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Looking for a good UMK3 player to help me improve

I just recently got UMK3 for XBLA and was instantly hooked. I obviously played the game as a kid but was never that into it.

Basically i'm looking for someone that I can play with that could show me some things. I usually use either kabal, hsmoke or sindel as those are the only character I feel very confident with.

my gamertag is Pharcyd3 and i'm on all the time ( including now )

( i realized i initially posted this in the wrong section )


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And again, this is a thread where you are asking people to play against you so it belongs in the match making forum. If you were asking specific questions about game mechanics, it'd be ok to post it here.
abc ur dead0 said:
You sent me a friends request and I denied it because I thought you were another account of Darxyd3 :oops:

Send me another one please.
I second this :oops:

Send me another one too. I come in the "training from abc" package lately.
abc ur dead0 said:
You sent me a friends request and I denied it because I thought you were another account of Darxyd3 :oops:

Send me another one please.
That guy posts at one of my favorite forums...is he bad or something?
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
You sent me a friends request and I denied it because I thought you were another account of Darxyd3 :oops:

Send me another one please.
That guy posts at one of my favorite forums...is he bad or something?
lol. I dunno, ask this site what they think of him :roll:
abc ur dead0 said:
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
You sent me a friends request and I denied it because I thought you were another account of Darxyd3 :oops:

Send me another one please.
That guy posts at one of my favorite forums...is he bad or something?
lol. I dunno, ask this site what they think of him :roll:
Oh dear. He's not my favorite person by far, but I never saw this side of him...although he did drop from the one game room I was in with him. :shock:
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
You sent me a friends request and I denied it because I thought you were another account of Darxyd3 :oops:

Send me another one please.
That guy posts at one of my favorite forums...is he bad or something?
lol. I dunno, ask this site what they think of him :roll:
Oh dear. He's not my favorite person by far, but I never saw this side of him...although he did drop from the one game room I was in with him. :shock:
Oh dear?

Who are you, an 80 year old southern woman? :lol:

I do declare!
DARXYD3 said:
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
You sent me a friends request and I denied it because I thought you were another account of Darxyd3 :oops:

Send me another one please.
That guy posts at one of my favorite forums...is he bad or something?
lol. I dunno, ask this site what they think of him :roll:
Oh dear. He's not my favorite person by far, but I never saw this side of him...although he did drop from the one game room I was in with him. :shock:
Oh dear?

Who are you, an 80 year old southern woman? :lol:

I do declare!
Hahaha any any hate I had for DARXYD3 went out the door after that one. Hahaha funny shit.
DARXYD3 said:
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
Web Slinger said:
abc ur dead0 said:
You sent me a friends request and I denied it because I thought you were another account of Darxyd3 :oops:

Send me another one please.
That guy posts at one of my favorite forums...is he bad or something?
lol. I dunno, ask this site what they think of him :roll:
Oh dear. He's not my favorite person by far, but I never saw this side of him...although he did drop from the one game room I was in with him. :shock:
Oh dear?

Who are you, an 80 year old southern woman? :lol:

I do declare!
Now I know you don't be makin fun o the way I talk, youngin