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Strategy - Reptile Low Dmg output


King of the Jobbers 2015
When I said every Mileena I've played I only meant the good ones. Why would I mention people that don't know what they're doing? Also I asked you simply to explain how her mix up was better than Reptile's, and your only answer was "Her mix ups are really stupid". Sorry if I was unclear but I was looking for specifics, since every Mileena I've played can't consistently open me up.

Do you want me to go to training mode and make a list?
1) EX ball roll has armor, decent range, launches and its an OH.
2) F12B4 is a low that leaves you +15 and you can backdash most of the punishes on block.
3) 21 where you can cancel into the OH launcher or the ex low tsais. OR 21U4.
4) b21 (that again, you can turn into a low or OH.
5) f234
6) f344 duh
7) b1 has an amazing range and its a mid.
8) She clearly has 0 zoning options, 0 footsies and 0 mix ups.

The basic functionality of the forum is to discuss whatever the creator of the thread in the forum wants to discuss. Though I wasn't aware you weren't replying to OP, since he replied to you when you replied to someone else it got me all kinds of confused. But regardless you're being harsh on people who may be new to the game, or new to the fighter. And you say "day 8 combos" as if the majority of bnbs for each fighter aren't going to stick with them. I'd bet that most bnbs for most fighters will continue to be their bnbs until something about them is changed via a patch or obscure meta shift. It's true the game is still very young, but we've discovered almost everything the game has to offer. Hundreds if not thousands of good players have tirelessly tested each fighter to produce the best results. There's still more to discover, and I'm sure some fighters still have potential we've missed, but I think you underestimate just how thoroughly everything has been tested in this past 8 days. I don't have any problems with you but you gain nothing by coming off as condescending to these people.
He's not new. If you're saying that a character thats actually amazing is trash, 8 days after the game came out, Ill blow you up. I stuck with a bottom tier character for 2 years and still got top 8 in majors, do you think I can't appreciate when a character ACTUALLY has the tools to compete? Lawl
The best GA combos were figured out 6 months after the game came out. Either way, since when (except cyrax) is a character as good as its combos? Its almost as if you guys completely ignore the entire fighting game meta.
we've discovered almost everything the game has to offer.
8 days after the game came out. Wow. This has to be top 10 worst sentences ever written in TYM.


These games don't have to be 'complex' to not play the same months down the line.

We are still learning to stop people from 'running in to mixup'.

We are still learning the anti-air game.

We are still learning the gaps in strings.

We are still learning how to deal with GMSub.

Among other things.
I honestly thing this game is very straifht forward and since it takes from both mk and injustice it will be and is being figured out much faster.


Loses to uppercuts
Do you want me to go to training mode and make a list?
1) EX ball roll has armor, decent range, launches and its an OH.
2) F12B4 is a low that leaves you +15 and you can backdash most of the punishes on block.
3) 21 where you can cancel into the OH launcher or the ex low tsais. OR 21U4.
4) b21 (that again, you can turn into a low or OH.
5) f234
6) f344 duh
7) b1 has an amazing range and its a mid.
8) She clearly has 0 zoning options, 0 footsies and 0 mix ups.
Funny how you mentioned all the "mix ups" I've been able to block on reaction thus far, beside the punishable meter burn roll. What's even funnier is you took the liberty of assuming that I was calling Mileena a bad character when I've not even implied the idea. Even went as far as to stoop to the level of a child and throw exaggerated words in my mouth about Mileena having "0 zoning options, 0 footsies and 0 mix ups". You're so eager to believe everyone in this thread is some fool who thinks the fighters are already tiered and set in stone, when all I've said is Mileena's mix up isn't as good as Reptile's. Reaching a bit if you ask me, but I'm not surprised at this point.

