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Question - Commando Making the most of limited practice time


I've found myself in an increasingly awkward position where life commitments are eating into my leisure time and I only get about an hour to two hours a day to play MKX (sometimes I have longer, but by that point I'm so tired that I can't concentrate for more than a few seconds at a time before going on auto-pilot). Seeing as other people are in similar positions, I'd like to know what other people do with their practice time. I'll lay out a few key points I'd like to know, but feel free to answer simply explaining what you do. Depending on how the answers come together, I might update the OP with an optimised practice routine (or something similar) as a template for others.

As this is the Kano forums, and Kano is the only character who interests me, I'm gearing the questions towards learning the ins and outs of all three variations.

So the points I'm interested in are as follows;

1) Do you dedicate time to each variation per day, rotate them over a few days or just go with how you're feeling in the moment?

2) How much time do you allocate towards spacing, anti-airs, hit confirms, etc?

3) Which combos do you practice? Are they max damage, or prioritise ease of execution?

4) What's your approach to learning match ups? Do you attempt to learn every variation's approach to a match up, or just the variation who handles the match up best?

5) How much time do you spend playing matches versus time in practice mode? When playing online, do you play more unknown opponents than people you know, or vice versa?

6) How do you approach match replays? Do you have a rigid approach, or do you not bother with them at all?

Thank you in advance. Hopefully I'll be able to take your answers and create something useful out of them.

@ando1184 @bdizzle2700 @Derptile @FlappyDaniel @MrInsaynne @MsMiharo @SaltShaker @Youphemism @The Hex Man


Kuff Bano
1) Go with what I feel need the most practice. I rarely practice Cyber nowadays as I feel confident in the BnB's, setups etc. I'm still learning Cutthroat so that's where I'm putting the bulk of my time. I go Commando every once just to keep my command grab execution fresh. I don't play every day.

2) Spacing is kind of match-up dependent so not much in training mode. Anti-airs is something I'm working on but it's hard to keep it in training. It's better to practice in game, same with hit confirms.

3) A combination of max damage/what is consistent. I mostly play online so ease of execution is important.

4) Try out different variations but tbh most can be theorycrafted into a general idea of what will work. For instance if db1 (CT) is safe it's likely he'll be a decent pick in that variation. If they have trouble getting in or you can counterzone efficiently Cyber might be your guy. If they like staggering strings, going full yolo pressure Commando is the better fit. I try to learn all variations for all matchups but in reality I focus on the good ones.

5) I'd spend more time fighting than training but atm I don't have anyone to play regularly. Play people who you know more or less is my advice. Playing randoms will generally stack up your salt pile more than develop your skills.

6) I watch them sometimes. Depends on if I feel I need to work on the matchup in particular.


Ps4 / Kano
Great idea. I've got the same problem. Max 5 hours per week to play and still looking to improve a lot. Don't know how much it helps, but here's my gameplan.

1) I only play the Kano Cutthroat variation because I still feel like I have not practiced enough with this character yet. Sometimes when I go on auto-mode (and not pay attention anymore to what I'm doing), I switch to Cryomancer Sub Zero just to spice my life up a bit.

2) About 30 minutes per week. Most of the time goes to warming up (getting used to combo's again, fast button pressing stuff, etc) and matches. When I do decide to train hit confirm for example, I go all in and train nothing else. The matches afterwards are all about hit confirming. So I focus on one point only and go for that the whole day (which is actually just a couple of hours)
When I think of it. At the moment I'm focusing on running up to someone and converting to overhead/low-combo.

3) I practice easy to execute combo's. Lag is often extreme online and 'max damage' equals 'hard to land' in my opinion. Therefore I want to always be able to land certain combo's. In my experience 25 or 30 procent damage isn't that big a difference if you take in the risk of combo's dropping (And I tend to drop a lot online).

4) No focus on match-ups atm. I play online and notice that certain characters like Sub-Zerp, Scorpion, MIleena and Kitana get picked a lot. By playing a lot, you learn how to react.

5) 25% lab, 75% online matches. Mostly against unknowns, since I don't know a lot of people who play. (If people are willing: PSN: OmeMark)

6) Once in a while I record 15minutes of matches and then watch it back. Not often and not rigid. More for fun when I'm in the train and have nothign to do.

