There are already a few good reset opportunities players are using as GL. I'm going to skip the ones that have no real mixup potential and put up the mathing on the risk/reward of the resets with real mixup potential. The one I'm going to focus on now is MB Lift Reset
MB Lift Reset is where you MB a Lift (db+1) and dash for a crossup overhead/low mixup with f+3/b+1. Trait and meter management ends up being really important because of how integral lift is to GL combos.
Strategy for using this is battery up and then spend down after you have 2-3 stocked.
So you trade potential reset for 17% damage. Without meter or trait your low starter is 14% and throw is 11%... So if the opponent realizes your trait is down and you don't have meter they can block the mixup high and you lose 3-6% at best.
Now with trait active or ready you're trading 8% for a reset and because your trait is active after you get 36% f+3 meterless and 22% b13 meterless... Both of which you can MB for another reset. The second reset however will have trait down, so if you don't have 3 meters going in it's got that shitty damage for breaking high guard factor.
This is a variation for when your trait is down and you want to turn b13 into a reset with more meter spent. 2 bar resets but again 8% traded for a reset, considering this is for with trait down, landing it almost guarantees you can get a trait activation from the setup that follows.
Managing your trait uptime: As you can see the meter you put in will change the kind of rewards you can expect to get out. Your trait will typically last for an activation combo and a reset ground bounce, then be down for the following reset if you go for 3. So 3 resets typically requires a 2 bar reset and a pair of 1 bar resets with trait.
Overhead combos almost take long enough for the trait to be up for b+1 in a reset... So what I want to find is a combo that you can do after activating in a combo with:
4xxLift 223xxLift MB reset f+3
that extends it long enough where you can reset into b13xx4 at the end. The one I use is:
f+3 JI2 123xxLift 223xxLift MB Reset
The trait comes up immediately after the reset so I have just been delaying the mixup a little bit so I can get b13xx4 but if the combo lasted just a bit longer it would be trait active for 3 resets 3 bars all full mixup potential and trait usage maximized
This is still halfway there so expect an update after UFGT
4 = Trait
Lift = db+2
Lift = db+2
MB Lift Reset is where you MB a Lift (db+1) and dash for a crossup overhead/low mixup with f+3/b+1. Trait and meter management ends up being really important because of how integral lift is to GL combos.
Strategy for using this is battery up and then spend down after you have 2-3 stocked.
Examples: b13xxLift MB 14% damage 1 meter reset
b13xxlift MB, b+3, JI3, 223xxLift 31% damage 1 meter combo
b13xxlift MB, b+3, JI3, 223xxLift 31% damage 1 meter combo
So you trade potential reset for 17% damage. Without meter or trait your low starter is 14% and throw is 11%... So if the opponent realizes your trait is down and you don't have meter they can block the mixup high and you lose 3-6% at best.
b13xx4xxlift 223xxlift MB 24%
b13xx4xxlift 223xxlift MB 223 lift 32%
b13xx4xxlift 223xxlift MB 223 lift 32%
Now with trait active or ready you're trading 8% for a reset and because your trait is active after you get 36% f+3 meterless and 22% b13 meterless... Both of which you can MB for another reset. The second reset however will have trait down, so if you don't have 3 meters going in it's got that shitty damage for breaking high guard factor.
b13xxOR MB NJ3 123xxLift MB reset 32%
b13xxOR MB, NJ3, 123xxLift MB, B+3, 223xxlift 40%
b13xxOR MB, NJ3, 123xxLift MB, B+3, 223xxlift 40%
This is a variation for when your trait is down and you want to turn b13 into a reset with more meter spent. 2 bar resets but again 8% traded for a reset, considering this is for with trait down, landing it almost guarantees you can get a trait activation from the setup that follows.
Managing your trait uptime: As you can see the meter you put in will change the kind of rewards you can expect to get out. Your trait will typically last for an activation combo and a reset ground bounce, then be down for the following reset if you go for 3. So 3 resets typically requires a 2 bar reset and a pair of 1 bar resets with trait.
Overhead combos almost take long enough for the trait to be up for b+1 in a reset... So what I want to find is a combo that you can do after activating in a combo with:
4xxLift 223xxLift MB reset f+3
that extends it long enough where you can reset into b13xx4 at the end. The one I use is:
f+3 JI2 123xxLift 223xxLift MB Reset
The trait comes up immediately after the reset so I have just been delaying the mixup a little bit so I can get b13xx4 but if the combo lasted just a bit longer it would be trait active for 3 resets 3 bars all full mixup potential and trait usage maximized
This is still halfway there so expect an update after UFGT