Game of Thrones as the MKC
Phase3 : when him and his wife have a kid, he will look JUST like this
Altier: talk's shit, can't back it up
REO: the troll of all trolls
Tom Brady: same family as REO, wanna hate him but you just can't
Mr.Mileena: if he had a beard
Rapzilla: a fucking beast! but also a very kind person.
16bit: he "was" good
Cdjr: beats you up in the game and in a real fight
Tim Static: you should grow a beard and display as such
KevoDaMan: this is just racist
Maxter: looks like him, acts like him, should have been casted as him
Insoupuable: quiet, but gets the job fucking done
AC1984: way too modest
Shady: a huge tall dude from north of the wall...border
Zaf: kinda looks like him if he tanned and bulked up
STORMS: mr. information, doesn't take sides and in the end, really has all the power
JamesMK: 100% badass
Foxy: a huge threat from across the seas, talks mad shit
Pig of the Hut: makes bold claims, follows through with said claims, always places 2nd