To add:
During matches I always try to find new ways of beating people. No specifically match-up tactics but certain things to trick people's mind. One thing I'm using lately is this: 3 to 4 low kicks (D3) and convert to grab. When you keep on poking, people get frustrated which gets an easy grab (or combo). Also good for brutality purposes.

Hopefully this helps!


1) Go with what I feel need the most practice. I rarely practice Cyber nowadays as I feel confident in the BnB's, setups etc. I'm still learning Cutthroat so that's where I'm putting the bulk of my time. I go Commando every once just to keep my command grab execution fresh. I don't play every day.

2) Spacing is kind of match-up dependent so not much in training mode. Anti-airs is something I'm working on but it's hard to keep it in training. It's better to practice in game, same with hit confirms.

3) A combination of max damage/what is consistent. I mostly play online so ease of execution is important.

4) Try out different variations but tbh most can be theorycrafted into a general idea of what will work. For instance if db1 (CT) is safe it's likely he'll be a decent pick in that variation. If they have trouble getting in or you can counterzone efficiently Cyber might be your guy. If they like staggering strings, going full yolo pressure Commando is the better fit. I try to learn all variations for all matchups but in reality I focus on the good ones.

5) I'd spend more time fighting than training but atm I don't have anyone to play regularly. Play people who you know more or less is my advice. Playing randoms will generally stack up your salt pile more than develop your skills.

6) I watch them sometimes. Depends on if I feel I need to work on the matchup in particular.
I don't mind playing you if you want somebody more regular to play against. I know I'm the weaker player, so I have no illusions that I'll be providing you with a challenge, but still, it's fun to play.

On top of that, if you ever want to go into online training to test stuff against a live person I'll be happy to do that. The lag has been pretty minimal between us in the past.


Great idea. I've got the same problem. Max 5 hours per week to play and still looking to improve a lot. Don't know how much it helps, but here's my gameplan.

1) I only play the Kano Cutthroat variation because I still feel like I have not practiced enough with this character yet. Sometimes when I go on auto-mode (and not pay attention anymore to what I'm doing), I switch to Cryomancer Sub Zero just to spice my life up a bit.

2) About 30 minutes per week. Most of the time goes to warming up (getting used to combo's again, fast button pressing stuff, etc) and matches. When I do decide to train hit confirm for example, I go all in and train nothing else. The matches afterwards are all about hit confirming. So I focus on one point only and go for that the whole day (which is actually just a couple of hours)
When I think of it. At the moment I'm focusing on running up to someone and converting to overhead/low-combo.

3) I practice easy to execute combo's. Lag is often extreme online and 'max damage' equals 'hard to land' in my opinion. Therefore I want to always be able to land certain combo's. In my experience 25 or 30 procent damage isn't that big a difference if you take in the risk of combo's dropping (And I tend to drop a lot online).

4) No focus on match-ups atm. I play online and notice that certain characters like Sub-Zerp, Scorpion, MIleena and Kitana get picked a lot. By playing a lot, you learn how to react.

5) 25% lab, 75% online matches. Mostly against unknowns, since I don't know a lot of people who play. (If people are willing: PSN: OmeMark)

6) Once in a while I record 15minutes of matches and then watch it back. Not often and not rigid. More for fun when I'm in the train and have nothign to do.

To add:
During matches I always try to find new ways of beating people. No specifically match-up tactics but certain things to trick people's mind. One thing I'm using lately is this: 3 to 4 low kicks (D3) and convert to grab. When you keep on poking, people get frustrated which gets an easy grab (or combo). Also good for brutality purposes.

Hopefully this helps!
You're in the States aren't you, IRC?


Kuff Bano
I don't mind playing you if you want somebody more regular to play against. I know I'm the weaker player, so I have no illusions that I'll be providing you with a challenge, but still, it's fun to play.

