the audio?


Cock Master!!
Thank you for these .. finally some decent high level MK9 play..

[MAD]all you mother fuckers are going to be 2-4 days ahead of me O_O[/MAD] :sindel:


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
GGs REO and Rob

I'm really liking how Kabal and Reptile play, kinda reminds me of UMK3. Competitive MK9 is looking solid!

Thank you for these .. finally some decent high level MK9 play..

[MAD]all you mother fuckers are going to be 2-4 days ahead of me O_O[/MAD] :sindel:
It's okay, they will be 11 days ahead of me, and other people 7 :(

I'll still own you all though, haha!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Yo, good shit guys!

Rob, don't you get 321 xx slide as an ender?
Bare with me since i don't know the strings, but after air fireball xx spin, can kabal not do his launch string again then dash into ender string?


Reptile looks pretty fun. Nice to see the saw being useful for Kabal. Once Kabal gets in, the match goes his way it seems.