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Looking for a MK Fightstick in the UK


I'm in need of a fightstick. I currently have a Madcatz Fightpad, and while it actually works really well for me, playing online with it is impossible. For a start, I have the middle buttons as my block and throw, the buttons on the left for punches and the buttons on the right for kicks. So, just like the layout for the classic Arcade Machines, totally different to the "default controls".

Only, there's a 50/50 chance that when I hit something like 1+2 in a combo, the game will sometimes desync. I've learned this is due to the game not reading button mapping correctly.

So i'm itching to get a good Fight Stick, as I know you can manually readjust the button layout. I do admit, the MK TE FightStick looks good, but it seems really hard to find. I'm also in the UK and i've been hunting for sticks the last two days without much success. I don't really want to import from another country.

Even if MK FightSticks aren't available, i'd even consider one of the SF sticks, but im not sure what is considered good for MK9.

Are there any UK members, or even EU members that recommend somewhere I can get a good FightStick from? Appreciate any pointers/places anyone can point me to in the right direction.


mmm.... you could try www.gremlinsolutions.co.uk... They do have fightsticks, not sure which ones though. Give em a try mate if you haven't already!!! They are legit as I've been to their offices in Morecambe.
Thanks for the link mate, im on there now.

I swear, using this pad is like a handicap now. The d-pad is going on it, I cant use certain combos for fear of desyncs. Sooner I get a stick the better!


Sorry for the double post, but thanks for that link, DK.

After much searching, watching videos, etc, i've plumped for the QanBa Q4RAF Arcade Fighting Stick.

Actually a bit psyched for it's arrival now!


You have ordered a Q4RAF? I'm jealous. :coffee:
Well it's my first fight stick. The last time I played on anything like a stick would have been in a arcade, literally YEARS AGO!

Time will tell if this will be a good first choice, though from the videos I watched, all I found was nothing but praise for this. I like how the buttons are nice and close together, and I got it for a fairly reasonable price (£100). I came into a nice Tax Refund recently so decided to treat myself!

I actually quite like the plain, black and shiney look. I may do something with it later, but I quite like the look as it is now.


"More deadly than the dawn"
I'm in need of a fightstick. I currently have a Madcatz Fightpad, and while it actually works really well for me, playing online with it is impossible. For a start, I have the middle buttons as my block and throw, the buttons on the left for punches and the buttons on the right for kicks. So, just like the layout for the classic Arcade Machines, totally different to the "default controls".

Only, there's a 50/50 chance that when I hit something like 1+2 in a combo, the game will sometimes desync. I've learned this is due to the game not reading button mapping correctly.

So i'm itching to get a good Fight Stick, as I know you can manually readjust the button layout. I do admit, the MK TE FightStick looks good, but it seems really hard to find. I'm also in the UK and i've been hunting for sticks the last two days without much success. I don't really want to import from another country.

Even if MK FightSticks aren't available, i'd even consider one of the SF sticks, but im not sure what is considered good for MK9.

Are there any UK members, or even EU members that recommend somewhere I can get a good FightStick from? Appreciate any pointers/places anyone can point me to in the right direction.
i won a klassic mortal kombat stick a month or so ago, i'm selling it if you're interested? it's pretty much completely unused.

EDIT: just saw you have one now, my mistake!


Aquaman is dead lel
Well it's my first fight stick. The last time I played on anything like a stick would have been in a arcade, literally YEARS AGO!

Time will tell if this will be a good first choice, though from the videos I watched, all I found was nothing but praise for this. I like how the buttons are nice and close together, and I got it for a fairly reasonable price (£100). I came into a nice Tax Refund recently so decided to treat myself!

I actually quite like the plain, black and shiney look. I may do something with it later, but I quite like the look as it is now.
I have a MadCatz TE-S, but I'd really like to buy a Q4. The buttons and the stick are the same great sanwa parts, but this one is dualmodded out of the box.

Dark Kobra

Hitbox™ Enthusiast
Glad I could be of service Sir!!!

Hope you enjoy your new stick and post a review if you can!


I'm on holiday from work at the moment, and im literally going to be like a kid at christmas, running downstairs to see if it's arrived over the next few days.


Dojo Trainee
I have both the Qanba Q4RAF and the Madcatz TE-S. I had been using the TE stick for some time before the Qanba came in. I like both very much but for some reason my execution wasn't as good on the Qanba as it was on the TE. I could do Rain's champagne-corner-combo consistently with the TE but had trouble with it on the Qanba.

I thought the stick had to be played in but I decided to switch these parts so I had the perfect dual modded stick. But strangely enough the problem persisted! Maybe the placement on the stick needs getting used to or something, I dunno.

But I'm on hitbox now and once I've dual-modded it, it will be my butterknive.


afaik, lever height is slightly different between Q4 and TE

sanwa parts should be the same too.. jlf for the lever and osb30 for the buttons

from the Q4, beside the great builtin dual mod, i love the carrying handle.. great if you need this fightstick to be carried around during tournaments


Well i've never played on a TE Stick, so I wont have any basis for comparison.

