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mk2 revision 3.0?

if anyone else can give me some info on this revision rom it would be appreciated... i came across this rom after buying a board off ebay... is it a rare rom?



It's seems so yes,

first release was 1.1 due to capcom releasing Super Street Fighter II.
This was a very early release without a danger bar and several moves still not added to the game, like Mileena's roll for example.

1.4 was next with additional moves and such..

After 2.1 wich was the first official release was 3.1, wich we all know and play pretty much, with more blood, secret characters and the dead pool fatality added.

There is a 3.2 revision out there (0fficial) wich was the European release and is slightly different from the 3.1 US release.

I've never heard of a 3.0 revision myself, so I'm wondering if it was an official release at the time or a hack like the Challenger, 4.2 and 9.1 revisions..

But my guess is that it was a pre-release of the 3.1


I remember hearing about this rom. That was quite a few years ago though. I can't remember what was different about it.
well i am def. going to have it sent to stephen at hobbyroms to have images dumped, and so he can share the info with MAME-DV but as far as differences in 3.1 wich i also have and 3.0 i havent seen any.
Yeah as soon as i get them and play around and document any differences i can find im going to send them to the mame team.