i will start up a test your might room. It will be just plain TYM. I wouldn't prefer a king of the hill but if we have to i guess so. I will start the room at 3pm pacific time. I will only make the room for like 15 minutes if no one joins then forget it for today.
Im starting up a room at 6:45 pm pacific or 7pm pacific. It will just be plain TYM. I will keep the room open for 15 minutes if no one joins then forget it for tonight.
Hey ppl, I main Sub-Zero, I'm also training with Nightwolf. If anyone is interested in training I don't mind what it is, if they need help, i am willing to use any characters. I'm from the uk so preferably someone from the uk. My gamertag is 'The Knucker', i'm usually always online.
Wow seems like just me dominating this thread, i will be starting a TYM room at 6pm pacific or 6:15 pm pacific. If you dont see the room at first just wait a bit. I would like some more different characters to play, so far i only played quan chi, sub-zero, and ermac, and shang tsung all of them were good, its just i want to get acquainted with more matchups.
TYM room up. I'm gonna keep it up for a bit so please join. If I don't respond to challenge just give me a sec, I'm probably just doing something else to kill time while I wait.
Got a room going its called 0TESTYOURMIGHT. I added the zero to get it nearer to the top of the list, ill be creating this room every time I'm on which is very regularly.