Im currently using a Madcatz FightPad and i have my right hand in the "claw" position, that is, I use my fingers rather than my thumb for button inputs. This is a method i've always used for pads and fighting games, so changing to a stick I should have no problem in that aspect....just using my left hand for a stick instead of a d-pad again after so long may take a little getting used to.

I also heard people say there is a difference in what kind of Gate to use, square or octagon. I also heard some people prefer baseball bats over lolipops for sticks. I'm really stoked you can customise these bad boys.

I use custom control settings on this game, and I heard that using a madcatz pad with custom controls can cause desyncs because the game doesnt recognise button mapping, and im 100% certain this is the case. Some combos that require pressing two buttons can trigger desyncs and that is so frustrating as it's like I have to handicap myself in a match for fear of desyncing if I use a certain combo. At least now, I can remap the buttons in my stick. Also, having a bigger buttons means I wont accidently hit other buttons by accident as I sometimes do on my pad, as I use plinking a lot in my combo strings.

Those hitbox controllers look amazing, and it was like those things were designed with this game in mind. Sadly, they only make them for PC and PS3, and im on a 360.


Dojo Trainee
I think I read that Q4's are square gated.
They are square gated by default but you can order the octagonal gates with gremlinsolutions also. I would definitely recommend these. They are very easy to install.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I've been thinking of picking up a Q4, but I'm gonna be patient and wait for the 360 Hitboxes to restock instead.


Dojo Trainee
I've been thinking of picking up a Q4, but I'm gonna be patient and wait for the 360 Hitboxes to restock instead.
I was waiting for the 360 ones to be stocked again but I figured I could just dual-mod it myself. I´m just going to replace the Cthulu inside for a Cthulu MC and convert to 360 from the ps2-out using xTokki converter.

By the time the 360 versions are available, the xbox1080 will probably be out and you need to mod it yourself anyway. :)


Well it arrived about an hour ago! :D

So i've been in the lab using it, and really...I feel like a duck to water! The only thing is, sometimes i'm a little bit erractic with the stick and inadvertantly jump during a dash, but im going to put that down to not having used a stick for some time.

I feel like I can do Baraka and CSZ strings, much, MUCH easier now! Sindel and Nightwolf feel a little off, but again, I just chalk that up to not having used this enough.

It feels very comfortable. I've just been playing with it in a chair with the stick on my lap and it doesn't feel heavy and there is no grazing on the wrists from the edges or uncomfortableness. My right hand feels a shade stiff because it's covering a wider area with these buttons but I think i'll get used to that.

It even came with a nice mic!

Overall, very, VERY happy with this! Going to go give a trial in ranked in awhile. I think within a week i'll be 100% at home with this!


Haha, nice!

Shura did you start playing this game with a pad?

Because I played a few games with my stick in Ranked and got destroyed. My spacing feels all over the place. Dashing back, forwards, crouching, jumping...it all feels weird with the stick compared to my pad. Hopefully i'll get used to that, or maybe I need an octagon gate rather than a square?

Doing combos is no problem. Just my spacing feels a bit strange.


i've got a fightstick since the old neogeo/mvs games (king of fighters, garou, motw etc)
that was a modded dreamcast one

i got the q4 for the dual mod and to get rid of my ghetto 360 adapter (hacked pad entangled in wires and duct tape)

the sanwa lever throw so the square gate might feel a little ankward at first
you will mostly jump while dashing back and forward :p

i used the octagonal gate for 8way games
switched back to the square one for iaGBs LOL
i don't suggest you to switch gate

try to grip the lever with your thumb on the balltop and the shaft between middle/index or middle/ring finger
you just need practice to adjust thumb movements and wrist rotation


i've got a fightstick since the old neogeo/mvs games (king of fighters, garou, motw etc)
that was a modded dreamcast one

i got the q4 for the dual mod and to get rid of my ghetto 360 adapter (hacked pad entangled in wires and duct tape)

the sanwa lever throw so the square gate might feel a little ankward at first
you will mostly jump while dashing back and forward :p

i used the octagonal gate for 8way games
switched back to the square one for iaGBs LOL
i don't suggest you to switch gate

try to grip the lever with your thumb on the balltop and the shaft between middle/index or middle/ring finger
you just need practice to adjust thumb movements and wrist rotation
YES! Sometimes I dash and I jump by accident! Also if I neutral jump i'll sometimes jump back or forward! I hope that's just inexperience, I mean the last time I used a stick would have been like, 10 years ago, when Arcades still existed.


Aquaman is dead lel
YES! Sometimes I dash and I jump by accident! Also if I neutral jump i'll sometimes jump back or forward! I hope that's just inexperience, I mean the last time I used a stick would have been like, 10 years ago, when Arcades still existed.
Within a few weeks you can play MK perfectly with it and do jumps and dashes without problem.