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MK1 Close Combat example

Funny thing that I ran into one of Tim Rogers' idiotic Kotaku pieces, where he proclaimed such an insightful bit:

The jerk friction in Mortal Kombat was a quick one-two of sweeping a guys legs and then uppercutting him while he was in the air. It was like a Street Fighter II Combo For Dummies. It was stupid, though it was enough for people who were only in it for the Fatalities to understand.
The whole 1500+ word mess of feature is here: http://ca.kotaku.com/5558166/in-praise-of-sticky-friction

And yup, few people on the planet tolerate this guy, and that small number includes himself.


And all of his facts were true at the beggining...untill game got developed too higher experienced level where close combat comes in. The game has entirely different way of playing, not just upercut and sweep and fire. It dosent work if people wanna beat best players of it.
Thats why i think this example is good too see the scenarios that are used in close combat.


lol thats not even a kombo; that thing" guys is saying was just fiction. They dont go in the air when u sweep them... they just fall down.