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Mediocre Player Seeking Help


Woo Hoo!
For the longest time I have always been interested in the FGC. The Pop Offs, The Hype Mkments, And the roaring crowds. I know I'm a bit young being 15 and all but last year I got really good at mk9 seeing that I still didn't think I was good enough to go to any locals or anything. Now mkx is here and I've been playing and really enjoying the game I can understand frame data, whiff punishing, cancels etc but I really want to take it up a level and would appreciate any tips/ advice anyone can give me. Right now I'm playing Cassie (brawler) D'vorah (Swarm Queen) and Erron Black (Marksman) I find myself on a steady losing streak and it's killing me because I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Hopefully somebody can help me out. And if anyone wants to add me PSN-Retrophysic


Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light
Add me and i'll play ya and help ya out. I enjoy free wins anyways :DOGE

I play Kung Lao and Kano.


UPR DanableLector
The best advice I can give is advice I need to take myself. Defense wins championships. You need to know match ups really well. Knowing common mix ups, set ups, and how block them and/or blow them up. Know where gaps are and blow them up, or back dash them etc. What I think might actually help players like you and I would be going into practice with someone and going over these scenarios. Practicing blocking them, punishing them, and really just recognizing them. If you ever want to hit up practice like this and actually train, hit me up. I'm DanableLector on PSN... And I'm tired of being a shitty player.