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MK11 Single Player Modes and Grind Discussion (Towers of Time, Augments, and Krypt) - Towers are Fixed.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
It seems like the grind for the krypt comes from doing both klassic and towers of time, then spending it in the krypt, making it a rinse repeat cycle

Deleted member 35141

This is why I didnt mind motherboxes there were only gear, shaders and moves to unlock this game has like 9 things.
Also the better the box the more gear you got with better rarity this game is just random.

Prateek Shekhar

That’s downright absurd. And for what? Just a random skin unlock or something? Or is this a one-time permanent unlock for the tower, which you can then grind repeatedly for Noob-specific items?
This one gives me a new gear, a new skin and a brutality. I'm wondering if theres a stage 3 tower after to unlock with 100,000 koins


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
This one gives me a new gear, a new skin and a brutality. I'm wondering if theres a stage 3 tower after to unlock with 100,000 koins
But can it be replayed? If not, that is wayyyyyyyyy too much work for that little reward. Especially considering how maddeningly frustrating these towers are in the first place. I mean there are so many skins...

Prateek Shekhar

I cross-posted this thread on Era, and there are other users who have the game who shared their 2 cents. On one hand, I don't want to kill hype for people who've been looking forward to this game for such a long time. On the other, screw capitalism and the AAA industry and if this helps people make an informed purchase, so be it.

There are opponents in towers that are practically impossible to beat if you don't have the right kind of item to aid you. One tower I could just not clear because I was not able to beat an early character in that tower that constantly sat my character on fire, quickly draining it of health. There was a specific item the game recommended I should use to mitigate the health drain, but I didn't own it. Other items that I owned didn't help much either, I wasted them all trying. Not even the AI could beat it.
There will be a lot of times when you won't be able to progress not because you lack skill or endurance, but because the game is simply unfair and you lack the proper item to help you mitigate that unfairness.
Taken from here: https://www.resetera.com/threads/mortal-kombat-11-roster-stages-discussion-thread.85607/post-19997304

Problem with the whole stuff is the game is constantly throwing sticks between the players legs.

you buy an character specific tower set which consists of 4 or 5 towers for 25000 Koins. In those towers they want you to have accumulated 50 uppercuts or 50 throws, so you have to grind this out first before you can tackle the character specific towers. yay!

you do a normal tower of time, it takes a long time and you get 10.000 koins and a few consumables for the playing, it isn´t even guaranteed that you get something cosmetic. yay!

i am sitting here with a Sonya that has in total 15 Skins, 4 intros, winning poses 2 fatalities and stuff and there is no guarantee at all to unlock something specific, i see the same intro, the same winning pose and the same fatality the whole time. the game is crippled essentially because you will never see those cosmetics in a reasonable amount of time.

so that is where these crystals come into play later. they want people to buy those crystals or play this game till your beard is long and grey.

people saying this is fine are not seeing the problem, this is a full price game with additional paid DLC characters and they treat you like playing a free mobile game. it is awful and it makes no fun. they should give out those cosmetics at a steady pace...

this is just awful, if the base game was 30 bucks and it was so stingy, well would suck but would be an explanation, for a full price game this is all the disgusting shit going on with games these days rolled into one nice package.
From: https://www.resetera.com/threads/mortal-kombat-11-roster-stages-discussion-thread.85607/page-163#post-19997671

Same poster than wrote this..
so, these towers of time are a shadow of the great Injustice 2 Multiverse, i think i have played 7 or 8 towers by now and all my will to continue is zapped...

negative effects only applied to the player, not the enemy, ridiculous matches like 2 characters with extra health and effects against you with a single healthbar, the consumables don´t help at all, difficulty spikes every few matches, fucked up modifiers all the way. this stuff seems like it wasn´t even playtested. this is so much worse than the Injustice 2 Multiverse, i can´t believe it...

man i am annoyed by the game at the moment, the core fighting is good, everything else is a total mess so far..progression, mandatory online stuff, bad towers which should be the heart of the single player mode....

i think this will turn out as quite a bummer for many people, i wonder what happened, maybe they rushed this game out of the door..i don´t have another explanation for this mess.

there is not a single thing in this game which is motivating, it is all there to slow you down, to cripple your experience and to make you fork out more money. i think i am done with any games Warner Bros might put out in the future, i won´t support this predatory nonsense anymore. won´t buy any Kombat Pass for this game for sure, already thinking about selling the game tbh, no interest to take part in this time consuming bullshit and i don´t go to tournaments, i just wanted a nice fighting game which can be played solo, Injustice 2 i played for months but this here...i don´t know at the moment


Mortal Kombat-phile
Isn't this what everyone was expecting, tho, when the devs said you could purchase items with Time Krystals (ie, purchase with real money)? The idea that you could theoretically grind everything in the game, but if you wanted to save time, you could bypass that requirement and just buy it outright?

