I just played that mk4 online with firesnake on psx emulator, online works great, no desync issues, but now i see how this game is broken with its gameplay lol - i remember when i played this shit back in 90s on my nitendo 64 , today i played this again on psx online after so many years and i must say what were they thinking of making this game so fast and etc , its like almost no control over the game -its too damn unrealistic fast! I created this thread for fun so you can post some of your thouth of the game and experience of online vs on kaillera (if it even exist lol).....u guys have any good VS matches on youtube or something so i wont have too lok for it , i wanna see some of you crazzy fuks playing this shit hehehehehhe - and maybe ill be playing this again online if anyone has psx pal version of the game and kaillera, but guys cant be too good cause im not very good at mk4
PS: DED .. i saw your mk4 kombo-speed run video and i must say u scare me mann
ol: hah