He's not new. If you're saying that a character thats actually amazing is trash, 8 days after the game came out, Ill blow you up. I stuck with a bottom tier character for 2 years and still got top 8 in majors, do you think I can't appreciate when a character ACTUALLY has the tools to compete? Lawl
The best GA combos were figured out 6 months after the game came out. Either way, since when (except cyrax) is a character as good as its combos? Its almost as if you guys completely ignore the entire fighting game meta.
I agree, calling Reptile trash would be foolish. I mained CSZ all through MK9's life cycle and though I was too young to travel across the country to compete at the time, I was lucky enough to regularly play Smarr, Foxy, Pig, Brainstorm (Did he ever make it? Miss that guy), you don't have to tell me what it's like to play a sub par fighter on a competitive level.

Right, and I'm sure the best combos for a number of fighters in MKX are still undiscovered too. In fact I recall saying almost exactly that in my last post, so I'm not sure what your point is exactly. Also, again with the words in my mouth, I don't recall saying a fighter is only as good as his combos. It seems you missed the first post I made, where I directly contradict that. Reptile is so good because of his set ups and the near endless opportunities he has for damage, I've known this this whole time. It seems everything you've said against me I either never said or even implied, or have already directly contradicted in a previous post. Are you even trying? "Lawl", what are we, 12?

8 days after the game came out. Wow. This has to be top 10 worst sentences ever written in TYM.
You know what, you're right. I'm completely wrong to assume that after millions and millions of hours and millions and millions of games played with each character in this game, we've explored at least 50% of its current depth. I'm sure the game has so many little still hidden pieces of information that we've missed that will accumulate to a sum greater than the sum of what we know at this point. Because that's way more logical than what I think.
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King of the Jobbers 2015
Funny how you mentioned all the "mix ups" I've been able to block on reaction thus far, beside the punishable meter burn roll. What's even funnier is you took the liberty of assuming that I was calling Mileena a bad character when I've not even implied the idea. Even went as far as to stoop to the level of a child and throw exaggerated words in my mouth about Mileena having "0 zoning options, 0 footsies and 0 mix ups". You're so eager to believe everyone in this thread is some fool who thinks the fighters are already tiered and set in stone, when all I've said is Mileena's mix up isn't as good as Reptile's. Reaching a bit if you ask me, but I'm not surprised at this point.
I'm calling you out. Do a recorded FT10 against Sonic Fox. I wanna see how well you block all her mix ups on reaction.
You literally just said "we've discovered almost everything the game has to offer."

I agree, calling Reptile trash would be foolish. I mained CSZ all through MK9's life cycle and though I was too young to travel across the country to compete at the time, I was lucky enough to regularly play Smarr, Foxy, Pig, Brainstorm (Did he ever make it? Miss that guy), you don't have to tell me what it's like to play a sub par fighter on a competitive level.
Online. You genuinely think you were playing at a competitive level online. Huh. I don't even know what to say about that.
Right, and I'm sure the best combos for a number of fighters in MKX are still undiscovered too. In fact I recall saying almost exactly that in my last post, so I'm not sure what your point is exactly. Also, again with the words in my mouth, I don't recall saying a fighter is only as good as his combos. It seems you missed the first post I made, where I directly contradict that. Reptile is so good because of his set ups and the near endless opportunities he has for damage, I've known this this whole time. It seems everything you've said against me I either never said or even implied, or have already directly contradicted in a previous post. Are you even trying? "Lawl", what are we, 12?
Is that what 12 year-old say that? Lawl? Wow your 9gag generation keeps stealing everything. Anyway, I've been quoting you all this time. Also it seems that you can't keep track of who am I referring to. I'm not gonna repeat myself, because you see, to assume that me calling the JDM guy out is calling YOU out is getting old. Me saying that whatever he said is moronic apparently means ME saying that YOU said it.
You know what, you're right. I'm completely wrong to assume that after millions and millions of hours and millions and millions of games played with each character in this game, we've explored at least 50% of its current depth. I'm sure the game has so many little still hidden pieces of information that we've missed that will accumulate to a sum greater than the sum of what we know at this point. Because that's way more logical than what I think.
I remember when people cried an moaned about Kano during MK9, when you were a baby, and they got him nerfed to the ground. I remember when people cried about Flash and Bane and turned out they were top tier material. I remember when people were dropping unviable Sinestro until they figured a simple vortex MONTHS into the game and it turned out he was top tier. I remember when people used to say Kabal "wasn't that good" when the game came out, and Raiden was "top tier". So please, PLEASE stop assuming you know "everything about the game already". You don't. I don't. Nobody knows. Pretending to do so means you don't understand how the meta evolves. Now go to watch Brady vs Chris G at CEO 2011, 3 months after the came out when "almost everything the game had to offer had been discovered", and cry at how bad the gameplay is.
It's true the game is still very young, but we've discovered almost everything the game has to offer. Hundreds if not thousands of good players have tirelessly tested each fighter to produce the best results.
I just can't get over of how absolutely misguided this sentence is.


