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Mileena's flesh pits costume

I love her flesh pits costume I sure hope it returns in MK10!
She was very sexy in that not just because she was nearly naked but because she was barefoot and I got an ff if you know what that stands for I wonder how bad they smell from walking running kicking and jumping in those heels I wonder what size they are 8 9 7 10?


I thought it made her hit box smaller?
Also, it drives me crazy that I don't have that costume. Does anybody know the fastest way to get enough credits to buy it?


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
pretty sure most ban it, Something to do w different hitbox
just never seen written down in any rules or anything like that.

yea shes slighty smaller than she already is with it and the mk3 one makes her slighty bigger,
pretty much voiding her hitbox tricks.
ive won events using both so it evens out i guess lol


Play Monster Hunter!
I like the costume because it doesn't cover her monster face.

Its kinda weird that Mileena has the least manly face in the game...