Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Are you recording anything?JayTB, Endevermore and myself are here. Hope to see the rest of you soon
Are you recording anything?JayTB, Endevermore and myself are here. Hope to see the rest of you soon
What channel are you uploading the videos to?I think we may have the most hype super ever recordedshould have the vids up tomorrow.
I just want to see themI'll just be putting them on my channel for now. If you guys want the vids though that's fine I can upload them for download. File sizes will be big though as I'll render them at native 1080p.
Lol yeah I agree with thatI think we may have the most hype super ever recordedshould have the vids up tomorrow.
I wondered the same when it happened, I was like wow really? That much damage? Hmm....Just noticed a mad glitch in my matches vs gab. At around 9.20, I throw the piano and it does so much damage?!
Holy shit I never noticed that while recording, that looks like about 40%Just noticed a mad glitch in my matches vs gab. At around 9.20, I throw the piano and it does so much damage?!
Klesk manI CANNOT BELIEVE I MISSED THIS. I don't see how but i didn't have it in my diary. The worst thing is about it is that i wasn't even doing anything, i was playing injustice all day!!!!!!! Sorry fellas
It's unlikely that any tournaments will take place before MKX comes out. You're very welcome to come down to a meet-up in London. Next one will be in the New Year most likely.whens the next mk9/igau tourney then? i'm determined to take top 3 this time
Try mixing it up more with WWC and MB swamp hands/cleaver. It's easy for me to raw back 3 or backdash when I know that you're going to try a tick throw because you haven't established any kind of guessing game. I know I can pretty much always mb back 3 but that's when you WCC and just block and I've wasted a bar.These scumbags were back dashing and back 3ing them all day
These sets were recorded not long before we left so at that point I didn't even bother, it really sucks when they get blown up all the time. I did land a few 3,2 throws though. I think people forget that move exists lol
That is true but in general I've moved away from using them as much. SH and cleaver are both blown up by a MB B3 or a jump (some characters can just neutral jump MB cleaver), it's good if you get them to waste a bar but most B3's are plus on block and being negative right next to your opponent with the slowest strings in the game kinda sucks. You have a follow up WC/C to go with but then you're in the guessing game above.Try mixing it up more with WWC and MB swamp hands/cleaver. It's easy for me to raw back 3 or backdash when I know that you're going to try a tick throw because you haven't established any kind of guessing game. I know I can pretty much always mb back 3 but that's when you WCC and just block and I've wasted a bar.
Also I think stand 1 into tick throw is pretty legit, unless the standing 1 hits lol.
Up for my arrow sometime booiiiiii!!!!!!!!???????I have had to start using 1tick on aquaman, so i can vouch for that one. I like doing 113 into 12 raw which catches a back dash. If they are b3 all the time a well times mb walking corpse can work wonders or just dash back to evade and counter. Lets get some games in jt, i got a semi legit batman these days you can throw around. What console are you on again?