On top of that, if you ever want to go into online training to test stuff against a live person I'll be happy to do that. The lag has been pretty minimal between us in the past.
just hit me up


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Well usually my lab time used to be finding tech but it's a lot harder to find in this game it seems so now it's more aimed at labbing characters.
1) Do you dedicate time to each variation per day, rotate them over a few days or just go with how you're feeling in the moment?
Usually just how I feel. Sometimes if I haven't been playing Cyber in a while I'll go into the lab and just refresh myself on its bnbs, otherwise I'll take Cutthroat into the lab since I don't play it as much and look for optimised combos which I then practise and/or refresh myself on its bnbs. Sometimes I'll only be looking at Cyber for 5-10 minutes so then I switch to Cutthroat and do what I usually do in the lab with it. I occasionally look at Commando but I'm guess I'm fine with mine as it is atm.
2) How much time do you allocate towards spacing, anti-airs, hit confirms, etc?
Not that much. I feel like once you perform a move you get an idea of the space it covers pretty quickly so I'll just mess about until I find its max spacing and move on. Anti-airs aren't too hard with Kano (at least in Cyber and Commando) and because B1 anti-air combos are pretty much day 1 stuff I won't spend more than a couple of minutes just going back over the bnbs for them. Hit confirms I spend a bit more time on, a while back I spent maybe 10-15 minutes between the lab and matches hit confirming Cutthroat's F21(2) to make sure I had it down.
3) Which combos do you practice? Are they max damage, or prioritise ease of execution?
Usually I try and optimise as much as possible as long as it's not something impossible to hit consistently. In Cutthroat after F212 I go for rc~11~DB1, 112~etc instead of F212, rc~112~ball. In Cybernetic after B232+4MB, dash I go for NJP, JIP, rc~B1, B1, rc~112~ball instead of something like NJP, B1, B1, B13~ball. You've got to squeeze out as much damage as you can get with Kano so I find it important to try and go for optimal damage as much as possible.
4) What's your approach to learning match ups? Do you attempt to learn every variation's approach to a match up, or just the variation who handles the match up best?
Usually I take a character into the lab with Kano and play as that character. This gives me a better understanding of their movement, reach, where they want to be, that kind of thing. I look at these things specifically:

Frame data. You have to know what you can punish in a matchup and what you can't, what you have to respect and what you can't, what the other character can or especially can't punish (because that means you might have something you can abuse in a matchup for extra meter, space, whatever even though it's negative) and how fast or slow they are in comparison to you so in a near neutral situation you know if you have the advantage in throwing out a poke or not.

Spacing/reach. Obviously an important part of footsies is being able to bait the opponent into doing a move and whiffing it for you to then punish it, but to do that you have to know the range of your opponent's move. You also have to be able to stay out of your opponents optimal normal/special range. I take the other character into the lab and play as them then look at their normals, figure out what the important ones are either from remembering/watching footage of other players playing them or by deducing it from looking at if it's fast/advancing/mid/hit confirmable/useful for staggers/etc. I look at which normals are useful for what (anti air? hit confirm/safe? staggerable? low crush? fast advancing mid that might be useful for checking the opponent after a poke? plus on block to be able to continue pressure?) and make sure I know what important ones there are and what I would use them for. I do the same with specials too so I'm aware of what they can throw out at me and if it's a projectile for example I look at if trading with it is in my favour or not by looking at speed, if it leads to full combo for them if I trade with it, recovery, damage, if it hits high/mid/low.

After giving myself an overview of the variations/characters options I think about each of Kano's variations' options and which is best suited to dealing with the design/gameplan of said variation/character. So Jax is rushdown, Cybernetic is designed for keeping characters out and I would go with that especially since Jaxs armoured advancing special can be beat by Cybers ex knives. But Ermac is an anti-zoning character with 50/50s so I wouldn't pick Cybernetic since I can't zone with knives. But because I play so many variations in the game I might just pick a different character instead of picking one of Kanos variations but that's just me.
5) How much time do you spend playing matches versus time in practice mode? When playing online, do you play more unknown opponents than people you know, or vice versa?
I don't play online, doesn't achieve anything for me. I learn more getting outplayed offline than I do getting scrubbed out online but you and others might find better connections to play in and better players who will actually play the matchup even at a high level online (I've had people on here play like a scrub against me online -_-) so by all means if that's what you do go for it. I spend a decent amount of time in the lab depending on what I'm doing (if I'm completely labbing a new variation or just refreshing on one I know already) but playing matches, even just against Hard AI, gives me some sort of matchup experience and gives me time to practice punishing things I now know can be punished, hit confirming, converting optimally, etc while giving me an idea of what I'm missing and need to go back and lab a little more so it becomes muscle memory. Once I've spent enough time labbing the variation I feel like I should just play matches to get used to it so maybe 30/70 lab/matches.
6) How do you approach match replays? Do you have a rigid approach, or do you not bother with them at all?
I don't actually watch them much, if at all. The only footage of myself I tend to watch is the archived matches from my weekly but as I haven't got my converter through yet for my XB1 pad I haven't been playing Kano just yet. Should be playing him next week if not in two weeks time if you want to check it out :)
I wouldn't discourage watching your matches over though, even if you won, just to look back at the moments where you maybe did something wrong and got punished or even just got hit for some reason to see why that was and work on it.