I thought this was pretty clear a while ago.

If you have lots of time, you can grind.
If you have little time but have disposable cash, you can buy.

If you have neither...ehhhh, not a great scenario I admit.

I will agree that it sucks (if true), that most of the Krypt is RNG since you can't dedicate your grind time to a specific item.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
Yeah, this is looking pretty bad now

Hopefully they done some of those modifiers quickly, cause thats gonna kill towers of time hype really fast.

Also, the requirements for character towers are also bullshit


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
So many patches. So many updates. I'm sure that this'll be something they'll update after they get enough shit for it. At least I hope so.

For the Towers of Time, are there difficulty settings? Have you tried doing any difficult towers with AI?


Agent of Chaosrealm
This sounds exactly what I was afraid of. Making unlocking stuff a chore and prompting you to pay for the stuff instead.

I'll reserve final judgement for when I'll play the game. Fortunately, most of the characters' current outfits are my favourites, so I won't be in any rush to unlock everything. But make no mistake, paying 100$ and still feeling like I need to fork another 50$ for some of the cosmetics is fucked up.


Everything literally sounds like a F2P mobile games today. It sounds worse than what i was expecting and even worse than Injustice 2.
This is huge problem. Because we are talking about full priced AAA game here! This is not a F2P or 10$ game. It's 60/100$ game.
WB will NEVER learn!


This is why people were right to be concerned when they announced you could pay for unlockables. They want you to take that option. It wouldn't exist if they didn't.
This was my first thought when that guy announced this crap. He seemed kinda scared and totally confused while talking about it. I knew at that exact moment what WB did here. They are SO transparent.

"There are NO lootboxes in MK11!"... but we are going to make you spend your hard earned $ on our full priced game.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
This was my first thought when that guy announced this crap. He seemed kinda scared and totally confused while talking about it. I knew at that exact moment what WB did here.

"There are NO lootboxes in MK11"... but we are going to make you spend your hard earned $ on our full priced game.
Funny thing is

GI just released a interview with Derek, and one of the things he said is that they are on every site and twitter looking at what everyone says.

So, they will see this hopefully, and fix it, cause this is not acceptable, and ruins what is supposed to be a large amount of the singeplayer content, longevity wise.


Funny thing is

GI just released a interview with Derek, and one of the things he said is that they are on every site and twitter looking at what everyone says.

So, they will see this hopefully, and fix it, cause this is not acceptable, and ruins what is supposed to be a large amount of the singeplayer content, longevity wise.
Honestly after that Shadow of War disaster i thought that they learned thing or two but... nope. It's still that WB, ruining another good game with their crap.


Agent of Chaosrealm
We may like to talk crap about WB all the time, but we should all remember that it's their crapload of cash that gives such terrific production values to the latest MK games. Nothing is perfect and corporate greed is going to be the price we'll have to pay for an AAA+ fighting game with a healthy amount of characters and content.

Just saying.
Sooo...you're not okay with having to grind and play the game to get to the content...and you're not okay with having to pay for the content outright.
I'd like for content to be unlokable clearly, to be non-random and to take a resonable amount of time. I spent 200 hours playing Injustice 2 and I didn't get the staff of Grayson.
Have you ever tried to unlock skins in JoJo ASB? That is what I consider the end result of such things. I had to literally wait around for twenty minutes just to play another easy battle. It's horrible and does nothing but piss off the customer who already paid for the product in order to get more money from them. Well guess what? I'd rather drop a game like that then throw money at it.


Mortal Kombat-phile
I'd like for content to be unlokable clearly, to be non-random and to take a resonable amount of time. I spent 200 hours playing Injustice 2 and I didn't get the staff of Grayson.
Have you ever tried to unlock skins in JoJo ASB? That is what I consider the end result of such things. I had to literally wait around for twenty minutes just to play another easy battle. It's horrible and does nothing but piss off the customer who already paid for the product in order to get more money from them. Well guess what? I'd rather drop a game like that then throw money at it.
So what I'm hearing is that you're going to cancel your pre-order (or not buy MK 11 if you haven't already pre-ordered)?

