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MK1 Season 3 DLC wishlist

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I guess in this case, getting more post trilogy era characters can be the equivalent of getting new characters this time as there's now a generation of players whose first MK game was likely MK9. As a matter of fact, Boon himself even stated that they treated those characters as new during development as most of the current designers at NRS had to go back and play those games because they had never heard of Reiko, Ashrah, Li Mei, Havik and Nitara.
damn, that's harsh
Li Mei didn't turned out well imo.


I mostly like the redesigns visually speaking. Plot wise they're all paper thin which doesn't help, and then gameplay wise is where MK1's problems shine.

I honestly couldn't tell you off the top of my head what Tanya's gimmick is because for the majority of this game's life it's been "whirlybird into combo" not whatever the fuck extra hands does.

Likewise I love the idea behind Li's lantern, and just about any setup ability, and yet I honestly can't think of many occasions I've seen it used as anything other than combo extension.

Character identity has, to put it lightly, struggled, and it's not just zoning that's taken a hit. We're FINALLY getting to where we can see some more expression again, but it's taken them making significant changes to members of the cast, sometimes repeatedly, and that's a really bad state to be in over a year after the game launched.

It really feels like one balance ethos was embraced for launch, and then they're finally backing down on that for whatever reason and saying "ok yeah they need complete kits to start"


MK1 is the best MK period.
Mk11 looks beautiful visually. What happened with MK1? The art style already looks bad and will age like milk.


Her gameplay lacks substance
In what way? She's got one of the best armored advancing specials in the game. A really good fireball, a legit mix between low and instant air overhead, both of which can launch for a combo. Good air control. Plus frames, strike/grab mix ups. She can hit hella hard with several different Kameos.

What more do you want?

The only area she really lacks is a strong footsie button and a few string gaps but that's by design. Just about every + on block string in this game has a gap. She can't have every tool in the game.


Thrill Kill
It's simple:


and Shinnok!

When are we going to have all the main villains together again? I mean Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shinnok. We're always this close and it never happens.


Mine are:

And Onaga !

I don't care for anymore guests to be honest. Wont be mad if they add more but id prefer to see all of these in the game.
Im also expecting MORE kameos. We need MORE kameos.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
I'd like to see Scarlet and Jade as playable, along with Kotal Khan and D'Vorah and Bo-Rai-Cho

I'd like to see Meat, Hornbuckle and Blaze as Kameos


Life was wasted on you.
If they bring Skarlet back, please make her similar to her MK9 iteration and not that abomination that was MK11. Keep her looking the same as far as what she looks like, however. Aesthetically, Skarlet was very pleasing in MK11.