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Louisiana MK Kommunion Tournament Results/Shoutouts


Dojo Trainee
Thanks dude, I'll be ok. Yea man it's no problem, I take nothing personally when people get salty. Preciate the complements man we will play again soon. I think what you need to do is learn the matchup just look into it a little bit. Flame can take some getting used to. Other than that you did great yourself. Can't believe you beat my boy 3PiecesOfBread because I was worried about him the most coming in. His Sonya is disgusting. I look forward to our next match.
And for anyone that wants to know why eklectic was so worried, check out our epic first to 10 set after the tournament where I showed Sektor who's boss, lol. Just trolling you man, grats on another awesome tournament win. Sonya is going to make you break that stick in half one day.

FT10 set starts 57 minutes in. Post tournament casuals:

I just realized while watching the archive that there was no actual game sound coming through. Sorry about that, I had no idea until just now or I would have fixed it before the tournament. I barely got there on time and had to scramble to throw everything together, and I barely know what I'm doing still with the stream.

Grolarbears - I needed that runback after you knocked me out at Red September. Your Noob still scares the shit out of me every round we fight.

C88_Nitemare - I hate you. Haha kidding. I evened the score with Grolarbears from Red September, and you evened the score with me at this one. Awesome shit. Gonna be badass when you move closer and you're able to start training with us.

o-BEEF_SUPREME-o - Was awesome meeting you. Was kicking myself the rest of the night after you knocked me out of losers after I knocked you into losers. Awesome shit. I hate Sub Zero matchups. You also have an awesome vaporizer.

BTK HY3NA - Ran an awesome event and you always bring hype.

Ermaculate_Slim - Tournaments are always way more sick when you're there stomping faces.

Kaymai - Sorry you weren't able to make it with your car trouble. Next month's should be right around the corner from you in Lafayette though.

Extra shoutouts to the stray dog that kept hanging out by the door.

Shoutouts to Metal Gear Solid ! text alert sounds.

Can't wait for the one next month. They're aiming to hold it in Lafayette, which will be a lot easier on travel for Texas (and us New Orleans/Baton Rouge people). Hopefully Houston can make it out to that one with their whole crew in addition to Dallas. Wouldn't mind getting the Arkansas and Mississippi people to come down too, I think this could grow into something pretty big over time for the Gulf Coast region.

Shouts to everyone that watched the stream and subscribed and all that shit, and everyone else that showed up that I may have missed. We stream casuals a lot too on the channel, so stay tuned for more of that.

And last but not least, shoutouts to Quaker Oatmeal. It's the right thing to do. I know this because Wilford Brimley told me so back in the 90s.


My blades will find your heart
And for anyone that wants to know why eklectic was so worried, check out our epic first to 10 set after the tournament where I showed Sektor who's boss, lol. Just trolling you man, grats on another awesome tournament win. Sonya is going to make you break that stick in half one day.

FT10 set starts 57 minutes in. Post tournament casuals:

I just realized while watching the archive that there was no actual game sound coming through. Sorry about that, I had no idea until just now or I would have fixed it before the tournament. I barely got there on time and had to scramble to throw everything together, and I barely know what I'm doing still with the stream.

Grolarbears - I needed that runback after you knocked me out at Red September. Your Noob still scares the shit out of me every round we fight.

C88_Nitemare - I hate you. Haha kidding. I evened the score with Grolarbears from Red September, and you evened the score with me at this one. Awesome shit. Gonna be badass when you move closer and you're able to start training with us.

o-BEEF_SUPREME-o - Was awesome meeting you. Was kicking myself the rest of the night after you knocked me out of losers after I knocked you into losers. Awesome shit. I hate Sub Zero matchups. You also have an awesome vaporizer.

BTK HY3NA - Ran an awesome event and you always bring hype.

Ermaculate_Slim - Tournaments are always way more sick when you're there stomping faces.

Kaymai - Sorry you weren't able to make it with your car trouble. Next month's should be right around the corner from you in Lafayette though.

Extra shoutouts to the stray dog that kept hanging out by the door.

Shoutouts to Metal Gear Solid ! text alert sounds.

Can't wait for the one next month. They're aiming to hold it in Lafayette, which will be a lot easier on travel for Texas (and us New Orleans/Baton Rouge people). Hopefully Houston can make it out to that one with their whole crew in addition to Dallas. Wouldn't mind getting the Arkansas and Mississippi people to come down too, I think this could grow into something pretty big over time for the Gulf Coast region.