Sorry it's so long but hope it helps!


Well usually my lab time used to be finding tech but it's a lot harder to find in this game it seems so now it's more aimed at labbing characters.

Usually just how I feel. Sometimes if I haven't been playing Cyber in a while I'll go into the lab and just refresh myself on its bnbs, otherwise I'll take Cutthroat into the lab since I don't play it as much and look for optimised combos which I then practise and/or refresh myself on its bnbs. Sometimes I'll only be looking at Cyber for 5-10 minutes so then I switch to Cutthroat and do what I usually do in the lab with it. I occasionally look at Commando but I'm guess I'm fine with mine as it is atm.

Not that much. I feel like once you perform a move you get an idea of the space it covers pretty quickly so I'll just mess about until I find its max spacing and move on. Anti-airs aren't too hard with Kano (at least in Cyber and Commando) and because B1 anti-air combos are pretty much day 1 stuff I won't spend more than a couple of minutes just going back over the bnbs for them. Hit confirms I spend a bit more time on, a while back I spent maybe 10-15 minutes between the lab and matches hit confirming Cutthroat's F21(2) to make sure I had it down.

Usually I try and optimise as much as possible as long as it's not something impossible to hit consistently. In Cutthroat after F212 I go for rc~11~DB1, 112~etc instead of F212, rc~112~ball. In Cybernetic after B232+4MB, dash I go for NJP, JIP, rc~B1, B1, rc~112~ball instead of something like NJP, B1, B1, B13~ball. You've got to squeeze out as much damage as you can get with Kano so I find it important to try and go for optimal damage as much as possible.

Usually I take a character into the lab with Kano and play as that character. This gives me a better understanding of their movement, reach, where they want to be, that kind of thing. I look at these things specifically:

Frame data. You have to know what you can punish in a matchup and what you can't, what you have to respect and what you can't, what the other character can or especially can't punish (because that means you might have something you can abuse in a matchup for extra meter, space, whatever even though it's negative) and how fast or slow they are in comparison to you so in a near neutral situation you know if you have the advantage in throwing out a poke or not.

Spacing/reach. Obviously an important part of footsies is being able to bait the opponent into doing a move and whiffing it for you to then punish it, but to do that you have to know the range of your opponent's move. You also have to be able to stay out of your opponents optimal normal/special range. I take the other character into the lab and play as them then look at their normals, figure out what the important ones are either from remembering/watching footage of other players playing them or by deducing it from looking at if it's fast/advancing/mid/hit confirmable/useful for staggers/etc. I look at which normals are useful for what (anti air? hit confirm/safe? staggerable? low crush? fast advancing mid that might be useful for checking the opponent after a poke? plus on block to be able to continue pressure?) and make sure I know what important ones there are and what I would use them for. I do the same with specials too so I'm aware of what they can throw out at me and if it's a projectile for example I look at if trading with it is in my favour or not by looking at speed, if it leads to full combo for them if I trade with it, recovery, damage, if it hits high/mid/low.

After giving myself an overview of the variations/characters options I think about each of Kano's variations' options and which is best suited to dealing with the design/gameplan of said variation/character. So Jax is rushdown, Cybernetic is designed for keeping characters out and I would go with that especially since Jaxs armoured advancing special can be beat by Cybers ex knives. But Ermac is an anti-zoning character with 50/50s so I wouldn't pick Cybernetic since I can't zone with knives. But because I play so many variations in the game I might just pick a different character instead of picking one of Kanos variations but that's just me.

