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LLL.Taco Wins Tournament @ Taco's



Today's Tourament @ Taco's was one hell of a time! With players from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and U.K. coming together to brawl it out, it was bound to be hype. Luckily, things went smoothly and it definitely didn't disappoint.

T-POD and I faced each other in grand finals where he manager to reset the bracket on me, but failed to win the tournament. Thanks for everyone who came out. We had some insanely good matches.

For those who missed it, you can watch the entire broadcast here: http://www.twitch.tv/lll_taco/v/12195030

Results: http://challonge.com/Tournament_Taco_Top16
1) LLL.Taco (@rubmytaco) - Grandmaster Sub-Zero / Tempest Kung Lao
2) T-POD (@T-POD) - Boneshaper / Imposter Shinnok
3) DeviruJinn - Hellfire Scorpion
4) AssassiN (@AssassiN) - Dragonfire Liu Kang
5) Tha_Phoenix - Tempest / Buzzsaw Kung Lao
5) Grs_Haze (@Grs_Haze) - Shaolin / Bojutsu Kung Jin
7) LordSpinal (@lordspinalkillerinstinct) - Tempest / Buzzsaw Kung Lao
7) Quagmire - Possessed Kenshi
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He is not my main even though i have that name
This tournament was so much fun I had a blast GGS to everyone
well done taco and congratz on your victory
looking forward to part2 Oh yeah