Shouts to everyone that watched the stream and subscribed and all that shit, and everyone else that showed up that I may have missed. We stream casuals a lot too on the channel, so stay tuned for more of that.

And last but not least, shoutouts to Quaker Oatmeal. It's the right thing to do. I know this because Wilford Brimley told me so back in the 90s.
Uh...not from what I am seeing. From Dallas to Lafayette is like a 6 hour drive, according to google maps.


Dojo Trainee
Uh...not from what I am seeing. From Dallas to Lafayette is like a 6 hour drive, according to google maps.
Hmm, I dunno then. How long was your drive yesterday? I think they're looking at Lafayette because it's a more "central" location for the region as a whole than Ruston. I have nothing to do with the TO stuff though. I just bring the stream equipment and then try to beat peoples' asses.


My blades will find your heart
Hmm, I dunno then. How long was your drive yesterday? I think they're looking at Lafayette because it's a more "central" location for the region as a whole than Ruston. I have nothing to do with the TO stuff though. I just bring the stream equipment and then try to beat peoples' asses.
It was a four hour drive.

Lafayette might be the best for LA people, but im just saying I dont think anyone is going to drive 6 hours to and back.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
And for anyone that wants to know why eklectic was so worried, check out our epic first to 10 set after the tournament where I showed Sektor who's boss, lol. Just trolling you man, grats on another awesome tournament win. Sonya is going to make you break that stick in half one day.

FT10 set starts 57 minutes in. Post tournament casuals:

o-BEEF_SUPREME-o - Was awesome meeting you. Was kicking myself the rest of the night after you knocked me out of losers after I knocked you into losers. Awesome shit. I hate Sub Zero matchups. You also have an awesome vaporizer.

You too man. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, after getting bodied that first fight, I was out for blood lol. But your scorpion is no fucking joke. I still can't believe I was jumping in that match-up. Your anti-cross up d1's are really good too man, that really stood out to me. And great job with the stream man. The tourney would not have been near as hype with out us being able to put it out there to the people, and you provided that. I really hope you can make it to D-Town BeatDown with the other LA guys. I had an absolute blast playing you bro.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
This thread makes me proud of our scene, and that LA is getting noticed. It was a hell of a treat to watch...and stream monster....this event.


Fuck you; fight me.
Getting really drunk tonight.

Doing shoutouts tomorrow.

for right now, thank you for those who attended, and watched online.


inside of this girl is a beast
It was a four hour drive.

Lafayette might be the best for LA people, but im just saying I dont think anyone is going to drive 6 hours to and back.
CUZ IT'S THE HUB CITY YO! this is where all louisiana events should be goin down at. I can set up some things over at Play-N-Trade, Anime and Games Central, Power Up gaming lounge, all sorts of places.

DJ L Toro

CUZ IT'S THE HUB CITY YO! this is where all louisiana events should be goin down at. I can set up some things over at Play-N-Trade, Anime and Games Central, Power Up gaming lounge, all sorts of places.
*Looks at your location* sounds like someone cant be inconvenienced to leave their own city.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So players will fly across the country to attend things like CEO or UFGT, but not a long drive to a tournament that is closer and more cost-efficient?

How backwards.

DJ L Toro

So players will fly across the country to attend things like CEO or UFGT, but not a long drive to a tournament that is closer and more cost-efficient?

How backwards.
Cant tell if you're referencing kaymal or me. Dallas drove out 4 hours either way for this tournament. kaymal, a local, was nowhere to be seen.
And how's it backwards to travel for a major with more top players, bigger prizes, and more recognition? it's like saying you shouldnt (assuming you can) play in the NBA because you can drive to pickup games with your friends.

All i'm saying with this post is that we (DFW) support the tournaments that we can and save for tournaments that we want to go to. If adding 2 hours in either direction means we cant go to that tournament then that's what it means (because 12 hours in one day is a hell of a lot more exhausting than 8. if you dont believe me then why have i not seen you at every dallas local?) and there's no point making a fuss about it.


inside of this girl is a beast
*Looks at your location* sounds like someone cant be inconvenienced to leave their own city.
when you're a broke bitch with a jacked up car then yea, its a little harder for me to go places. when i was in austin all i had to do was go downtown to arcade UFO to play. here i'm at least able to provide for people. i can get pizza and a location to play at.


inside of this girl is a beast
well theres already a group of people in lafayette trying to build a community big enough to have a major


inside of this girl is a beast
well then i guess i'll just keep playing with the one guy i know here. or when i move back to austin i'll be going to arcadeUFO.