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MK is a game about setups, NOT combo damage


1 2 3 drink
I rather read tech threads then combovideo threads. Unfortunately i have to search trough alot of pages and threads flooded with all sorts of impractible combos using 2/3 bars of meter.
I know the game is new but i hope there will be stickied threads soon with all the bnbs.
And it will be helpfull that the forum gets more organised so that good character posts dont get lost in a random thread.


Scrubby nice guy
Getting really sick of seeing all these combo videos that go in for the highest damage possible with no regards to how safe the string they're using is, the impossible situation that would require the combo to even happen and doesn't even setup a situation where you'll be in an advantage after the combo

You should really look for setups and the best way of playing your character first, combo damage is just a nice bonus.
You should see Forever King's Kung Jin. Not much setups, pure damage and he just rekt his competition.


Head Cage
So you want people to learn the thing that takes months to years as a game is explored within the first week instead of the easiest part of the game that takes a couple of days?
Setups are just as easy to find as high damage combos. Not hard.


Does it matter?
I feel there's a lot of misunderstanding here.

There's nothing wrong with exploring possible combos, setups, etc. However, most players go about this process with complete disregard for practicality. Finding a 50% combo is going to do little for you when your opponent blocks your slow, unsafe, unconfirmable normals, then punishes you.

Optimizing combos is very important, sure. But, you should always consider how exactly you're going to land that hit, and what your opponent can do to retaliate when you don't.
You seem a little misguided OP. Combo damage is just as important as set ups, as it's the set ups that lead to high damaging combos. You are going to have a hard time beating someone who consistently lands 40% combos off of his mix ups when you're hjtting 20%. Just food for thought
Dude look at my videos...I have one hundred percent Injustice combos, 60% one meter combo with Lobo, I can get a 40 percent one meter combo in a Quan vortex etc.

In fact just before I went to work today I did a brutality on a Raiden player who did a 54% combo on me. If you base your whole game off a big damaging combo you're gonna lose, period.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Anyone who's plain on one side of this argument is wrong.

Both are needed to succeed. No point in having setups if you only hit for 17%.

No point in having 70% combos if they all start with a 21f high, and only if you have all of your damage buffs on.

The real issue is people posting like 5 separate threads, one for every combo they find - there's a combo thread for a reason people. Shit gets annoying.