I don't play online, doesn't achieve anything for me. I learn more getting outplayed offline than I do getting scrubbed out online but you and others might find better connections to play in and better players who will actually play the matchup even at a high level online (I've had people on here play like a scrub against me online -_-) so by all means if that's what you do go for it. I spend a decent amount of time in the lab depending on what I'm doing (if I'm completely labbing a new variation or just refreshing on one I know already) but playing matches, even just against Hard AI, gives me some sort of matchup experience and gives me time to practice punishing things I now know can be punished, hit confirming, converting optimally, etc while giving me an idea of what I'm missing and need to go back and lab a little more so it becomes muscle memory. Once I've spent enough time labbing the variation I feel like I should just play matches to get used to it so maybe 30/70 lab/matches.

I don't actually watch them much, if at all. The only footage of myself I tend to watch is the archived matches from my weekly but as I haven't got my converter through yet for my XB1 pad I haven't been playing Kano just yet. Should be playing him next week if not in two weeks time if you want to check it out :)
I wouldn't discourage watching your matches over though, even if you won, just to look back at the moments where you maybe did something wrong and got punished or even just got hit for some reason to see why that was and work on it.

Sorry it's so long but hope it helps!
That was really helpful.


gotta stay sharp!
1) Do you dedicate time to each variation per day, rotate them over a few days or just go with how you're feeling in the moment?
I just play cyber. So ill mostly meas around with him. Seeing if maybe an idea comes up to try a set up or something. Sometimes ill mess with commando cause hes fun.

2) How much time do you allocate towards spacing, anti-airs, hit confirms, etc?
Ill do like 15-20 min to kinda test out max ranges. See what aa work better for what character(i got a good idea of what aa work better so illtry and max out the combo). Hit confirms with cyber are pretty easy. Just doing them online can make it a bit tough sometimes.
3) Which combos do you practice? Are they max damage, or prioritise ease of execution?
Both really. I practice easier max damage combos to keep consistency. Mostly the corner combos that have the b312 pop up so i get used to that timing.
4) What's your approach to learning match ups? Do you attempt to learn every variation's approach to a match up, or just the variation who handles the match up best?
You kinda just play the match up and compare tools to learn it. (at least i do). If you play it enough you get a solid idea of what the opponet wants to do and what you want to do. If i played the other variations, i would most likely compare variations and see how they would do vs said character. Thats def a good idea.
5) How much time do you spend playing matches versus time in practice mode? When playing online, do you play more unknown opponents than people you know, or vice versa?
I play much more matches than practice. Play more to see if set ups, combos, footsie ranges actually work. I can say x will work cause of y. But maybe in game it wont work like that. Or the situation will rarely come up like that. I def play more ppl i know. Hopefully they will play more to the frames of the game. But playing online is still makes things hard to punish and unsafe things safer.
6) How do you approach match replays? Do you have a rigid approach, or do you not bother with them at all?
I record my matches when i remeber to record haha. Ill just take a look and see what i did wrong. What range i should try to be in. Maybe what ways i should end my match. Stuff like that.
Thank you in advance. Hopefully I'll be able to take your answers and create something useful out of them.
I just wrote stuff in red haha. To make it easier for my self.


In Zoning We Trust
I have a similar situation myself. I can play a ton on the weekend, and attend a local or two a week, but my home practice time outside of that is extremely limited now compared to a few months ago. Maybe about 4 hours a week on the weekdays so I have to use the weekend and locals for 90% of my play.

1) Do you dedicate time to each variation per day, rotate them over a few days or just go with how you're feeling in the moment?
I dedicated less time to a variation like Cyber because I know everything already. I'll practice more with variations that I'm less familiar with to try to get them up to speed. I might "brush up" a few minutes with Cyber, but practice more With Cutt.

2) How much time do you allocate towards spacing, anti-airs, hit confirms, etc?
The most time. These are the things to practice the most because they are less "natural". You can pick up a controller and do your BnB from months ago, but if you aren't practicing hit confirms, AA's, and spacing you may "know" what to do but it won't come out right in an actual match. If I have say, an hour in one day, I spend a decent amount of time making sure these are on point.