I placed at evo son. :3

25th in a game i barely played at the time. People think differently. Regardless of our credentials and how well we have done we all think differently. I don't think Reptile is too strong right now, so I'm testing other options out. There's really no need to be upset if I don't think he's great. Lol.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I placed at evo son. :3

25th in a game i barely played at the time. People think differently. Regardless of our credentials and how well we have done we all think differently. I don't think Reptile is too strong right now, so I'm testing other options out. There's really no need to be upset if I don't think he's great. Lol.
Me too son :3

25th places mean something now apparently.


I placed at evo son. :3

25th in a game i barely played at the time. People think differently. Regardless of our credentials and how well we have done we all think differently. I don't think Reptile is too strong right now, so I'm testing other options out. There's really no need to be upset if I don't think he's great. Lol.
Me too son :3

25th places mean something now apparently.
I didnt place at Evo :'( I didn't go


Me too son :3

25th places mean something now apparently.
Depends. How many entrants were in your tournaments? Who did you have to fight? Who was in your pool? Etc. etc.

Getting top 8 doesn't automatically grant you the ability to be a snobby dick to people. My 25th could have meant more than your top 8(s), depends how hard it actually was to get there.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Depends. How many entrants were in your tournaments? Who did you have to fight? Who was in your pool? Etc. etc.

Getting top 8 doesn't automatically grant you the ability to be a snobby dick to people. My 25th could have meant more than your top 8(s), depends how hard it actually was to get there.
I meant at Evo 2014.
Idk, NEC had like 120 I guess, what about KIT, SummerJam, WB? What do they have to do with anything? Are you turning this into a dick measuring contest? But yeah, getting 25th (which now that I think about it, I doubt it) doesn't mean you know everything day 8, or that you can make ridiculous statements like "drop the character for Kano and Kung Jin". Your snobby downplay is highly annoying.


No downplay, im telling it like it is. Kano and Kung Jin do what reptile does better. Also have better zoning tools.

And I thought you got fucked at summerjam by my teammate?? 3-0 is what I heard. :3


King of the Jobbers 2015
No downplay, im telling it like it is. Kano and Kung Jin do what reptile does better. Also have better zoning tools.

And I thought you got fucked at summerjam by my teammate?? 3-0 is what I heard. :3
Perfect Legend is your teammate? Cdjr? Relaxedstate? I thought you got fucked by... Oh wait nop no idea where you've been.


This is not meant to be a thread to complain but to voice my concerns to the other reptile mains and wonder if you all have the same thoughts. I feel like reptile has very low meterless damage with low/overhead especially. I feel like they wanted this character to revolve around mobility more than damage this time around, not saying its a bad thing but It will take some time to get in my head that EVERYTHING costs meter and I will have to setup lots of 50/50, also not a big fan that to get the most out of my variation(deceptive) I have to burn meter. so just to reiterate, I not complaining, just wondering if a small or large portion of my fellow reptile mains feel the same, looking forward to seeing the replies I get
I'd like to explain you 1 thing real quick. I come from street fighter and have been playing competitively for 2 years now. From my personal experience i can tell you that in order to consider a character good you must consider different aspects of it. The damage is just 1 of them along with: pokes, zoning, starters, mixup potential and mobility. Let's cover reptile in a bunch of words. He has a decent dmg considering 32% midscreen meterless combo, 36+ corner meterless combo, 20% from midscreen overhead and 28+% from low starter and a bar. Now you might think he lacks a bit of dmg but not too much. If u think about his pokes u will agree with me they are fast enough (f412, b2, b1d4 etc.) and have good range (f211+3). He punishes most specials on block with slide and EX slide. He has Insane pressure with overhead-low mixup since u combo off of both and are completely safe. Option selectiong EX fb on your lows you guarantee a combo with 1 bar and are completely safe on block without even wastin meter. The pressure you can apply with force balls is nonsense in most situations and im not even considering the nimble mixup potential. Personally I think reptile is high tier and even a minimum damage buff would make him incredibly overpowered; he already is perfect in terms of continuous pressure. Feel free to answer me if you have any doubt about what i've said. Peace


