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Make or Break list for MK X

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
I personal dont want universal jump ins like mk9 had. I like how injustice has different frame advantage on jump ins much like street fighter. God forbid we gotta think right? Cross ups are no longer an issue which im fine with. I do want to see this game have higher risk reward scenarios. Mk9 was great because it had strong special moves but if you blindly threw them out there you were gonna get punished for it. Theres many characters who dont pay for their aggression in injustice(i play one of them). Most important, just take the good and the bad from mk9, and injustice and make a perfect game. I feel like NRS is very close


Dojo Trainee
I dont see a problem at all with the Casual Players and NRS games the string system used by NRS makes thinks already really easy as well as the motion used in NRS games. Its not like you have to hit one frame links or do a srk motion in MK or Injustice which is a turn off for alot of Casual Players from my experience.

At the end i think MK will do fine sales wise, as well as appealing to the Casual Crowd. Keeping them long term interested in the game or even getting them interested in competitive play will be interesting. Because NRS has to provide the tools needed for that and the community needs to be willing to integrate the Casual/New Players into the scene.

For the Cooldown thing isnt what you describe basically traits from injustice which goes on cooldown for a certain period of time after use?


adding more depth to the natural mechanics of a fighting game makes the game more naturally acceptable because the mechanics are mental and not execution based.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Moves that get you in for free that are safe and the retardedness of the past two games where you actually don't want to get a knockdown because it's in favor of your opponent most of the time due to stupid wakeup attacks... other than that, I'm good.

Oh, and please NRS Gods, no DCU guest characters!


Revenant Jade
Ambiguous crossups are gone thanks to the block button.
Oh and safe tele's have to go. MK9 did teleports right... you block that shit, you get a full combo punish.
I agree.

Air to Air Combos need more damage in MKX because MK9 it was like 20% lol


I dont see a problem at all with the Casual Players and NRS games the string system used by NRS makes thinks already really easy as well as the motion used in NRS games. Its not like you have to hit one frame links or do a srk motion in MK or Injustice which is a turn off for alot of Casual Players from my experience.

At the end i think MK will do fine sales wise, as well as appealing to the Casual Crowd. Keeping them long term interested in the game or even getting them interested in competitive play will be interesting. Because NRS has to provide the tools needed for that and the community needs to be willing to integrate the Casual/New Players into the scene.

For the Cooldown thing isnt what you describe basically traits from injustice which goes on cooldown for a certain period of time after use?
if you have the time and resources allocate to every possible market niche no matter how small and no matter what mode of marketing you are implementing. The more areas which are considered the more intrinsically complicated your proccesses are the best chance you will find the optimal and maximum amount of success in every prooduct. Never slack in any area of production even if the returns seem inconsequential. You never no when you could hit a homerun or potentially untap a new market. I think nrs abides by this philosophy because they produce an experience which considers every platform.

I believe nrs somewhat abides by this philoshopy as they produce a great variety of product and even take care of the small market competitive niche which other companies might view as relatively inconsequential. You never no if this market could grow and i think it would be wise to consider to appease to competitive aspects of the game because competitive players provide a more dedicated and loyal fanbase along with the fact that competitive gaming is an untapped market. It might seem romanticized and unrealistic however despite that fact the resources allocated to that aspect can be approached minimally and there are methods of game design which can simply bypass the issue of balancing between various parties and find ways to mutually appease both. Ease of access and systematic depth do this.


My blades will find your heart
it was also attached to a more balanced character, he had slow movement and pretty bad anti-zoning. This meant he could be a valid armor character because of his limitations in my eyes. Sonya happened to be a quick low hitbox character who also managed to have a very solid projectile and even better footsie tools than rain. she would be left in a position in which many characters had to take a risk after blocking her safe armored launcher on top of this. In my eyes, armor should be situation, and i should have a better option to punish armor on a read then neutral jump like a maniac, and perhaps the armor shouldn't eat so many hits. Or in the case of sonya's maybe it just shouldn't launch. Things like armor should be risky in my eyes because they can reverse pressure. Risk reward management is a huge issue in nrs games.
Rain had such bad movement that he couldnt do anything when Baraka spaced his blade charges right(he could armor or teleport but they were pretty easy to beat out on reaction with a backdash or spin).

Edit: This doesnt really have anything to do with the thread, this just brought back good memories lol


Play Monster Hunter!
I don't know about cool downs.

They could use the agility bar as a resource for more powerful moves though.
That could provide a nice risk/reward balance.


Kytinn King
So you're saying casuals like to be able to throw out projectiles with ease, and while relatively safe and without having to suffer too many negative consequences? And you think it should also be as easy for high level players to do this as well? But the relative ease of use of these offensive and defensive mechanics, designed for casuals and perfected by high level , are filled with depth and should not be labeled anything other than zoning and spacing? Is that it?
Yes, if you can zone/space with said tactic and actually know what you are doing, then yes


Death is my business
I don't know about cool downs.

They could use the agility bar as a resource for more powerful moves though.
That could provide a nice risk/reward balance.
During the evo madcatz booth Aris interviewed Ed on some gameplay mechanics and Ed outright said some moves would need stamina cost attached to some specials as an additional cost.

I already like the thing about wakeups without invincibility unless Mb wakeup, makes sense oki way more rewarding than mk9.

I think this game zoners are gonna be nuts to keep up w the offensive options.