3) Which combos do you practice? Are they max damage, or prioritise ease of execution?
The only way I can answer this is the max damage for my personal consistency. For example, if there's a 40% mid screen BnB that is tough to execute, but a 38% version that is easy to execute, I will do that 38% one 10/10 times. Consistency will always be better because you'll never lose damage with extra drops.

4) What's your approach to learning match ups? Do you attempt to learn every variation's approach to a match up, or just the variation who handles the match up best?
The variation I plan on using. If I know I'm going to use Variation X against Lao, then that's the one I practice the MU. The spacing, the punishes, etc for that variation. With limited time I rather maximize one that spread out minimally with three.

5) How much time do you spend playing matches versus time in practice mode? When playing online, do you play more unknown opponents than people you know, or vice versa?
You need practice to hone all the previously mentioned things, but playing more and more games is the only way to truly improve. That's how to get "up to speed" so to say in a match. You can master a punish into a BnB in practice but in a game it's different. I try to use practice mode as a lab tool and play as many games as possible now. Mainly against people I know because we can help each other and have the same mindset.

6) How do you approach match replays? Do you have a rigid approach, or do you not bother with them at all?
Only time I rewatch my matches is if I get severely outplayed to see what I notice I'm doing wrong.

Hope this helps man.
I'm short on time as well. Best way is to mostly play matches. Never autopilot matches and always focus on something that you are looking to improve (new hitconfirm, new tools, etc.) Only go to training for new ideas/testing MU specifics. Anything else should be practiced in match.


I'm short on time as well. Best way is to mostly play matches. Never autopilot matches and always focus on something that you are looking to improve (new hitconfirm, new tools, etc.) Only go to training for new ideas/testing MU specifics. Anything else should be practiced in match.
The problem I find with autopilot is that I'm not always aware it's kicked in. I tend to play in the evenings, so I'm worn out from the day's activities, and my ability to concentrate isn't at it's peak.

I often find myself doing stupid things, such as 32-command grab, which is muscle memory from cornwr and NJP combos, but obviously something I wouldn't practice mid screen (my mind says woodchipper, my hands do rib breaker).

I think the answer could be to play my matches in short bursts closer to the beginning of my play session.
The problem I find with autopilot is that I'm not always aware it's kicked in. I tend to play in the evenings, so I'm worn out from the day's activities, and my ability to concentrate isn't at it's peak.

I often find myself doing stupid things, such as 32-command grab, which is muscle memory from cornwr and NJP combos, but obviously something I wouldn't practice mid screen (my mind says woodchipper, my hands do rib breaker).

I think the answer could be to play my matches in short bursts closer to the beginning of my play session.
Yeah I'm the same way. Work a mentally demanding job during the day and I try to remain tournament competitive in several games.

That's actually what I do. Play a burst of games. If I notice myself losing concentration (doing stupid stuff... off my goals) I take a break and come back when I feel ready. If you play using bad habits you are just going to reinforce those habits and make them harder to break.

By not autopilot.. I mean have something you want to focus on so it is autopilot in the future. (e.g. I reversal in X situation too much, these next X games I will not reversal in this situation) Stuff like that, and once you notice it be habit then you can stop and move onto something else. Being able to autopilot good habits is good because it conserves mental energy.


Ps4 / Kano
How about goal setting? Litteraly writing down what you want to learn and go for it. Do any of you guys do that?
I do this for work and some personal stuff, but it feels like this could take the fun away from MKX for me. I'm sure it works though.
^A little more freeform than that haha.
I have an evernote for MKX which includes things I need to work on (which mostly come from thinking about my matches). Pick one and work on it...

It's nothing like "Do X combo Y times on each side" OR "Practice X matchup for Y hours each day". I'm sure it works... but it takes all the fun out of it (this is a hobby after all) I'd drive myself crazy doing that. Having fun is most important when it comes to this stuff. I think if you don't have fun you won't learn as fast..


For some reason I stopped getting alerts from thus thread. I'm going to go through the answers at some point and try and develop some kind of limited time practice template for people to follow if they're feeling stranded.