casual fighter
It might be boring, but each time you get a knock up as reptile, you can just f2.1.13 and ex it for follow up, or dont ex it to get a 50/50 game going.

Reptile can do a lot of pressure mixed with great speed and a lot of shenenigans up his sleeves


King of the Jobbers 2015
nah gpmoney boo. said you got real salty too lmfao
Pretty sure that was during the time when I went all in mk9 and no Injustice. Either way, he was a competent NW in a bad mu for GA in a FT2. So you're saying I should be embarrassed of having lost to your teammate? Are you saying he's trash or something? How full of yourself can you be that you're shitting on your own "teammates"?


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
You guys need to kiss and make up already. YOU'RE TEARING US (reptile players) APART!!!!!11111111111


Loses to uppercuts
I'm calling you out. Do a recorded FT10 against Sonic Fox. I wanna see how well you block all her mix ups on reaction.
You literally just said "we've discovered almost everything the game has to offer."
I'd love to get the chance to play against him. But your point once again is weak. One of the best if not the best player right now isn't equal to every good Mileena I've played so far. That's kinda why he's at the top, because he's proven to be better than almost everyone else. You'll need to make a more reliable comparison if you want your point to be strong.

And I'm not sure if you meant to put the line about me saying we've discovered almost all the game has to offer somewhere else, because it had nothing to do with this that statement, but regardless, It's factual that we have discovered the majority this game has to offer so far. How could you disagree? We went from having almost no knowledge, to having the entire game at our fingertips, and then 9 days on top of that to study everything. So yea we certainly have discovered most of what the game has to offer. You seem to be taking this as "we've discovered everything this game has to offer". There's still a lot to discover and learn and test and practice, but percentage wise we've explored most of it.

Online. You genuinely think you were playing at a competitive level online. Huh. I don't even know what to say about that. Is that what 12 year-old say that? Lawl? Wow your 9gag generation keeps stealing everything.
That's been every player's excuse since the time I started using this website to try to weaken my case. The "online", and my age. It's true I've never played against "pros" offline, but I've had a fair amount of experience against many decent players offline. I could punish very few things a little more consistently, and I could consistently d1 aa crossups, the only thing in the entire game that I couldn't do very consistently already in an online setting. Footsies didn't change, AA's didn't change, punishing didn't change, combos didn't change, pressure didn't change. I don't know if you have really bad internet or have the misfortune to play only against people with really bad internet, but there is almost nothing I can do offline that I can't do just as well online, given I'm playing with someone who also has a good connection. I'm more than positive this wont change your stance on the matter, since it's one of your two only excuses to try to weaken my claim, but at least understand it doesn't actually hold water. I'd also like you to note that the biggest and most competitive game the world has ever seen, "League of Legends", has players that spend 10-14 hours playing the game per day in a house full of their team playing against other pros online. League of Legends requires an equal level of speed and timing as fighting games, if not even at a higher level than fighting games. Though they don't require the level of timing and speed at all times throughout a game like fighting games do (LoL games last 30-60 minutes on average), the times when it's needed it's just as important if not more important than in fighting games. The LoL community loves to bitch about dumb shit trust me, but I've never heard someone complain about their online connection hindering the competitiveness of the game, unless they have like 200 ping of course.