That's ultimately your choice. But I really think your blowing this out of proportion. Will the game be grindy? Yes, most likely. Did we already know that? Also yes. Is it unreasonable? Not really.
So what I'm hearing is that you're going to cancel your pre-order (or not buy MK 11 if you haven't already pre-ordered)?
I don't preorder out of principle, will probably pick it up tuesday.
That's ultimately your choice. But I really think your blowing this out of proportion. Will the game be grindy? Yes, most likely. Did we already know that? Also yes. Is it unreasonable? Not really.
I just find it funny that they promised no lootboxes and gave us a crypt filled with boxes that can be infinitely respawned to drop randomised loot. I get that you can't buy it with money, but I guess it's just semantics.
In Injustice 2 the system was specifically made so you would get drops for other characters more often. I spent ages trying to get a certain Robin shader (yellowjacket) and instead kept getting trash tier gear, all of which I had before. When I got shaders it was for characters I never used like Cheetah. The only other option was to pay real money for one of a bunch of skins. It was deeply unsatisfying to grind for literally dozens of hours and get nothing I wanted at all.


Mortal Kombat-phile
I think @Nickolaidas makes a valid point in that NRS gets a healthy budget from Warner Bros., and it allows the former access to a wealth of resources to make amazing MK games. This game (based on what we've seen so far) is jam-packed with content, and we're not meant to unlock it all in 1 month's time...or even 6 months time. The game is meant to appeal to both competitive, casual, and single-player gamers. And according to the devs, they plan on supporting (ie, updating and adding content) for a lot longer than they normally would with MK 11. They want us to play for a long time, to try new characters, to play different modes, etc.

Yes, WB is going to want to make a shit ton of money from MK 11. So NRS is going to have to accede to some of WB's monetary demands. If that pushes you to not buy the games that's your choice. If you buy the game, you can grind for the content and, idk, play the game, or if you've got your eye on something you just can't wait for, then put down some Time Krystals and bypass the grind.

It's baffling that NRS gives people so much content (as @trufenix pointed out), and yet people just want it now, don't want to work for it, nor want to accept an alternate route to unlock it with cash. Why even have unlockables in the game if you just get it all in 1 month? :confused:


Mortal Kombat-phile
I don't preorder out of principle, will probably pick it up tuesday.

I just find it funny that they promised no lootboxes and gave us a crypt filled with boxes that can be infinitely respawned to drop randomised loot. I get that you can't buy it with money, but I guess it's just semantics.
In Injustice 2 the system was specifically made so you would get drops for other characters more often. I spent ages trying to get a certain Robin shader (yellowjacket) and instead kept getting trash tier gear, all of which I had before. When I got shaders it was for characters I never used like Cheetah. The only other option was to pay real money for one of a bunch of skins. It was deeply unsatisfying to grind for literally dozens of hours and get nothing I wanted at all.
I will wholeheartedly agree that it's shitty if you can't grind towards a specific item and it's all randomized. Absolutely that's some BS.

But taking a while to unlock content itself, and work towards it, and having the option to pay for it early as an alternative...I don't have an issue with that.


haha shokan queen go down up
I will wholeheartedly agree that it's shitty if you can't grind towards a specific item and it's all randomized. Absolutely that's some BS.

But taking a while to unlock content itself, and work towards it, and having the option to pay for it early as an alternative...I don't have an issue with that.
Because there's no issue to be had with it.


Mortal Kombat-phile
Because there's no issue to be had with it.
So what's the problem then? Maybe I'm missing something, and if I am, I'm sorry. I'm trying really hard to wrap my head around this supposed controversy?

-We all agree that it's shitty that you can't grind towards something specifically, and the krypt should probably not be RNG.

-It should take a long time to unlock a bunch of content.

-WB holds the purse strings.

-The game will be grindy; something we all knew (or should have suspected at the least).

-There's a way to bypass said grind with real money, but your not forced to pay for anything.

-Tower of Time fights are hard (as they should be), and it'll take some rotating through lesser towers and challenges before we can take on greater challenges.

What am I missing?