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Guide - Erron Black Meter Building 101


Lawless Victory!
All specials grant 1/17th bar on activation of move, plus an additional 1/17th per hit on block. Multi hitting moves therefore build more meter on block.

Long shot only generates meter before the shot is fired, so it is in your best interest to maximise gun cancels.

SOS generates meter only if a follow up move is activated :(

On hit, opponent receives:

Throw - 1/4 exact
Caltrops 1/~93 bar per tick
Sand grenade - 1/5th of a bar
Slide - 1/5th of a bar
Sand tackle - 1/4 bar

Unload - 1/10th bar per shot
Long shot - 1/5th bar
Swing shot - 1/6th exact

Money shot - 1/8th of a bar
SOS 2 - 1/5th of a bar
SOS 3 - 1/10th of a bar (1 hit)
SOS 4 - 1/25th of a bar (1 hit)

Dust storm - 1/6 exact

Tarkatarn stab - 1/4 exact (bleed dmg does not generate extra meter)
Sand toss - 1/17th

All strings build approx 1/16th bar per hit on block. As with specials, more hits in the string equals more meter so abuse your safe multi hitting strings

F122 builds 1/5th of a bar
21122 builds 1/3rd of a bar (1/16th per hit)

Sos 3 is now gunslingers best meter builder.
2112xxsos3 builds about 75% of one bar
F1,3xxsos3 builts about 60% of one bar

Tl; dr: drop caltrops every chance you get

Nb; all meter building values are approx because this game doesn't make it easy to calculate these things :(
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Lawless Victory!
At -6 on block, Sos 3 is now gunslingers best meter builder; it blows up a lot of reversals and hits 5 times (meter builds upon initial activation then once again per each hit blocked, so up to 6 times in total)
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Lawless Victory!
^ that should have read block string ender meter builder, in any case edited first post to reflect the changes.

12.5% huh? I like it!
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