I've never even been to 9gag and I'm pretty sure I forgot it existed like 9 years ago. But I offer my condolences, I was unaware that 9gag stole your verbalization of an acronym. You don't come off as immature for using it at all now.

Anyway, I've been quoting you all this time. Also it seems that you can't keep track of who am I referring to. I'm not gonna repeat myself, because you see, to assume that me calling the JDM guy out is calling YOU out is getting old. Me saying that whatever he said is moronic apparently means ME saying that YOU said it.
No, you have very much not been quoting me. The closest thing you've done to quoting (aside from using the literal quote system in the website to quote me and then still get what I was saying wrong) me is saying I said or implied things I never said or implied. Even worse saying I said things that I've already said previously in this damn thread I disagree with. I know it would be a lot of work just to understand how you've made yourself look stupid, but feel free to go back and read my previous posts where I said Reptile's combo damage in fact does NOT make him bad, but then you tell me I think fighters are only as good as there combo damage. This is only one example, but there are more if you feel like looking. And the one time I got you confused with blowing up OP and the other guy saying Reptile was bad I've already addressed, and that hasn't happened since then, so I'm not sure what you were talking about here.

I remember when people cried an moaned about Kano during MK9, when you were a baby, and they got him nerfed to the ground.
I was 16-17 when I couldn't travel across state to play with my online friends in local events, but I'm sure that "baby" comment made you feel superior in some way, since as far as this argument is going you have no room to feel anything but inferiority.

I remember when people cried about Flash and Bane and turned out they were top tier material. I remember when people were dropping unviable Sinestro until they figured a simple vortex MONTHS into the game and it turned out he was top tier. I remember when people used to say Kabal "wasn't that good" when the game came out, and Raiden was "top tier". So please, PLEASE stop assuming you know "everything about the game already". You don't. I don't. Nobody knows. Pretending to do so means you don't understand how the meta evolves.
So this is where your misinterpreting what I've been saying; I'm starting to understand. I agree with everything you said. And once again you seem to forget I said already in this thread that no fighters have any place yet in a tier system and nothing is set in stone. You jumped to that conclusion on your own without any help from me. All I said is we've discovered the majority that this game has to offer. I meant this in a more tangible sense, like combos and tech, not tiers and match ups. And this will be the fourth time I've said it, but we still have a lot to learn and discover (especially in terms of tiers and match ups), but we have certainly discovered most of what this game has to offer, in the tangible sense. I'm sure certain things we discover will drastically change the way some fighters are played and tiered, but that doesn't change the fact that what we've discovered up to this point as a whole is still greater.

Now go to watch Brady vs Chris G at CEO 2011, 3 months after the came out when "almost everything the game had to offer had been discovered", and cry at how bad the gameplay is.
I'm sure it was. I didn't play Injustice, I took a break after MK9 and mostly just watched from time to time. And I'm sure tournies 3 months after this game's release will also be pretty bad compared to the end of the game's life cycle. I'm not seeing how this is a point against my previous statements. I said we still have much to learn, and even more than that, we have to practice and get consistent and practice tech and set ups and combos that we haven't discovered yet, and make tier lists and flesh out match ups.

I just can't get over of how absolutely misguided this sentence is.
Couldn't get over it so much so that you couldn't even form a logical reason as to why it's inaccurate. Probably because all the rationality lays on my side. I'll mention again that this thread was designed to talk about Reptile combos. And when I said we've discovered most of what this game has to offer, I was talking about the tangible stuff inside the game, like combos and tech and set ups etc. I wasn't talking about the stuff that we the players do outside of the game to raise the competitive bar. On that front I agree, we've only scratched the surface.


Pretty sure that was during the time when I went all in mk9 and no Injustice. Either way, he was a competent NW in a bad mu for GA in a FT2. So you're saying I should be embarrassed of having lost to your teammate? Are you saying he's trash or something? How full of yourself can you be that you're shitting on your own "teammates"?
Lol defintely not shitting on him. You're just mad you got fucked its ok bb