Kytinn King
So you're saying you basically don't care if a dev accidentally makes a move or a character extremely easy to use and very difficult to punish or purposely gives the move/character those attributes. You don't care about any sense of fairness at all in a fighting game? You'd prefer to win as easy as possible? Is that the gist of it?
Not saying that, but I am saying there is no such thing as fair in a fighting game, a fair fighter would be boring to play and watch. If in MKX I main a character that's amazingly good and get easy wins so be it, if not so be it, I just have to "get gud kid". You don't hear MMH or BG or AM players saying man it's too easy to win, maybe I should switch my character to be more fair to my opponent do you?


Not saying that, but I am saying there is no such thing as fair in a fighting game, a fair fighter would be boring to play and watch. If in MKX I main a character that's amazingly good and get easy wins so be it, if not so be it, I just have to "get gud kid". You don't hear MMH or BG or AM players saying man it's too easy to win, maybe I should switch my character to be more fair to my opponent do you?
Which is what my idea attempts to solve, making it somewhat fair but not boring due to rigid balancing


During the evo madcatz booth Aris interviewed Ed on some gameplay mechanics and Ed outright said some moves would need stamina cost attached to some specials as an additional cost.

I already like the thing about wakeups without invincibility unless Mb wakeup, makes sense oki way more rewarding than mk9.

I think this game zoners are gonna be nuts to keep up w the offensive options.
so long as rushdown characters have to play spacing a bit i am okay with the game being as i am a zoning first guy. I don't need to keep a guy full screen but i don't wanna be brute forced into eating mixups


Kytinn King
Which is what my idea attempts to solve, making it somewhat fair but not boring due to rigid balancing
Yea but that balance is hard to achieve. With proper testing we could get closer to that utopia of "fair" and exciting gameplay, but it's not gonna happen in MKX.


Yea but that balance is hard to achieve. With proper testing we could get closer to that utopia of "fair" and exciting gameplay, but it's not gonna happen in MKX.
it isn't a utopia, it's something allows you to tone down moves more powerful. I am not asking for a game of all 5/5 matchups because that would require 1 character, but i do think creating moves that have to be thought about and managed can be obtained without the moves being boring. It's not hard to make anti-airing viable and not give moves that anti-everything.


Who gives a shit really. Lets be serious... In the end the players that have passion for the game will play it and deal with whatever it has no matter what. I didnt play injustice simply cuz i dont like it.
Couldnt agree more. Its all about the passion you have in learning the game you love. It being scrubby or not doesnt matter really. Youll play what you like. But since Im a die hard MK fan it will be hard to not overlook whatever bs is in it lol


Kytinn King
it isn't a utopia, it's something allows you to tone down moves more powerful. I am not asking for a game of all 5/5 matchups because that would require 1 character, but i do think creating moves that have to be thought about and managed can be obtained without the moves being boring. It's not hard to make anti-airing viable and not give moves that anti-everything.
I know what you mean, I saw your post to Mileena. NRS tried with IGAU with the trait mechanic but it wasn't executed well. Maybe they learned and the inclusion of variations and stamina bar may help with that. Or they could reward players with great defense by giving them meter or when you tech a throw you are at plus frames like what Uniel does.


I know what you mean, I saw your post to Mileena. NRS tried with IGAU with the trait mechanic but it wasn't executed well. Maybe they learned and the inclusion of variations and stamina bar may help with that. Or they could reward players with great defense by giving them meter or when you tech a throw you are at plus frames like what Uniel does.
those are good ideas, but i thought trait and meterburn were the two absolute best ideas i have seen implemented to a fighting game. It can be done better like what the fucking is the point of ds and batgirls trait.


Kytinn King
I said fairness, not equal. Two equal characters is a mirror match. However, I'm almost certain that NRS doesn't make the game to be unfair, do they? Who wants to play a game that is purposefully designed to be unfair? That's like Vegas slot machines where they are designed to make you lose more than you win. If fighting games aren't designed to be totally unfair but they aren't designed to be perfectly fair then what is happening? How are choices made if fairness isn't a consideration. The truth is fairness is a consideration, which goes back to the discussion about brain dead vs competitive. I want less brain dead attacks: spam, and more competitive/fair competition.
That's what patches are for, hard for me to say since I am not a developer, but I believe they make the game to be in between. I mean look at Injustice the balance was getting there but a wild Martian and BG appeared. Trust me I know what you are saying, and people would love a highly competitive game but where would that leave the casual players. It would be like Tekken all over again. Vanilla Deathstroke was solely created for casual players who just want to get online and shoot and win without feeling overwhelm with a combo system or getting horribly blown up by better players. Once the game was fleshed out more all those casuals left the online competitive scene and only played their friends offline and bought DLC characters, but they still supported the game with their purchase and those same people will be back for MKX and the Injustice sequel(If that's a thing) When they are ready to really play the game they will seek out help like many of us did, including myself. One day we will reach a less braindead era of fighters but not now and not with MKX.


Kytinn King
those are good ideas, but i thought trait and meterburn were the two absolute best ideas i have seen implemented to a fighting game. It can be done better like what the fucking is the point of ds and batgirls trait.
exactly they fell short in some of those areas, but that was mainly due to the fact that they were constricted to lore of the character. In MKX they created the lore so they can implement these variations better. I agree meterburn is great and can be done better, which is what they are trying to hopefully do with MKX.

The Highlander

There can be only one
To be honest, nothing will make or break this game for me. I will probably enjoy it no matter what, as long as the characters have a good storyline behind them and a great look and I already like the look of the characters released. Nothing better in injustice than seeing a canon match and hearing the clash quotes, so I can't wait to hear the dialogue before the fight starts in MKX.