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Match-up Discussion MK2 Jax VS Raiden


Forum General Emeritus

Rules of this discussion:
  • You may contribute anything that will further the interest and understanding of the matchup. This includes strategies, videos, combos, etc.
  • Feel free to answer the default questions posed in the first reply, though you are not required to do so.
  • Please keep the discussion focused on the two characters in question.


Forum General Emeritus
As a fan of Raiden, this is a matchup that I'm not too fond of. It may look like Raiden has the edge here, but in reality Jax is an overwhelming favorite; possibly 8-2.

The upside for Raiden includes being able to quickly teleport to close distance on the Jax player who likes to turtle. His jabbing is still good for this reason, but Jax has the tools to keep Raiden at bay.

The GP really ruins this matchup for Raiden as I feel it is broken. Aside from the fact that it nullifies Raiden's bolt toss, a standard GP will always hit Raiden during the superman animation (WTF). Teleporting to get inside can be countered by buffering a gotcha grab. Jax's godlike aaHK doesn't always connect on Raiden during a jump-in which can lead to a followup air superman. This shouldn't matter much though because if Jax anticipates he can counter with a JP and/or backbreaker to own the air. CQC is a coin toss given Jax's quadra-slam, gotcha, and overhead smash combo starter.
  • Is it better for Raiden to stay on the ground or in the air?
  • How often should projectiles be used in this match?
  • Who has the CQC edge in your opinion?
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Kitana's Bodyguard
With the MK9 people not commenting on our threads anymore, it looks like you and I are the only ones that are posting, MKillBill :(
These are the posts that get people talking and excited to play MK2, so IDK where everyone is. C'mon guys... GET OVER HERE!!!

Anyway, I think Raiden is always a tricky match for Jax, but in the end Jax has the edge.

Are you going to win this match from far away? Absolutely not. You need to be as aggressive as possible, and Raiden's jab pressure can make Jax's life miserable. Mix in a slew of jabs, teleports, crossover kicks, supermans, sweeps... you have to keep Jax from getting comfortable. Don't be afraid of Jax up close. Chances are he will just try to get away from you- not get aggressive in return. Limit the amount you're in the air. You don't need to jump around, because your teleport will always put you right in Jax's wheelhouse. Use lightning bolts on occasion, but not much- it won't help you out a lot here.

Turtle your way to victory. When Raiden teleports next to you, anticipate it with a ground pound or uppercut. Back him off with a crouch punch followed up with a ground pound. It's not as easy to AAHK Raiden as others, but work on the timing. If Raiden does alot of air supermans over your head, time your GP so it hits him as he lands. Mix in wave punches to keep him jumping, but not too much or you open the door to get JK/superman combo-ed. Surprise an aggressive Raiden by some aggression of your own. Use crossover kicks buffering block in the air, and you'll get a backbreaker in if Raiden tries to jump away. Multi-slam takes away almost half your opponent's power- always be looking for that up close.

Probably 7-3 for Jax. Raiden can pressure Jax in ways very few fighters in MK2 can. But still, a tank Jax will come through the majority of the time, no matter how Raiden plays. People always told me that Raiden was one of the few fighters that could give XiongBros' Jax trouble... is that true?


Forum General Emeritus
mortal_jason, no matter the number of posters, you are still providing quality match analysis. I think part of the issue may be that people could be waiting for premier matchups they actually play a lot (Liu Kang/Jax, Mileena/Jax) before jumping in. What would really help out is if we could get some video footage of said matchups to further illustrate the discussions.


Kitana's Bodyguard
mortal_jason, no matter the number of posters, you are still providing quality match analysis. I think part of the issue may be that people could be waiting for premier matchups they actually play a lot (Liu Kang/Jax, Mileena/Jax) before jumping in. What would really help out is if we could get some video footage of said matchups to further illustrate the discussions.
Don't worry, as soon as we get to Jax vs Kitana, my matches vs Foozer1 will take center stage ;)


I'm not saying another word about any matchup. I want to see 10-20 matches between good players on video. That will say more than I ever could.


Kitana's Bodyguard
I'm not saying another word about any matchup. I want to see 10-20 matches between good players on video. That will say more than I ever could.
Do you know how hard it is to get two good players together to play a specific match up though? Without lag?
And then agree to record?

This is primarily a thread for discussing the matches. If there is video footage floating around somewhere, then that's a bonus.