What's new


Hey guys,

I've been working on a netplay version of MAME & MESS called "MAMEHub" for over a year now. I saw that it was mentioned awhile back, but I thought I should bring it up again because so much has changed since then and also to answer any questions you guys have.

First off, the netcode has improved dramatically. Games can (and often do) last for hours without any desyncs, even across platforms and hardware. The input lag used to be artificially high to cover bugs, but now I am confident in my ping prediction and input lag margins are very small.

I added WebM video recording to MAME itself. WebM is the format that youtube converts your video to when you upload it, so you are guaranteed that your video will look great when you upload it to youtube. All you need to do is hit shift-f12 while in a game and you will automatically start recording mpeg-4 quality video in real time while in game.

MAMEHub now uses MAME 0.143 and it will be updated to 0.144 when that comes out. Staying on top of the latest MAME makes sure the emulation is as perfect as possible.

A dedicated team of UI programmers has taken over the MAMEHub frontend code and given the entire frontend an overall and made it easier to use. It still isn't as easy to use as I would like, but if people have trouble, I can make a video showing how to setup and play MK with it.

Finally, MAMEHub gives you guys a path forward to make MK online better than ever. If you want new features, you can request them on the forum and I will add them to MAMEHub. Also, MAMEHub is open source so you will never be stuck running MAME from circa 1997.

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mamehub/
Forum: http://mamehub.proboards.com/index.cgi