The anticipation is killing me
You are right@JDE @theGabStandard I'm pretty sure Jax can wakeup Dash Punch overhead version. So keep that in mind when baiting him to wake up.

You are right@JDE @theGabStandard I'm pretty sure Jax can wakeup Dash Punch overhead version. So keep that in mind when baiting him to wake up.
Yeah that's what I was also looking for. F1 lands it, but because there's so many versions of the dash punch, it's really hard to predict what's coming from him.@JDE @theGabStandard I'm pretty sure Jax can wakeup Dash Punch overhead version. So keep that in mind when baiting him to wake up.
Don't try to air to air Kung Jin. If you sense they're going to dive kick/smash with him, just hold your ground and punish accordingly after the block. That dive kick/smash is highly punishable with anything mileena has to offer aside from her f343 as I think it is a bit too slow to punish that blocked dive kick.How are people finding the Bojitsu Kung Jin matchup? Is there anyway to anti-air his jump ins or do I just have to hold them?
Well, this was my first time fighting MKX Reptile. And to be fair, the guy wasn't that bad. He mixed it up well. Maybe if I had been more familiar with the animation and the extremely brief blockstun it would've helped. But believe me I tried! I got a few Uppercuts in, but usually not even that. I took it to the lab immediately, and it felt like I had all day to Roll. Even B1,2 was punishing it. If you're punishing it that often on a worse than green connection, the Reptile player must be getting predictable with it.@ZeroEffect I've spent a decent amount of time grinding out the Reptile MU. You're pretty much right. The best approach is to low sai about 3/4 of the screen away from your opponent and hope they do something silly. Once they respect your zoning and anti air roll you can go in a little more. It does suck you weren't punishing dash and claw online. I punish it 9 out of 10 times with a yellow connection.
Also to add, you could also back dash when sensing the dive kick you could get off f343 into full combo.How are people finding the Bojitsu Kung Jin matchup? Is there anyway to anti-air his jump ins or do I just have to hold them?
I had a few sets with a high level sub zero player (FML firewall using grandmaster) not too long ago. The matchup started off with me winning match 1 then losing the next 3. I had to readjust. The biggest thing I noticed was you can telekick punish ice clone. IF the opponent is staying behind the clone, and decided to throw ice ball, TELEKICK. It eliminates the clone and if you enhance you get full combo off of enhanced kick.After getting more experience against some good players, I can tell that she's going to have issues against the following:
I'm not just going by 1 or 2 variations. I'm talking all of them. All 4 of them have the frames to where she doesn't want to be in their faces, but that's not why I think she's going have issues. It's the fact that they have ways to bypass any kind of range game right that instant. Mileena has a certain comfort zone that she has to play & it's not at the back of the screen. It's just in character length (sweeping distance). From there, to just right outside of it.
Scorpion's footsies are amazing. They are a lot better than what players believe. Just like Mileena, he plays right within character length for the most part, but he's wanting to be upclose more than playing back off of people. He wants to use D1, D2, D3, & D4 to get his advantage & then pressure. If he's not D4 range, his F3, B3, 21, & B12 are whiff punishers that can be cancelled into combos. B3 in general is a starting low mixup string, which is awesome in this game.
Most of Scorpion's players are going play Inferno & Hellfire. Hellfire he doesn't have as much in range, but he can chuck his fireball out to test your response. He has his teleport to keep her in check, but of course it can be baited into a punish. However, that's easier said than done because he can also delay the teleport & then block your reaction to him getting to the other side of the screen after you've recovered from throwing a sai. Also, keep in mind that just like his teleport "can be baited", so can Mileena's sais. The teleport punch will punish her for throwing them carelessly.
Another thing that will punish Mileena is his leg takedown. So if she's throwing a standing sai, then expect to be taken down with BF4, which is also a whiff punisher (just not as good as the other options since it's riskier). Another thing that you will have to watch for with Scorpion are his hellfire, & his minion tools. Hellfire is not blockable, but Minion grab is. If you duck or jump, then he's hitting you with his minion drop. If you stand still, he's going to find a way to hit you with his charging minion. Now he doesn't have to land a hit on you. He just wants you to respond to it, run in & then come & get you. She does have ball roll to keep him in check, so he'll think twice about doing it. Sais as well, but he will find a way to come & get you is the main point.
I'll explain the other's later on. I didn't want to make a TL;DR post.
Oh I haven't given a match number, yet. I was just listing notes. Yeah, I agree. She also punishes his strings that lead to a normal ice ball with ball roll. Ex Ice ball however is safe.I had a few sets with a high level sub zero player (FML firewall using grandmaster) not too long ago. The matchup started off with me winning match 1 then losing the next 3. I had to readjust. The biggest thing I noticed was you can telekick punish ice clone. IF the opponent is staying behind the clone, and decided to throw ice ball, TELEKICK. It eliminates the clone and if you enhance you get full combo off of enhanced kick.
In the end we ended with 10 wins even.
I couldn't give matchup numbers myself, but those small things you find to punish in a match is the funnest part of any fighting game that releases. The best part, there were a few more things uncovered, was that sub is not safe behind ice clone. Especially if he decided to ice ball from behind it or even inside of it.Oh I haven't given a match number, yet. I was just listing notes. Yeah, I agree. She also punishes his string that lead to a normal ice ball with ball roll. Ex Ice ball however is safe.
I'm not sure yet - I prefer Kitana in the MU because zoning seems to annoy him the most and my Air fans are more consistent than Air sais currently. He has to get in and I think that is where she has a chanceKJ destroys her.![]()
KJ is hella punishable. You just have to be smart and bait him. He's a tough matchups to deal with for most every character but KJ is easily punished when baited.KJ destroys her.![]()
It's not easy to beat him for sure but I've rolled under some his swings (while he's swinging), definitely full comboed his blocked dive kick/slam, and mainly making him jump through said both in air and mixup mid/low sais.I dunno baiting him is pretty hard. EX bo spin has armor, leads to a full combo, is -6 on block, and pushes him half screen on block for some absurd reason. Only way to bait it is neutral jumping and then you risk eating the freaking halfscreen overhead swing. On his wakeup F1 blows it up but otherwise beating it is tough imo.
What else are you punishing consistently?
You don't think a match ' winner, or most matches, are determined by who makes the least mistakes?Baiting is something that everyone can do in any game. It doesn't determine how good or bad the odds will be in a match up lol.
Finally got around to this. The d3 xx Ex Roll seems to be a consistent option, you can do the same with standing 2 but is hella risky as it seems easier to mistime. Jump and run to B12 xx Roll works, Telekick works at the recovery, if you do it too early it will whiff.Tested a few answers vs Goro's Punch Walk into EX Punch Walk setup. If you block Punch Walk, you should be able to respond with one of these:
- D3~EX Roll. If done correctly the D3 eats the first hit of armor, and EX Roll takes care of the rest. There were a few times it still lost, but this is one option.
- Jump over him during the EX Punch Walk, run behind him and punish with B12~Roll, or EX Telekick. Gotta commit to the read.
- Or if your lazy or out of stamina, Jump over and raw Ex Telekick, or Jump over and regular Telekick into X-Ray.
@Mr. Mileena @TakeAChance @theGabStandard @JDE @MsMiharo @Johnny San @RM Yoaks anyone else I forgot. I tested this as thoroughly as I could, but just in case I got the timing wrong, can one of you test this to make sure these all work consistently? It's actually pretty tough to time the Record AI to get EX Punch Walk out as fast as possible during blockstun. Thanks.