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Match-up Discussion MK2 Jax VS Kung Lao


Forum General Emeritus

Rules of this discussion:
  • You may contribute anything that will further the interest and understanding of the matchup. This includes strategies, videos, combos, etc.
  • Feel free to answer the default questions posed in the first reply, though you are not required to do so.
  • Please keep the discussion focused on the two characters in question.


Forum General Emeritus
An interesting matchup for sure. A tank versus an aerial specialist. Who usually wins?

Jax is a powerhouse against just about anyone and it works out the same way with Lao as well. His backbreaker is critical in dominating the air and stopping Lao's bullet kick assault. With Lao grounded, Jax can focus on hammering out well-timed ground pounds and go on to victory. Blocking a Lao bullet kick will lead to massive combo damage for Jax. For Lao to win here, he needs to have a very fast bullet kick to get past the godlike HK of Jax and also to avoid the possibility of getting blocked and comboed. Be unpredictable with a barrage of teleports and JP (bullet kick) and mix in some hat tosses to get Jax out of his tanking game.

An elite Jax will usually have their way with an elite Lao. I'd give this to Jax 7-3... 8-2 in lag
  • Is it better for Jax to be in the air looking for backbreakers or just stay on the ground looking for combo ops?
  • Who has better CQC here?
  • Best AA options for both?
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Kitana's Bodyguard
This is one of the more fun match-ups in MK2, am I right? Both fighters are higher tiered, which means Lao can compete with the boss man, Jax.
Jax holds the advantage, but Lao is not without his resources.

A clever mix up of close-up attacks, mixed in with hats from afar is a pretty good play here. Use the teleport just enough that you surprise Jax. You'll be eating uppercuts if you get predictable. But definitely use it to keep Jax within your sights, or he can just out-turtle you. Dive kick at your own risk! Jax can block and punish it better than almost anyone else in the game. Lao has the edge in CQC, so overall your goal is to be within sweep distance of Jax. Low toes will keep him from ground pounding you. Throwing a few punches and immediately whirlwind spinning also is great at catching Jax. You always want to be pressuring him. Alternatively, another good tactic is to hat spam from far away- when Jax jumps at you, own him in the air with jump punch/dive kick, or whirlwind spin combo him.

Golden punches are a great asset in this match. Try to keep away from Lao, and anticipate his teleports with an uppercut. If you catch him teleporting too late, you can usually block and get a HK in depending on the lag, and the level Lao you're facing. If you're going to jump, jump punch is your best pick. Jax's sweep is much longer than Lao, so don't be afraid to throw some in when Lao tracks you down. It's usually pretty hard to get a ground pound in vs a great Lao, because he floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. But still use them, combined with wave punches, to get Lao jumpy. Some Lao players like to turtle, and this bring them to you, where you can block and counter. Backbreaker is good, but always a risk to be in the air vs Lao. Best time for it is after you see you've scored a jump kick (which shouldn't be often, coz you shouldn't be jumping much!). What really wins this match for Jax is blocking dive kicks, and jump kick/backbreaking. Most Laos can't help themselves, they must dive kick you, so be ready to block them.

Lao has the moves to track Jax down. Problem is a great Jax can usually deal with them just fine.
7-3 for Jax. Though the really great Lao players could probably make it much closer... not sure.
I wouldn't say 7-3 Jax way. I think you might have over exgratted it just a little bit. More like 7-5 Jax. I love this Match-up Because i believe a elite kung lao can stand a chance against a average Jax. Lao as many different options to choose from?
I mean many people tend to have trouble countering Lao's dropkick and jump punch with Jax am I right? Not to mention, his flying kick which can be very deceiving and unpredictable. Lao also has the the hat which he can use to his avantage and the comboination of his low toe kick. It can make Jax play offense instead backing up the whole game. Then on the other hand, a Elite smart Jax Can demolish Lao. You have to have alot of patience with Jax and use alot different techinques.


Kitana's Bodyguard
I wouldn't say 7-3 Jax way. I think you might have over exgratted it just a little bit. More like 7-5 Jax. I love this Match-up Because i believe a elite kung lao can stand a chance against a average Jax. Lao as many different options to choose from?
I mean many people tend to have trouble countering Lao's dropkick and jump punch with Jax am I right? Not to mention, his flying kick which can be very deceiving and unpredictable. Lao also has the the hat which he can use to his avantage and the comboination of his low toe kick. It can make Jax play offense instead backing up the whole game. Then on the other hand, a Elite smart Jax Can demolish Lao. You have to have alot of patience with Jax and use alot different techinques.
An elite Jax is like a wall that Lao can't do much about. At best, it's 6-4 for Jax, but Jax definitely has the advantage.


I like this matchup either way, but I prefer to have Lao. I think it's pretty damn close. 6-4 at best in Jax's favor.

Edit* This is one of the only matchups where Lao gets to be Lao. I love it.


Kitana's Bodyguard
I like this matchup either way, but I prefer to have Lao. I think it's pretty damn close. 6-4 at best in Jax's favor.

Edit* This is one of the only matchups where Lao gets to be Lao. I love it.
I agree it's not a terrible match at all for either player.
I like this matchup either way, but I prefer to have Lao. I think it's pretty damn close. 6-4 at best in Jax's favor.

Edit* This is one of the only matchups where Lao gets to be Lao. I love it.
I have to agree with mikecaldwell lao is just way more funnier to play with in this match up just making jax play offense is what makes me love this match up.


Kitana's Bodyguard
I have to agree with mikecaldwell lao is just way more funnier to play with in this match up just making jax play offense is what makes me love this match up.
I love this match with either player, I'm better at it with Jax though, which leads me to believe he has a nice advantage.


MK2 Kung Lao vs Jax/Liu

Maybe not the best set ever but relevant for this topic.

This is one of my favorite match-ups in this game. It can be brutal and unforgiving, and often you have to be ready to use the full arsenal of either character to ensure a victory. At least as Lao, this is the one match I find myself using each special rather often.

Overall I think Kung Lao has to stay unpredictable and constantly cycle in new ways to close distance on Jax with (precise short and quick dive kicks into sweep and throw range are great here, but if miscalculated can lead to a block and punish. In air to air Jax has a great jump kick that keeps Lao honest at range, and of course the back breaker during cross-overs.

I give an edge to Jax, but at most this is 6-4 in his favor, as one mistake by either character can easily decide a round. The jump kick and back-breaker punish for blocked dive kicks can be devastating, but you can also find yourself losing 80-90% of your life bar as Jax if you jump into a whirlwind spin combo.